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  1. S

    What's the biggest compliment you received from people

    Korean male idols often look like wax dolls. I was told I'm not that bad to a self depreciating comment.
  2. S

    Your MC is offered to join the X-Men

    No. They are in the Marvel comics universe. Nothing but tragedy on that path. X-men, Fantastic Four, Spiderman... Endless misery is all that awaits. I blame Stan Lee.
  3. S

    True or false: Dogs who are washed regularly are cleaner than cats who have never been washed?

    That depends. How long have they been roasting on the spit? 🧑‍🍳
  4. S

    Teacher blob emoticon for when one is teaching.

    I just finished explaining a concept and thought to add a blob emoji since they're cute and went to find an appropriate one. I looked through them and thought, "you know what would be perfect? A blob with one of those little four corner hats with a tassel and a pointy stick educators use to...
  5. S

    Radio Waves are Energy!

    If you want a fun time with interesting uses of this kind of thing try the evil genius series. They are practical guide books on how to do cool stuff. It's been awhile so I only remember the sonic device and the electric shock defense. (Yes, the book comes with disclaimers, the some of the stuff...
  6. S

    Radio Waves are Energy!

    If you think about it, sound waves are actually kinetic energy traveling through matter.