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  1. Templary

    Mc's with no communication skills BAD

    hated the inability to speak and say what one thinks or wants, I feel that so many things are solved with good communication, by God I think it is one of the things that do differentiate the from the animals. Instead of I don't have time to explain *evil villain, talk later or give a very...
  2. Templary

    slapping machine for authors (Made for fan use)

    authors would dare to have this machine? I would pay to use it, of course I have my just reasons.
  3. Templary

    Reader to Writer (Author in the making)

    There are many reasons to do that, in fact I am very tempted to make the metamorphosis, but... Indecision is a very powerful force, besides that some external factors do not help the concrete facts... Surely you have seen my comments in hundreds of novels like "gtmaxter" but I really want to...