Search results

  1. Evie11

    Improved reading list sharing

    I like to send friends my reading lists as recommendations, but it's a bit tricky since I can only like them to my profile then explain to click the Reading List tab and choose top from the dropdown. If we could have direct links along the lines of...
  2. Evie11

    Cover images stretched if not in standard aspect ratio

    Currently any cover image that isn't exactly the standard aspect ratio will get stretched or squished a bit. It's not super noticable on most images, but some that are really far off look really messed up. Example screenshots from Slipspace (the most distorted I've seen): Current: Fixed...
  3. Evie11

    Resolved Cloudflare blocking RSS feeds

    My RSS reader broke for Scribble Hub today as Cloudflare has started enforcing it's browser check on it... If possible it would be great if the RSS feed could be exempted from Cloudflare 😄 If it's helpful, in my RSS reader it says error 403 and cURL'ing the URL I just get the Cloudflare HTML...