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  1. M

    First Impression of a Story based on the title alone

    Not a fan of Janaxia posing with her wine? (she's basically a fashionista "wizard", who tends to use her eldritch magical energy to dress like that and stay clean when dungeoneering, rather than stuff like 'blasting monsters', with the rest of the party being fairly confident she's somewhat...
  2. M

    Siscon, brocon, lolicon ..., and the other complex

    complex as in 'mental complex' rather then as in 'complicated'.
  3. M

    A clever way to use plot armor

    Just make things involved that aren't the character directly - the main character(s) surviving stuff is pretty standard; we all know James Bond isn't going to get gunned down by mook #342,524. But his ally? They're not protected. The maguffin he's carrying? That can be lost. Or might have...
  4. M

    how do you write a non-dense harem mc?

    you can, but a lot of harem is basically throwing in another waifu whenever interest wanes, in an on-going attempt to try and hook as many readers as possible by appealing to as wide a range as possible (basically, they're not really 'harems' in any organisational sense, more weirdly developed...
  5. M

    how do you write a non-dense harem mc?

    It's a fairly standard way for dealing with harem characters, tbf - they get their intro arc, you show their charm points, and then they basically show up occasionally in group scenes or to help with specific characters. It's not particularly the best writing, but if you need to continually...
  6. M

    how do you write a non-dense harem mc?

    Have them actually proactively organise a series of open relationships? 'Hey, this is a bit awkward, but I'm kinda into you, you're kinda into me, but I'm also into that other girl, and she's also into me, and it looks like you're into each other, so let's get a shared google calendar going and...
  7. M

    The most plot formula to avoid in writing a good story

    That is, in fact, an explicit point of the 'proper' mystery genre - that it should be solvable, and the writer shouldn't 'cheat' (go look up Knox's and Dyne's rules, if you're interested). Suspense is a hook, but not an essential one. For some genres, their predictability is an enticement -...
  8. M

    Recommendations Looking for status-build up

    Isn't that how most systems work? You get stats, then they can improve, and there's skills and powers with their own rankings, that kind of thing.
  9. M

    Tsunderes are weird to write and I respect the authors who can do it well

    dere-dere. Or 'a functional human being, capable of forming human relationships' :s_smile:
  10. M

    Just some alternatives to Truck-Sama.

    Is there any reason for the death? If all it is there for is to be a one-way ticket to a different world without any further plot relevance, then it doesn't make much difference. There's a lot of isekai where the 'original world' is basically irrelevant and never mentioned again, and the same...
  11. M

    Tsunderes are weird to write and I respect the authors who can do it well

    Love Hina was big at the time - it pretty much put Ken Akamatsu on the map, and was the gateway 'harem' for that era. The last third was a bit of a tangled mess, because Akamatsu seemed to have run out of plot, and there's the (sort of good? Technically, I guess?) weirdness where it's revealed...
  12. M

    Tsunderes are weird to write and I respect the authors who can do it well

    there's a fairly major distinction between 'classic' tsundere's and those in actual romances, and more recent/comedy-drama ones. The former tend to be more of a slow warming-up from 'spiky dislike' to 'affection' with occasional reversions. The latter can be almost bi-polar, wildly swinging...
  13. M

    Another Isekai Topic Question

    Yup - isekai is basically an excuse to have the MC know nothing about the world, and be spoonfed lore and exposition (and sometimes have something that's normal to them be super-OP in the new world). There's a lot of isekai stories that have very little to do with actually being isekai, and...
  14. M

    Being an aspiring writer/ artist while having a main job.

    Those that make a full-time living from Patreon are very rare - it's possible, but there's not many that manage to be good enough and prolific enough to do it. You can help by throwing your books onto Kindle etc. as well, for another income stream, but the overwhelming majority of people will...
  15. M

    Is it common for people to see prostitutes?

    There's been the occasional aristocrat that's married their mistress - it can happen, but there's always the risk of being dumped and left with nothing. More often, it tended to be a 'make money while the money is good' sort of thing, and then invest in business and/or find a legit husband...
  16. M

    Ohko would like to know how to be an escort

    A lot depends on quite what is meant by being an 'escort' - it can go all the way from 'arm candy and pretty people in the background at big events' to 'compensated dating' or 'being a rich person's mistress' to 'prostitution with a (very thin) veneer of legality'. The main complexity arounds...
  17. M

    Is it common for people to see prostitutes?

    It used to be a lot more common - some reports from the time put 20% of the female population of London in the late 1800's as having engaged in prostitution at least once (even if you adjust for very different sexual mores and standards, it's still going to be a lot - when it's a choice between...
  18. M

    Another Isekai Topic Question

    how important is it that the story be isekai? There's a load if isekai where the fact the MC is from earth is basically pointless - it's solely there as an excuse for why they know nothing about the world, the entire story would be exactly the same if they were a native, there would just be...
  19. M

    Real modern day top-tier (tournament) sword fighting.

    Yup - most actual engagements are short, but a battle might be engaged of lots of them, without necessarily much time to rest between them. Depending on the scale of the engagement, you might have very limited backup as well - you might have a unit or group, or it might just be a rough group of...
  20. M

    What if I gave an unfamiliar name to my character without explaining the meaning

    Names may often technically have had a meaning at some point, but it's often lost through the ages. Like some British surnames are professions (Cooper, Bower, Smith), some are places, but some are things that probably made sense way back in the day, but not any more. Or were physical...