Recent content by thedefector

  1. thedefector

    Recent Uploads Glitch

    Hello, I uploaded my chapter 20 min ago but now it's showing 2 hours ago in the recent uploads.
  2. thedefector

    Webnovel Contracts

    I am not from WN & I got no better name than a potato so, just winged it.
  3. thedefector

    Webnovel Contracts

    They outright agreed that they prefer quantity over quality.
  4. thedefector

    Webnovel Contracts

    We should ask Pwediepie for this.
  5. thedefector

    Webnovel Contracts

  6. thedefector

    Webnovel Contracts

    I was just talking with them in the chat & the reply was this. My novel is ranked #41 in scribble but thought why not try that shit & that happened.
  7. thedefector

    Thank you.

    Thank you.
  8. thedefector

    Webnovel Contracts

    Exactly that's why it works so well. And small writer like us fell for it. Wow
  9. thedefector

    Webnovel Contracts

  10. thedefector

    Webnovel Contracts

    What do you guys think of this & the whole Webnovel Contract thing?