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Did you read it a few seconds back? No. You read it at a different part of time, but not in the past. If you didn't have memories, then 'PAST' would not exist. Just like that, if we didn't have emotions, 'FUTURE' would not exist. Anxiety, hopefulness, sadness, anger, and many other emotions control how you are viewing the illusion called 'time'.
Do you know that if we were to travel slower than the speed of light, we would be able to go back to the 'PAST'? It's because we are essentially moving slower than the light particles that show us doing our movements are.
So, if you pick up a ball and drop it, and you start to move slower than the speed of light as the ball is dropping, then wouldn't you be able to be slower than it? You would. Therefore, you would be basically going going back in time, rewinding it.
In this way, you can see that if we created 'Time Travel', we would have to start to lose the meaning of the word 'Time', as we would be able to revert back to the past and the future. If that started, there would only be a 'Past' and 'Future', but no 'Present'.
Time means the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole. If there was no 'Present', then there can be no 'time'. See my point?

But just my views on 'Time'. I may be starting to get this, cuz I am one year closer to death.... hahahahaha... *sad laughter continues*
Time just depends on how we define the word, and that is also my point on how time is just an illusion..... Maybe I got too confusing.... ? xD
And I fricken' spent a whole 20 minutes typing that down... ah, another 20 minutes of my life wasted.... ah... my 46 years of life are going to come to an end quikly! Or was it 45? Or 44? or 43? 42? 41? 31? 21? 35?
How many coffee have you drank to think of this?