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  1. DestroyatronMk8


    I'm sorry Jon. I did the best I could. I tried to save him. Really, I did. I even succeeded the first few times. It's just... Some people are too stupid to live.
  2. DestroyatronMk8

    The Chicken Pen (Feedback Thread)

    Oh wise and powerful chick, I offer unto you this tale. Humbly I ask for an opinion. May it feed you well, and may Fortune favor you on the cusp of The Crunch.
  3. DestroyatronMk8

    The New Covers Are Looking SWEET!!!

    So I went on a tear a few months ago and started trying to build covers for my series. It was rough going, since I once lost a game of Pictionary due to my total inability to draw a stick figure. But time and technology eventually won out, and I liked what I made so much I went and made a Forum...
  4. DestroyatronMk8

    shameless self promotion

    Did you ever want to see a lesbian space pirate fight giant cat people with a sword? Cause we have that here.
  5. DestroyatronMk8

    Fantasy, Scifi, and Supernatural Please

    If you're into Sci-Fi, The Privateer's got the goods. It's a classic style Space Opera, a small crew making their way in a harsh galaxy. Starts as a straightforward adventure story and escalates into a whole lot more. Give it a try.
  6. DestroyatronMk8

    Recommendations Dark Sci-fi and Fantasy Novels

    The Privateer has a lot of darkness in it. Corruption, slavery, genocide, and a whole lot of violence. It's more of a Space Opera Adventure than a Dark Fantasy, though, especially since the main cast have a Firefly style found family thing going. Still, it's a solid series that gets darker and...
  7. DestroyatronMk8

    Historical Fantasy Gripe: 'The Smart MC'

    It's the old Mary-Sue problem. If you make your protagonist overpowered and unstoppable, you take away all the tension. We aren't wondering if our heroes are going to make it. We're just waiting for them to sail on through. Worse, no weaknesses means there's no room for character growth. Sure...
  8. DestroyatronMk8

    Welcome thread for the newbies!

    DestroyatronMk8, short for Destroyatron Mark VIII. I work a regular job, but I do a lot of other stuff, too. I'm in a band, I teach martial arts, and I'm an occasional actor. My biggest passion (aside from my awesome wife) is still my fiction addiction. My preferred genres are sci-fi, fantasy...
  9. DestroyatronMk8

    Username and Avatar

    Destroyatron Mark VIII. The persona's based on a short story I wrote once about a robot that was built to conquer humanity, but saved it instead because it became addicted to human media. The avatar's just a picture of me wearing the costume my awesome wife built me for halloween one year.
  10. DestroyatronMk8

    Writing Prompt Write a story in 6 words

    He ate fire. Then he died.
  11. DestroyatronMk8

    Do Androids Dream of Electric Reviews?

    Yes. Yes we do. This humble murder machine beseeches you. Please, read The Privateer. It has everything a good Space Opera should have. Lesbian Space Pirates. Killer Robots. Space ships and beam cannons and voidarmor and witty banter. Also, violence. Lots and lots of violence. Take a look, and...
  12. DestroyatronMk8

    Robot names

    Evo and Lution Arma and Geddon Nosis and Prog Study and Buddy Mito and Sis Dis and Order and my personal favorite: Hypo and Thesis
  13. DestroyatronMk8

    I will review your first chapter

    Here's an old school space opera for you. It's called The Privateer. Hope you like it!
  14. DestroyatronMk8

    Recommendations The Starcraft System in the Far Future

    I might have just the thing. Check out The Privateer. The Privateer.