Scribble Hub Forum

Goddamn ! Even the first comment too, is totally what i feel !
I feel like Keegan is the hero we all needed throughout high school to put all the boring, arrogant people in their place.
AND ITS WHY i write like i do. AND don't hesitate to bash the arrogant/toxic people.
Because i know i am FUCKING RIGHT, and others are FUCKING BS MORONS.
Absolutely fucking hate the people who you talk to and then they just talk to the friend next to them but purposely loud enough for you to hear
And its totally what happened, when i helped someone in a thread out there, few days ago.
Helped someone/sided with him against 2 toxics.
Then 1 guy defame me (with half truth). The other "talk to the other" like a friend (despite total stranger) saying "Feel uncomfortable to be helped, to be honest"
Kinda won in the end but bad taste/low-happiness.

Gosh...... I am tired to be a "trope/events" collector. Heck even a "chocolate under shoes" happened to me once.
This is how introverts would interact if talking isn't such a hassle
That's how I feel in meetings when my opinion is better than everyone else's but everyone disagrees. Then two weeks later they go with my idea but pretend that they thought of it
Exactly!!That video makes me feel so much better about that situation. I've watched it happen before and i wanted to help the speaker so bad
I'm naturally a Person A. But over time you learn you should just be one of the extras and fade into the background because you'll never change a Person B- and they're everywhere
People are made to feel crazy because they have opinions that they stand behind strongly. The person that agrees with everything people say has no true sense of who they really are, therefore making them deeply insecure, and ultimately makes them feel like they need to make other people feel the same way just to feel some semblance of security in social situations. It’s so toxic.