Writing Food poisoning in Dungeon!


137/4001 (finally counted the stories)
Oct 13, 2021
Ok, just doing some brainstorming. If you notice something that is too illogical even for a crack fic ( which this fic is) please let me know.

What this story is about: the Hetalia characters end up in a McFantasy land with dungeons. They don't know anything about the food there, so they get food poisoning a lot.

Inspired by: Hetalia, Delicious in Dungeon

Main Quest: They are searching for the Magical Hamster Of Truth, which is a talking hamster which can send them back to Earth

Problem 1: the hamster hates people from different worlds, and sends mobs to kill the nations.

The nations band together, but Hetalia Bulgaria finds the hamster in a dungeon, he has had nothing to eat for two days, and the only thing on his mind is food.

Hetalia Bulgaria eats the hamster. He slowly starts to get magical powers, but as soon as he figures out that the hamster was their only way back, he vows to never admit to eating the hamster, and instead to bullshit his way back to Earth, somehow.

The nations become adventurers, and search for the hamster.

Hetalia Bulgaria finds his ex, H. Byzantine Empire and refuses to go back to Earth. He thinks that the others can't go back without him.

He fakes it, the truth comes out, the nations threaten him, that they will sue him. Stuff happen. He finds a way to send all back, but stays with his ex.

The End.

The stuff happens is maybe the whole of act 2.

How does that sound?


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
How does that sound?
Sounds like you are high.

Ok, just doing some brainstorming. If you notice something that is too illogical even for a crack fic ( which this fic is) please let me know.
Will do.

What this story is about: the Hetalia characters end up in a McFantasy land with dungeons. They don't know anything about the food there, so they get food poisoning a lot.
I don't think you understand how food poisoning works. Food poisoning doesn't mean the food is poisonous. It means the food is contaminated. If they don't know anything about the food, that means nothing. COOK THE FOOD with BOILED WATER.

Inspired by: Hetalia, Delicious in Dungeon
No idea.

Main Quest: They are searching for the Magical Hamster Of Truth, which is a talking hamster which can send them back to Earth
Uhhh... okay.

Problem 1: the hamster hates people from different worlds, and sends mobs to kill the nations.
Why does a hamster possess control over military forces capable of destroying NATIONS? Why would it destroy nations of this world because it hates visitors from another world?

The nations band together, but Hetalia Bulgaria finds the hamster in a dungeon, he has had nothing to eat for two days, and the only thing on his mind is food.
Okay... and for some reason the Hamster doesn't say, "I am very valuable alive." or "I can summon waves of mobs, let me summon one for you to eat."?

Hetalia Bulgaria eats the hamster. He slowly starts to get magical powers, but as soon as he figures out that the hamster was their only way back, he vows to never admit to eating the hamster, and instead to bullshit his way back to Earth, somehow.
Okay... Why?

The nations become adventurers, and search for the hamster.
How does an ENTIRE NATION become an adventurer? A nation needs people to maintain its infrastructure.

Hetalia Bulgaria finds his ex, H. Byzantine Empire and refuses to go back to Earth. He thinks that the others can't go back without him.
Byzantine was a tributary empire. if nations are people, then they'd be a group.

He fakes it, the truth comes out, the nations threaten him, that they will sue him. Stuff happen. He finds a way to send all back, but stays with his ex.
SUE? How??? HE IS A NATION. There needs to be a society for A to sue B. Is there a UN?

The End.
The stuff happens is maybe the whole of act 2.
This is just ACT 1???



Well-known member
Jan 22, 2022
Sounds like you are high.
I wholeheartedly agree.

Also, you're that guy I made an "Inspired by Delicious in Dungeon" suggestion to a few days back.

When you said you would create a story resembling Delicious in Dungeon, this is not what I was expecting lol.


137/4001 (finally counted the stories)
Oct 13, 2021
Sounds like you are high.

Will do.

I don't think you understand how food poisoning works. Food poisoning doesn't mean the food is poisonous. It means the food is contaminated. If they don't know anything about the food, that means nothing. COOK THE FOOD with BOILED WATER.

No idea.

Uhhh... okay.

Why does a hamster possess control over military forces capable of destroying NATIONS? Why would it destroy nations of this world because it hates visitors from another world?

Okay... and for some reason the Hamster doesn't say, "I am very valuable alive." or "I can summon waves of mobs, let me summon one for you to eat."?

Okay... Why?

How does an ENTIRE NATION become an adventurer? A nation needs people to maintain its infrastructure.

Byzantine was a tributary empire. if nations are people, then they'd be a group.

SUE? How??? HE IS A NATION. There needs to be a society for A to sue B. Is there a UN?

This is just ACT 1???

In Hetalia the nations have human forms. This is just crack. But the thing about the cooking in boiled water and still getting food poisoning is a good idea!~


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
In Hetalia the nations have human forms. This is just crack. But the thing about the cooking in boiled water and still getting food poisoning is a good idea!~
AH... you are talking about "City Spirits"

Where a city (Or nation/state/area) has a spirit that represents the thing in question on The Plane of Spirits, be it the Umbra, Spirit world, Astral Plane, the layer of Platonic Ideals, etc. Pick your poison.

I would recommend that you then have a Hiearchy of such spirits, like "Uncle Sam" and "The Great Russian Bear" Then you hve by state, individual cities, etc etc etc.

Now, of course, not every state/country/city will be "awake" and active. So many will be in a "slumbering" state. Most only awake when a group of people have "patriotic spirit" in whatever they are.

Now you can then expand this to include more recent types of spirits. Sports teams! However, have most of them rather weak as they are not the THOUSANDS of years old that some spirits are. I'd have Rome be the "Leader" and everyone meets at "Mount Olympus". There's a certain amount of stress because most cities would be the OLDEST spirits, often far older then the countries they are in. So you might have some countries be weaker than the cities that are inside them, and dominated politically.

Then you'd have the US of A being the new Heavyweight in the area. Uncle Sam just swaggering around being an asshole, but everyone realizing that he's still the strongest guy in the world.


You'd have small time "peasant" spirits, like Sports Teams, etc etc etc. BUT... There are NEW upstart spirits.


Now, here's where you have fun.

You notice how many corportations got infected with the Woke mind virus?

WHAT IF... that's actually part of "The Old Guard" trying to weaken the patriotic fervor that people have for Brand Loyalty? You can have real world events being played out as actually various types of "spirits" trying to assassinate one another by assassinating the "FAITH" that people have in the cause.

Which brings up "GOD". where does god and angels ad demons fall into all this?

Different plane of existence.

This is the plane of SPIRITS where SPIRITS represent CONCEPTS and those spirits are personified. So, they have NOTHING TO DO WITH ANGELS, DEMONS GOD, that sort of thing. You can just have someone hand wave it saying, "Entirely different thing. We were created solely by people's love and patriotism. We were real-world things first. Things that exist only by faith are another layer of reality and we don't talk to those guys.

Then you can have all sorts of fun things, like, Cities talking to one another using people are "words". The Shirts we wear are a representation of what cities are thinking. How people move around are the "neurons" of cities. Stuff like that.

And the bad guys can be Corporation spirits that are all trying to achieve "UNIFICATION". Where all Corporations merge into one company and thus if you have any brand loyalty, it all would go to the same parent company. All corporation spirits look like faceless office workers, etc etc etc.

However, you'd have to switch it up a bit. If someone is trying to "Get back to earth" they'd have to be a normal human trapped in the world of Spirits. On the other hand, since the world he is trapped in is basically nothing more than a world of living metaphor, you could be as trippy as you want, and it would all make sense.

You get to have your crack, but it isn't stupid.


How do I anatomy
Jun 13, 2022
AH... you are talking about "City Spirits"

Where a city (Or nation/state/area) has a spirit that represents the thing in question on The Plane of Spirits, be it the Umbra, Spirit world, Astral Plane, the layer of Platonic Ideals, etc. Pick your poison.

I would recommend that you then have a Hiearchy of such spirits, like "Uncle Sam" and "The Great Russian Bear" Then you hve by state, individual cities, etc etc etc.
How did we go from an anime crossover idea to this??? Anyway, Hetalia is a series where nations are cute boys who hang out with each other, slightly resembling their real-life relationships. Doravg doesn't need to establish any hierarchy or the planes of existence for the characters, as the characters already exist and this is a fanfic.


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
How did we go from an anime crossover idea to this??? Anyway, Hetalia is a series where nations are cute boys who hang out with each other, slightly resembling their real-life relationships. Doravg doesn't need to establish any hierarchy or the planes of existence for the characters, as the characters already exist and this is a fanfic.
I have no idea what a Heltalia is. I don't watch TV.


137/4001 (finally counted the stories)
Oct 13, 2021
How did we go from an anime crossover idea to this??? Anyway, Hetalia is a series where nations are cute boys who hang out with each other, slightly resembling their real-life relationships. Doravg doesn't need to establish any hierarchy or the planes of existence for the characters, as the characters already exist and this is a fanfic.
Thanks for explaining that to him, I was about to check if I forgot to mention the anime.

To be honest, I was confused when I read his comment. Turns out he did not know what Hetalia is.