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Coffee cakes are truly the epitome of deliciousness. In fact, it should be downright banned as an illegal substance cause it combines the addictiveness of both caffeine and cake. Whether you're a coffee lover or not, you can't help but love it. Other than that it should be known that the base of the cake itself is a sponge cake. SPONGE! The superior base!
This leads to the cake have a spongy feel (as expected) that makes it simply melt in your mouth. Before you know it, a single bite becomes a second and that becomes a third. Before you know it you'll wake up from a daze looking at an empty plate which once held a magnificent creation.
You'll be left in a sense of euphoria and awakeness that no drug could ever bring. As I write this I feel a sudden irresistible urge to go and buy one myself. Coffee cakes aren't just a simple cake but a highly customizable mould which you can personalize.
Add any form of topping and icing on to it, nuts? strawberry jam? icing? nothing will feel out of place and out down this delight. Hence coffee cakes are what all cakes strive and fail to be.