Search results

  1. CubicleHermit

    The scale of time in fantasy stories

    Governments/constitutions rarely last that long, but there are exceptions. Also, given the influence of Japanese media, the fact that Japan has had the same dynasty nominal heads of state for ~2600 years (according to tradition) or ~1500 years (verifiable history) is probably influential. A...
  2. CubicleHermit

    You got isekaid into your own novel

    Given that my main story is a combination rom-com and mystery, a lot depends on how I'm isekai-ed. If I'm isekai-ed back as my almost-50-year-old self, I'm not terribly employable with ~30 year newer technical skills on either side of the gate, the things I know as author knowledge aren't going...
  3. CubicleHermit

    Do you think Scribblehub should ban ai generated novels?

    Depends on the AI, and the context windows are getting larger all the time. Claude is the clear leader there, with their paid version able to get to 200k tokens or somewhere between 125-150k words. Without further prompting, it's a lot more analytical and a lot less creative than ChatGPT, so...
  4. CubicleHermit

    January 1st public domain bids

    Trademark and copyright are two different things. Trademarks don't expire, as long as they're defended. Trademarks are also specific to specific sorts of business or goods. shows 1500 results for Cthulhu, and the closest one owned by Chaosium...
  5. CubicleHermit

    What is your favorite book on writing?

    I read a bunch of writing books back in high school, and in terms of technique the best I found were the "Elements of Fiction Writing" series. I revisited a few of them a few years ago when I started writing again a few years ago, and the ones I reread and remember liking were...
  6. CubicleHermit

    You get to be Isekai'd with three wishes

    If you're using an Abrahamic god, well, yeah, but then there's only one of them. Or one of them per universe or something. A lot depends on the cosmology; it's pretty easy to interpret some of the lesser deities of Greek and Roman mythology where they were roughly that. For that matter, while...
  7. CubicleHermit

    Open Ended vs Wrapped Up

    Definitely prefer a distinct ending, and ideally, some direct depiction of the impact the protagonists have had on their own lives (or the world, for epic stuff.) I always liked the conventions some movies and video games did with the "where are they now?" shorts at the end, which can be...
  8. CubicleHermit

    What's Your Theme Song?

    How I see myself: How I'm pretty sure others see me:
  9. CubicleHermit

    Is Your MC your favorite character?

    Favorite character overall, or favorite character to write? I've found my favorite character to write is one minor antagonist - my story is both a slice-of-life school story and a bigger fantasy epic in the background. The social antagonist is so fun to write because the stakes are so low - I...
  10. CubicleHermit

    Porn Awareness Month R-18

    Of course it's ideological, and several other major world religions (as well as secular/scientific beliefs, of course!) each have their own very different ideas of what the truth is. Whether it's intended as parody or not, a lot of it works as one. Ultimately, it's up to the mods and not me...
  11. CubicleHermit

    Corty's Feedback Corner (Kinda... Read the first post!) --- Closed until further notice.

    First, thank!!!! Will have to give some thought on how to introduce the synopsis without leading with the quote. :) Second, that is exactly @Hans.Trondheim 's work as he very kindly offered to create it when I first came to Scribblehub (my original was made with MangaMaker Comipo and horrible...
  12. CubicleHermit

    Porn Awareness Month R-18

    Their stuff worked as parody, for a bit.
  13. CubicleHermit

    Porn Awareness Month R-18

    Still a case of if the latter, a place that hosts a lot of rather smutty stories is maybe not the best place to be pushing for your particular ideology.
  14. CubicleHermit

    Corty's Feedback Corner (Kinda... Read the first post!) --- Closed until further notice.

    This sounds interesting as well, LMK what you think of the synopsis and tags:
  15. CubicleHermit

    Porn Awareness Month R-18

    I think you're off by at least 25 years. That Tom Lehrer song was first recorded in 1964, and the main supreme court decision was 1957: "As the judge remarked the day that he acquitted my Aunt Hortense, 'To be smut, it must be utterly...
  16. CubicleHermit

    Is it correct to write 'knelt before him' or 'he knelt down'

    At least as written in the title, the two are backwards in terms of who the pronouns refer to. He knelt down -- [person A knelt down, relation to another person unspecified] knelt down before him -- [this is missing a subject! someone/something knelt down before person A.] Adding a subject...
  17. CubicleHermit

    Porn Awareness Month R-18
  18. CubicleHermit

    Porn Awareness Month R-18

    If you don't like porn, don't watch it/read it/write it/perform in it. If you're offended/disgusted by a discussion of it done in a barely-R-rated comedic song, 🙄 Another good song about it, this one PG: "I do have a cause, though; it is obscenity. I'm for it." (intro to Smut, by Tom Lehrer)
  19. CubicleHermit

    Now that I have a computer...

    Terraria is amazing. It's like Minecraft, but without the motion sickness, good 2D graphics rather than bad 3D, and fewer 8-year olds. Also, Persona 4 Golden. One of the greatest JRPGs ever, and the one of even fewer that's playable in a reasonable form on a modern PC vs. being console-only...
  20. CubicleHermit

    Porn Awareness Month R-18

    My response: (It's funnier that this only has the original broadway version with Russian subs.)