Scribble Hub Forum

Your cycles of never-ending suffering as you fall behind the writing schedule and a brief respite when you catch up to it is my favorite drama right now. It invokes so many emotions with so few actions done. Truly a masterpiece.
Haha, glad I can provide some free entertainment for you! Here, let me add to it: I missed my word count goal by exactly 9982 words last month. It was the first time this year and I don't even have an excuse for it *sigh* This month, I'm behind by 5888 words but I have decided to make up for those today! :blob_blank: And then I'll also make up for last month's missing words ... but not today :blobrofl:
I won't say that it's entertainment per se. You mostly make me feel bad by flexing how much you write and by saying that you have depression\mood swings, whatever you want to call it. So I usually get a double serving of negative feelings. The reason I've written that nonsense before was to try and cheer you up a bit or maybe make you smile for a second.
Well, my last year was shit, nothing can change that. So if my current situation can cheer somebody else up, it'd at least be worth something. Also, never compare how much you write to others! I have nothing else to do since I'm self-employed and single. Anybody with a job, a family, or a social life naturally won't have as much time :sweat_smile: