Search results

  1. Maeve_Lindley

    Recommendations I want [COMPLETED] Story

    Finished book: Conjuring Fire and Whispers of Air Happy Reading!
  2. Maeve_Lindley

    I need help deciding...

    I have edited the original - I really didnt think ! haha
  3. Maeve_Lindley

    I need help deciding...

    HELLO! :D I am in a little bit of a pickle and I can't decide which book cover image I like more! This is for part 3 of the series.... Please help me by taking part in this poll: I look forward to the results! A synopsis of the series: Part 1 - Fire and...
  4. Maeve_Lindley

    Anyone got any stories that aren't isekai or fan related

    Try this: No Isekai or fandom - its low/urban fantasy based in modern day England :3
  5. Maeve_Lindley

    Witchy read just in time for Halloween

    Halloween is right around the corner... Here is a completed story of mine just in time for the season. A low fantasy with romance, family, friendship, twists and turns...It is set in present time just with added supernaturals. With little bits of history and pagan festivites too. Ready to dive...
  6. Maeve_Lindley

    New series: Witching Souls

    Ah okay, thanks. Do you mean 3 per week or per day? I am only adding 1 a day now :)
  7. Maeve_Lindley

    Recommendations A more wizardly way

    Try Witching Souls: Fire and Air Its more magical realism than D&D tho!
  8. Maeve_Lindley

    New series: Witching Souls

    Hello! I have recently started to post my very first novel/series on this website and I am excited to share it with you! Part 1: Fire and Air. currently 20 chapters released... 31 chapters total (is complete), remaining chapters will be released everyday at 5pm Fire and Air Link Blurb: In a...
  9. Maeve_Lindley

    Tip hyper links open in new tab?

    or hold down control and click...
  10. Maeve_Lindley

    Review Swap Offer! [PAUSED FOR NOW]

    Hey! Love to review swap! Here is mine Witching Souls: Fire and Air
  11. Maeve_Lindley

    Negative Feedback Thread

    If you or anyone has room in there reading/review list here is mine! Fire and Air