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  • The Word Of The Day Is:


    1 : A fictitous fact presented in a believable way.

    Example: Your Mother did not go to meet a friend. That was but a Moxim to trick you!
    The Word Of The Day Is:


    1 : a fleet of ships or boats; especially : a navy organizational unit consisting of two or more squadrons of small warships

    2 : an indefinite large number

    Example: Your Mother is so overweight she can fit a Flotilla in her dock. She is an island.
    The Word Of The Day Is:


    1 : devoid of inhabitants and visitors : deserted

    2 : joyless, disconsolate, and sorrowful through or as if through separation from a loved one

    3A : showing the effects of abandonment and neglect : dilapidated

    Example: Your Mother's room is Desolate without my presence.
    (Because of Character Limits)

    3B : barren, lifeless
    3C : devoid of warmth, comfort, or hope : gloomy
    The Word Of The Day Is:


    1 : Umbrella

    Example: If I knew it was going to rain so hard, I would have brought my Bumbershoot.
    The Word Of The Day Is:


    1 : any of various flies (such as a horsefly, botfly, or warble fly) that bite or annoy livestock

    2 : a person who stimulates or annoys other people especially by persistent criticism

    Example: I can't think of a joke using Gadfly.
    The Word Of The Day Is:


    1 : relating to or near the sun — used especially of the last setting of a star before and its first rising after invisibility due to conjunction with the sun

    Example: My Heliacal appearance foreshadows both the longer days of the summer, but the longer amounts of time I spend with your Mother.
    The Word Of The Day Is:


    1 : unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others

    2 : behavior by an animal that is not beneficial to or may be harmful to itself but that benefits others of its species

    Example: My Altruism is shown in how much I care about your Mother's "health".
    The Word Of The Day Is:

    Shut the fuck up

    Example: Your mother told you she was going to meet a friend. That was a mendacious moxim to trick you!
    After last night she came begging to me for seconds. NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
    that's not one word
    The Word Of The Day Is:


    1A: yielding something abundantly
    B: plentiful in number

    2A: full of thought, information, or matter
    B: profuse or exuberant in words, expression, or style

    3: present in large quantity : taking place on a large scale

    Example: I spend Copious amounts of time in your Mother's bedroom.
    One of the things you'll notice when you turn into a rat is how close the ground becomes. It's like you're always scuttering around, an embrace away from Mommy Earth.
    Seeing the latest chapter have less views than the first makes me feel bad, even though it has nothing to do with me being gross incompetent fool.
    Happy Birthday, @ZynGrand! (:^^:)^^(:^^:)

    (There are seven smiley faces in that)
    Happy birthday! :)

    (There is one smiley face in that)
    I was going to give you a love, but then you said that there were seven smiles. I'll put it simply:

    I hate the number seven.

    On my seventh birthday my Mother locked me in my closet for seven hours. It was some crazy tradition to breed strong minded children. Now, on its own staying in a closet wouldn't have been too bad. But I uh, had something hidden in my closet.
    I'm just going to say it, I hid a dead cat in my closet. Not just a cat, but a dead mouse, and a jar of dead flies. So I was stuck in a closet with multiple decomposing corpses, with nothing to do but sit there. No amounts of clothes could stifle the smell on that hot summer day. It was a hell. I came out of it okay, but my relationship with my mom definitely was strained after that experience.

    So yeah, I hate you.
    Just remembered a web comic I read when I was like, 8. I remember the plot and art quite vividly, but have no clue what the name was.

    I wanna read it again. :blob_pat_sad:
    It might have been the first one I ever read, even.
    What are the details people might be able to help you find it
    I hate the status's 420 character limit. I'm just gonna make a thread.
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