Nahrenne's latest activity

  • Nahrenne
    Nahrenne commented on LuoirM's profile post.
    'o' Ohhhh But wouldn't just touching your reverse scale do the job, in that regard? :blob_frown: X
  • Nahrenne
    Nahrenne reacted to Prince_Azmiran_Myrian's comment on LuoirM's profile post with Wow Wow.
    hmm. Sometimes people are sad when they do that. Sometimes do it because they are sad. Or mad. Here I think Luoir is just trying to get...
  • Nahrenne
    Nahrenne replied to the thread SHF High-school Fanfic.
    Thanks *gives you a chibi daikon keyring and phone charm* (^-^) *relaxes with the cup of tea* :blob_melt: X
  • Nahrenne
    Nahrenne reacted to Azure_Fog's post in the thread SHF High-school Fanfic with Like Like.
    zzz… noooo… nnnn… I agree~ Why would I~? Ssemouy is her own person and allowed to make choices~ … *hands Scarlet Apple* *your lock of...
  • Nahrenne
    Nahrenne commented on LuoirM's profile post.
    What Luoir said they'd furiously do. '-' X
  • Nahrenne
    Nahrenne commented on LuoirM's profile post.
    Aren't people usually happy when they m? :blob_frown: X
  • Nahrenne
    Nahrenne replied to the thread SHF High-school Fanfic.
    *huggles* I'll get wet with you, then Yeah, the team developing it definitely are giving it a lot of love and thought *huggles* X
  • Nahrenne
    Nahrenne reacted to Simple_Russian_Boi's post in the thread SHF High-school Fanfic with Like Like.
    That sounds like a very solid and thought out story tbh. Now I kinda regret not giving it a look sooner because of the community...
  • Nahrenne
    Nahrenne replied to the thread SHF High-school Fanfic.
    Yeah, I did say it gets really dark :sweat_smile: A lot of it is environmental storytelling, though As well as from the notes and...
  • Nahrenne
    Nahrenne reacted to Simple_Russian_Boi's post in the thread SHF High-school Fanfic with Like Like.
    That's dark. I think I start to get where the horror comes from now. Seeing someone/something like Kissy eat people is unnerving...
  • Nahrenne
    Nahrenne replied to the thread SHF High-school Fanfic.
    They did. However. They never wanted to harm the children. '-' Also, they ate all the dead staff they killed during the Hour of Joy '-'...
  • Nahrenne
    Nahrenne reacted to Simple_Russian_Boi's post in the thread SHF High-school Fanfic with Like Like.
    Didn't the Toys start eating each other when there was a shortage of food? When the staff stopped going down to get more toy parts, I...
  • Nahrenne
    Nahrenne reacted to Simple_Russian_Boi's post in the thread SHF High-school Fanfic with Wow Wow.
    Just... Trust me on this... All I say is that he's being horny on main...
  • Nahrenne
    Nahrenne replied to the thread SHF High-school Fanfic.
    Ah, the orphans weren't targeted during the Hour of Joy It was the staff and adults '-' The children were kept safe and are -...
  • Nahrenne
    Nahrenne reacted to Simple_Russian_Boi's post in the thread SHF High-school Fanfic with Like Like.
    Not so much after the hour of joy... Why did they eat eachother...? Wouldn't it be easier to escape the factory? Ah. No. Got to the...