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  1. W

    Writing Habits That You Can't Break

    Being garbage.
  2. W

    Writing Rules about Character Maturity and Sexuality

    Honestly, write what you want and then censor when you're done. As you describe it, it doesn't really sound that bad. It's like describing how some animals eat after birth. It's gross, and used to be inconceivable for humans, now however, it's isn't that uncommon. Anyway, hit me up when you...
  3. W

    Writing Prompt Classic Lit-Rpg

    I have noticed that lit-rpg are going out of style, and the few that are still common are unusual and out there. I'd personally like to see a lit-rpg like we used to see back when the first started getting popular, Op main character, classes, skills, titles, the whole nine. Now naturally I'm not...
  4. W

    What are some of your favorite Scribblehub stories that you're reading now?

    To be honest I'm not really reading any stories on here, mainly writing, but I did like - - - I also enjoyed reading the one chapter released of - - - And I would...
  5. W

    Why? What makes you want to write? What is your "Writer's Creed"?

    I was really bored one day, and after having nothing interesting to read decided to try my hand. Now I just want to get certain ideas out of my head.
  6. W

    Writing Prompt For Authors out there Please Help (Fantasy idea)

    It's a great idea, it sucks that you aren't going to write personally. Even if at first your writing sucks you will get better until eventually your novels are coherent enough to read. Even then people will still read them as long as you aren't absurdly bad at grammar, which if you have read...