Scribble Hub Forum

[Toxic wear x 3]

Tat tat tat, all three flew out after another, trailing a line of bumbling acid. The washer dodged two, but one hit it as it skidded into the dirt. It rumbled again. The basket bent inwards rapidly, and land on its base.

[Water jet]. The washer flew forward, rapidly changing trajectory with [Water jet]’s.
The basket returned its challenge and bounced forward, sock‘s tied to eachother unfolded out of the basket. [Sock whip].

They entered melee range. [Chemical crash] Bottles and packets flew from the drawer from the basket, and the basket whipped them away. Its plastic bent inwards as it was thrown back. The washer had distracted it and slammed into it.
The basket rocked back and forth and leapt forward, whipping [Sock whip] at the washer. It dodged and shot a [Water jet]. The basket bounced out of the way and retracted [Sock whip] and shot out three [Toxic wear]’s. All were shot down.