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  1. TremendousHuman

    You smell like the last thing you have eaten. What do you smell like?

    For me I guess it would be water. If water don't count then I smell like freshly baked bread
  2. TremendousHuman

    cute girl turns into uncle

    It is a weirdly common trope for some 30-40 year old middle aged dude to somehow turn into a cute prepubescent or just young girl in Japanese and Chinese novels... There are many good ones too actually. But what about the reverse situation? I think there was one such story where fmc turned into...
  3. TremendousHuman

    A thing about education I just understood

    People sometimes say "why do we need math in school it's not like we're ever gonna need it irl" and they are fucking retarded, because mathematics is more than necessary irl, especially nowadays. If you wanna make something more of yourself than a janitor eventually that is (not that I have...
  4. TremendousHuman

    Tiny but nice cosmetic change to dark mode

    "click to expand" quote -> bright white or smth
  5. TremendousHuman

    Nor fantasy or romance hub?

    Wanna see if there are sites dedicated to hosting, say, detective novels. Or something that isn't about fantasy, adventures or romance
  6. TremendousHuman

    Recommendations Don't wanna leave time loop

    Any stories where main character is trapped in a time loop and is afraid to leave it because they are afraid of change and are used to living in time loop
  7. TremendousHuman

    Bugs Comment posts when I load an image through link

    When I answer to threads mostly, it loads and the next comment has just the image alone
  8. TremendousHuman

    All blob same format

    :blobrofl::blobthumbsup::blobspearpeek::blobchristmas::blobtaco::blobreading::sweating_profusely: :sweat_smile: these blobs are not named the same as the rest. The typical format is :blob_[descriptor]: These either don't have _ or don't have blob_ It's a small thing, but it would be nicer if...
  9. TremendousHuman

    Recommendations Kuroshitsuji x HP completed fanfics

    I don't know how to use I began reading the queen's witch on that site and it turned out it had not been updated after first chapter since like 2012. Now I want to read a good black butler x harry potter fanfic that is completed
  10. TremendousHuman

    Nice. Very nice.

    Now let's see Paul Allen's profile page
  11. TremendousHuman

    How to tag someone

    Without the @? I feel like there is the option of tagging someone by making some kind of link but it doesn't seem to work when I try. For example, I want to tag @WelcomeToSH but by writing a word like welcome. Is it possible?
  12. TremendousHuman

    The future is now, old man

  13. TremendousHuman


  14. TremendousHuman

    Pin message on account page

    That'd be nice if we could pin a message on the account page so it always stays at top
  15. TremendousHuman

    Doesn't load non-image media from giphy

    Even if it tells it should
  16. TremendousHuman

    @#$%/\|Special characters from thread titles on main page

    I have noticed that the main page doesn't seem to support chinese characters or japanese alphabets or emojis that appear in titles. Those are skipped. Well, okay. I don't know how hard it is to make the forum widget use Unicode instead of ASCII, but nobody uses those characters much anyway. But...
  17. TremendousHuman

    Tired of existential dread

    My whole life I would find myself appaled at realising how I change. When I was a kid I lost interest in a game I used to looove and realising that led me into a fit of terror. Maybe I cried a bit. Who knows. Nobody alive at least) When I was a teen... boy oh boy was a I changing fast. And I...
  18. TremendousHuman

    Korean "why is it so gay when it's not" titles I don't know why I find these, but with titles like this, it's weird it's not gay
  19. TremendousHuman

    Add character counter to status

    It's a pain in the ass to count the characters when you go over the edge in the status and have to squeeze the text. Having a character counter is well-overdue for such a small character limit.
  20. TremendousHuman

    Backwards progress in fantasy

    This trope annoys me. By backwards progress I mean when at the beginning of time there was this super amazing thing amd yadayada, each consequent generation became worse, so the goal of progress is to trace their roots to the original amazing thing. So, rather than building on top of existing...