40k primarch fanfic - the power of being stubburn...


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2020
So according yo some fanfics i read primarchs, even more so then astarte alredy are, are RIDICULUSLY stubburn. They are olso hard to kill, old, and very skilld and talented in ther own way. Something beyond just genetics and stong body and mind, they are somewhat like walking demigods.

Heres guidlines to a vauge story icame up with, and i wanna see what others come up with cos i aint gonna end up doing enything with it in the end-

-primarchs are stubburn. End of line. If they deside on a opinion, good luck with that.

-Primarchs are constantly learning and improving, and have been constantly improving in some ways for thousends of years.

-primarchs have stupid amounts of negative luck around em... something always goes wrong if they stay still around too long, making them travel around and fight problems rather then stay back and manage the empire like most leaders would.

-primarchs dont die or fall from schemes bad luck traps or enything like that, not truly... in this fanfic, a primarch would only ever loose if they dident improve enough latly, and in this fanfic a fourth wall brake from some librarian or somesuch made em aware of that. They will always try improve, and if they fail they know they dident improve enough latly.
I figure a stubburn demigod going around thousends of years will be ridiculus... and yea i draw some insperation from a certen stubburn time looping warrior who upon heating a wall in training or looping will rather brake the wall via headbutting then go around it.


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2022
Librarian: "You're going to die today."

Primarch: "Hah! That's what you said last time too and that didn't end up happening!"

Librarian: "It'll happen for sure this time."

Primarch: "And what makes you so certain?"

Librarian: "Because you've been standing here talking to me far too long already... and because you're going to-"

*Primarch suffers a critical blow and dies from a Tyrranofex's Rupture Cannon*

Librarian: "-Roll a 1 on all of your saves..."