Recent content by MrPopocap

  1. MrPopocap

    I see the problem...

    You can post Fanfiction here on SH. In fact, everything I wrote is a fanfic, so you're good to post.
  2. MrPopocap

    I love writing, but I hate posting the chapters.

    I feel you. I write a good chapter with 2k words in 2 hours on a good day. But when I go editing ... I lost at least 3 hours. And in the middle of doing it, I try to write more and the chapter needs more editing.
  3. MrPopocap

    Your MC needs to make a successful musical or else the town is destroyed

    The MC must sing all of the Persona 5 OST, only then he will save the universe!!!
  4. MrPopocap

    Would you post on WebNovel?

    It could be that all the my works are fanfics, but I was never offered a contract. Even if they did offer me one, I would reject it anyway. And yes you can post there with no trouble, for free, no contract binding you. If it's worth... that depends on you, what you're looking for and if you...
  5. MrPopocap

    Would you post on WebNovel?

    If you want to post there, just go ahead. I post all my fanfic on WB and RR, and nothing wrong came out of that. However, if your aim is to have a contract with them, the story is different. I mean, they are known to have horrible contracts that fuck over the writer, so. If your goal is just...
  6. MrPopocap

    Need help with deciding whether a character lives or dies

    Kill him and pass the troubles he had to Myla ( his powers, insanity, etc), making her sort of forgive him in future chapters ( as she realized he was crazy, lunatic , his struggles, etc) while also making her controling the power he had better than him, proving to everyone else she was better...
  7. MrPopocap

    Recommendations Recommend me a book about MC creating worlds.

    The Game Cafe in Marvel and DC I think it fits what youre looking for. A good fanfic btw
  8. MrPopocap

    I finished a 70k word fanfic!

    Why would there be any fanfic hate? Fanfics are good , if not better then original stories. Also , congrats 👏
  9. MrPopocap

    How often should I publish new chapter?

    If you want to gain readers fast , I recommend stockpiling at least 50 chapters and release them daily , to gather eyes on you story. After you gain what you think it's enough readers, 2-3 chapters a week is the normal.
  10. MrPopocap

    Your favorite cat(egories) OwO

    That's kinda cute ngl.
  11. MrPopocap

    OK, who do I bribe or what do I have to do to get my new Fanfic on Trendings?

    So ... smut, BL & GL, gender bender? Well , I dont have that, so I guess I'm never going to go on trending, huh.
  12. MrPopocap

    OK, who do I bribe or what do I have to do to get my new Fanfic on Trendings?

    No one likes boring things , so I run away from that. But, procastinanting is soooo good... writing 3 chapters a week is my limit. The other 4 days I don't even touch my fic, or I might die.
  13. MrPopocap

    OK, who do I bribe or what do I have to do to get my new Fanfic on Trendings?

    Instructions unclear, I gave it 5 stars on every fic; So, theres nothing I can do but wait and see how things go? .... Shit