Bro's written a long prologue


Once a horny writer, now a happy writer
Feb 2, 2023
Bro here, and yes... I probably just wrote a longest prologue in my first (not-so-first, career-wise) work.

To be honest, I got pretty mixed up whether I did a right thing or not when it comes to prologue.

Since it's usually just to hook up the readers, mine was like a slow build-up before heading to a main premise of the story. Not only that, I use Anglish words just for the sake of adding historical authenticity to it... when it comes to their speech style.

or perhaps, I'm quite regretted over choosing 1st pov

I don't know. Not totally confident in expecting results, but totally confident that I have found 100% commitment to writing my proper first work.

Hope I don't get a burn-out sooner enough... unlike before (Used to be D4isuke here, btw)
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