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  1. D.C.Haenlien

    What Do You Look for in a Xianxia Novel

    Hello as a long time xianxia fan (also currently writing my own as of right now) I want to see what the reader community looks for in a Xianxia Novel For me I have several -Wholesome relationship: When the main pairing is just two people and there aren't any stupid cliche misunderstandings...
  2. D.C.Haenlien

    New Cover (Black Dragon God Wants to Go to Earth)

    So I spent the whole day writing nothing because I was because with drawing this. Also I realized why people don't draw multiple horns on a single head. It doesn't work well.
  3. D.C.Haenlien

    Preferred Chapter Length

    I want to see what the reader’s preferred chapter lengths are and why. Mostly for research to understand the reader base of the SH community.
  4. D.C.Haenlien

    Black Dragon God Wants to Go to Earth

    Whipped out my Wacom tablet that I bought years ago but never used ever and Krita to create this cover image for my story. I'm actually quite proud of this, so I'll be sharing this here.