Recent content by SeeCee

  1. S

    Lets say, hypothetical, I got my uterus removed

    Your name suggests that you're a trash writer, your joke suggests that you're a trash joker. I'm willing to believe that both are true. Don't ever cook again. And the answer is No, you will not have periods.
  2. S

    Amazing Covers and How The Daggarbincles to Get One

    Unrelated to anything here, but that astronaut drawing is so fucking cool. Respect
  3. S

    Thoughts on how to improve my synopsis, and what you think of what I already have.

    Do you have something against Mr. Semicolon? He's crying cause of you. Thank you, I've been reading a lotta Ancient Rome novels lately, it's synopsis style rubbed into me lmao
  4. S

    Thoughts on how to improve my synopsis, and what you think of what I already have.

    Title: How Spartans Are Made "In Sparta, we were taken from our homes as children and raised in the Agoge. We marched or we drowned. Fought for scraps or starved. Our elders beat us 'til we could not stand. At night we made our way home, alone; or were food for the wolves." Kratos, Sparta's...
  5. S

    New Story Idea, Whaddya think? God Of War Inspired.

    What a nice way of telling me that I have trauma 🗿
  6. S

    New Story Idea, Whaddya think? God Of War Inspired.

    Chad, the God Of Strength, is betrayed by the Gods. He seeks refuge in the mortal realm as his family is murdered, all as a ploy from the God Of Trickery. His status as God is revoked along with his divine powers, all that is left is his mountainous skillful experience in warfare and fueled...
  7. S

    scribblehub forum is scaring me

    scribblehub forum is scaring me
  8. S

    At the end of each chapter, for the sake of the authors, a "What do you think" decision box with multiple emotions, doesn't have to be significant.

    I love how you just used angry emotes as a random example. Yes though, that's a valid point that I wasn't thinking about, disregard this suggestion.
  9. S

    At the end of each chapter, for the sake of the authors, a "What do you think" decision box with multiple emotions, doesn't have to be significant.

    Emojis can be changed from the scribblehub typical emotes. This feature would be great for those who don't prefer to talk, and if an author, or perhaps other readers would like to see a shared emotional opinion on the events of a chapter, one could simply "tap" on what they think. Authors...
  10. S

    Can someone critique my synopsis

    Your edit is nice, I'll certainly take some aspects. Thanks mate <33 I haven't seen the Eagle yet, but I'm definitely gonna watch it as soon as I can. Ceasar looks funny in Asterix and Obelix 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀
  11. S

    My first story, am i doing good?

    what's* ui? and how was it bad
  12. S

    Can someone critique my synopsis

    It's a satirical comedy story, going for informal. Thanks for the feedback bro