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  1. Slyfox00

    Writing smut feels illegal lol

    I know right? You pretty much have to just embrace the cringe otherwise it is impossible. While so many works are hilariously anatomically incorrect I haven't yet taken the plunge to go that route, and besides it is like you said, fantasy biology hand waves away the multiple impossibilities!
  2. Slyfox00

    Writing smut feels illegal lol

    Smut and action scenes. The words just fly onto the page!
  3. Slyfox00

    Lets say, hypothetical, I got my uterus removed

    Thank you! Its ridiculous. Currently on the hunt for decent doctor nearby that will do exactly this. Good on you for your accurate and succinct answer.
  4. Slyfox00

    I will tell you when and why I stopped reading your story.

    Thank you OatMush! I appreciate the feedback very much!
  5. Slyfox00

    I will tell you when and why I stopped reading your story.

    I would love to take the OatMush test. Please consider my story! Thank you in advance.