Recent content by Navtz

  1. Navtz

    1 chap author

    I feel guilty but I did write more than one even if it's not posted, is that enough of an excuse? And I plan to post again soon. Personally, I only start reading when there's at least 3 chapters since that's where I drop what I dislike.
  2. Navtz

    What is your favorite subject in school? (Joke answers please)

    I was expecting someone to say "Shooting" or something, I'm disappointed. Mine would be biology, as I tenaciously tried to get good grades whilst learning absolutely nothing from my teacher, good times.
  3. Navtz

    What art do you normally commission?

    For me, it would depend on the extent that I like the art style. There was one guy making characters designs for $300 that I saw back then, and his art would never reach that value to me. I think it was something about how he draws feet. Btw I don't plan on spending money on this hobby haha.
  4. Navtz

    Is this considered a harem?

    Why would that be abuse? From his description it seemed pretty normal for a romance story, kinda different but there was an Adam Sandler movie with that woman who forgets everything, I can't remember but it was a sweet relationship... Nah, I can't remember.
  5. Navtz

    How's you handwriting?

  6. Navtz

    Yet another free feedback thread.

    @SailusGebel Ouch, my guts. Thanks for the feedback, seems like I need to rewrite everything and study a little more for others to enjoy my story. You pointed out some things I did on purpose and didn't even consider as a problem as well. I'll slowly work on that then and thanks again sir!
  7. Navtz

    Found someone who downgrade novels by dropping everything after one chapter

    Nah, not really contemplating that. I have done it as well, reading only the first chapter and dropping. But I enjoy seeing the numbers and thinking about what or how can I change the story to be more appealing and fun, it's not about being universally liked since I am just a common man. I...
  8. Navtz

    Found someone who downgrade novels by dropping everything after one chapter

    Personally, the one I recently started writing has 1 in dropped and 1 in completed but it only makes me wonder why and how could I have done it better. If it is only one person dropping and he's not really insulting or anything it's not a real problem.
  9. Navtz

    Where evil triumphs

    If you divide the world in black and white, gray becomes black since it can't be white. But that's my view. And I then recommend Summoned Slaughterer, if you have read this one I'll just say we are alike and stop here.
  10. Navtz

    Where evil triumphs

    Have you read Dungeon Defense? I consider every characters there to be evil in some way. So evil always wins.
  11. Navtz

    Study and Novel

    Try to watch some shorts and reset your mind? If you're getting distracted I assume you spent some time studying and need a break. I have yet to regret procrastinating my studies for any reason so I have never acted on this advice.
  12. Navtz

    Yet another free feedback thread.

    Yo, this seems fun. If it's still going can you gut me as well? Leaving the review here is fine, link!