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  1. Paul_Michaels

    What do you think of Gaming companies losing Billions?

    It's called a market correction. Triple-A companies will have to reevaluate their model unless they want to go under. Microsoft is a big example. Just buying up all those studios only for them to Spread their resources thin. All in hopes to get more subscriptions for game pass. Plus it was a...
  2. Paul_Michaels

    Plus I'm kind of curious what started this? :blob_hmm_two:

    Plus I'm kind of curious what started this? :blob_hmm_two:
  3. Paul_Michaels

    Meh... Me and the Pauls had a squabel about a year ago. Somehow I survived.

    Meh... Me and the Pauls had a squabel about a year ago. Somehow I survived.
  4. Paul_Michaels

    Would you post on WebNovel?

    I don't know how true this is. If someone has this information. I would definitely enjoy seeing it. But the one thing that gives me a little reservation is hearing about them stealing (or copying) your novel if it has potential. That's what some folks have said, but I don't have or seen any...
  5. Paul_Michaels

    How Does it Feel?

    Frankly, I enjoy when my fans start wondering about the future plot that my characters are going to go through.
  6. Paul_Michaels

    Is ScribbleHub better than Webnovel in case of strong readers?

    So I got you to laugh, NICE! :blob_shade:
  7. Paul_Michaels

    Is ScribbleHub better than Webnovel in case of strong readers?

    But everyone is avoiding the most superior site for publishing your novels on. Which is? *Drum roll!* WATTPAD :blob_paint: (Everyone's Response)...
  8. Paul_Michaels

    Is ScribbleHub better than Webnovel in case of strong readers?

    No... SH's is way more simple. It just tracks Views, Favorites, Readers, and Comments. Where as Webnovel has percentages on reader retention on chapters and there was some other weird ones where I was like, "Yep... Those are numbers all right."
  9. Paul_Michaels

    Is ScribbleHub better than Webnovel in case of strong readers?

    Yeah, Webnovel's analytics make no sense to me.
  10. Paul_Michaels

    What's up with the traffic graph?

    Depends on the novel. Usually if there is a popular book that has a good amount of chapters for their story some readers will binge read a crap on a chapters. At that point that's just pure luck.
  11. Paul_Michaels

    Pretend this thread is Google

    The system is down. Running back to chatGTP
  12. Paul_Michaels

    I have been finally poached.

    A fifty-fifty revenue split for losing your ownership of your material sounds like a DEAL! Oh boy! Sign me up! Nothing like a life of a serf for me. All joking aside. I feel like a nobody until the day I get an email from A&D. And I can properly click the Spam button. That's when I know, I'm...
  13. Paul_Michaels

    How do I stop procrastinating?

    I don't know. This feels like a self-fulfilling prophecy
  14. Paul_Michaels


    Well, the thing that gets me about GB, GL, Futa, smut is, is it really GL? Your protag is a male gets turned into a "female" but surprise, surprise, MC still has there penis. Sure there are the outliers with some MC's having the combo of both bits but it usually is focused on the male...
  15. Paul_Michaels

    I need to test and discuss this new writing method

    I think it made me read it slower. Like it jumbled up where to look. But I suffer from dyslexia. So, take what you will from it Plus it would be a pain in the ass to select ever couple of letters and bold them manually.
  16. Paul_Michaels

    Proof that multiple highly popular authors are botting to boost view counts

    I was a little to slow on getting my joke out when you posted about missing your cats. That's a problem with writing jokes. It's all about timing and so it ends... In silence.
  17. Paul_Michaels

    Proof that multiple highly popular authors are botting to boost view counts

    Ouch... Not cool bruh... :blob_teary:
  18. Paul_Michaels

    Proof that multiple highly popular authors are botting to boost view counts

    I wasn't chopping on you. It was CrazyMinh comping on ME! Get her off! GET HER OFF! :blob_catflip: