How do you avoid burn out?


Redemption Seeker
May 16, 2019
I understand what the title means, what I am truly asking is for those of you that are writing only one story. How do you avoid it getting stale? How do you avoid it getting boring? I have been struggling these past few days to the point in which I started writing a new story. So I wanted to hear others' thoughts on the subject.


ฅ/ᐠ ̳ .ᆺ. ̳ ᐟ\ฅ ~~ᴺʸᵃᵃ
Jan 15, 2019
From my personal experience, you don't avoid burn out. It'll happen. The thing is, you just have to stay committed in finishing what you started.


Cliff Hanger Player
Feb 13, 2019
Burn out and writer's block happens all the time. It's the matter of inspiration and having a passion for your work again. Just make sure to have some more stimulating activities in your day to help inspire you. It definitely does not sound easy, since everyone has a different way of stimulation. I listen to music and watch media such as podcasts, tv shows, and the news to help inspire events in my stories. And, I make sure to write down any little plot idea I have during that time period, that way I can use those bits of inspiration later.

Another way is to just talk to a person about your story, have an hour long conversation with a friend about the plot and how the novel could and or should go. That's what I usually do with my story ideas now, it can also give you an idea of what people want for an ending to a story, especially if you and your friend have similar tastes.

But, there will be times where burn out is so severe that you just need to stop thinking about your novel and focus on something else. Go get some coffee with your friends, eat out with your family, play some video games. Burn out and other creative blocks in general are from a build up of stress.


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2019
It's basically what NiQuinn says.

To be exact, it's basically finding your spark again.

Burnout happens because you do too much of one thing for too long at too high of an intensity. For writing, that's basically struggling to pump out chapters at a particular rate.

For you, I imagine it's probably that you're struggling to come up with the overall plot? Or maybe the details of how to connect the pieces? Spend some time doing something else. Maybe watch some movies, play some games, talk about something with friends. In fact, talking about your story might do the trick as well, though it depends on what it is you're struggling with the most.

In the end, I think it's finding what it is that makes it hardest to put down the next few words, then work out that problem. Find patterns to take advantage of. Find inspiration. Or just take the time to plan things out.

The fact that you feel inspired to write something else really suggest that it's not really burnout, but rather you're finding it difficult to write paragraphs because you don't have a strong enough vision. Clearing it up a bit (either the details or the overall plot points) is what you likely need most. How you do it depends on you.

Personally, I like to lie down and just think, or take a walk. Both help me come up with lots of stuff to write and plan out what I need.

Also, be careful about breaks. It's easy to fall into the trap of the breaks ending up taking up more and more time, and you end up quitting instead.

Edit: Oh, Phantomheart kinda wrote half my points. Follow that too :blob_teehee:


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2018
Like your story more than you hate it.

Edit: also, just because it's the same story doesn't mean the same things are happening. Also, that thing I foreshadowed or what I want to see is way too cool not to write.


Redemption Seeker
May 16, 2019
Well, thank you all for your recommendations. Right now I am on a hard burn out, I have a ton of ideas but well. Mostly I just don't feel like writing at all, then again. I was pushing myself too hard, life got busy and I was pushing myself to meet a writing deadline for two-weeks. Which I succeeded on, 3.5k words a day for 2 weeks, ended up getting me at 4 hours of sleep. Yeah... Not the best choices and honestly burned me out much than what I would like to admit. The worst part, is I think I passed out one of those days.

Anyways, thank you all. Just been annoyed because of the lack of time and my procrastination in general. I know the whole commitment thing. I would certainly like to have someone to talk to about the plot, and I kind of have someone. But the thing is -- said person has been quite busy so no time to chat...


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2019

All I can say is I think you set yourself up with unrealistic expectations. 3.5k a day is the sort you do if you don't actually have many other responsibilities in life. Personally, I find it difficult to get much more than 10k a week in my story with a full time job (and I had to cut down on almost everything else in my life to get that much).

I've been getting a similar amount on a side project I've been doing, but that's because the nature of that story doesn't take much brain power once I got past the initial planning.

But yea. I think you should slow down on your story. I think you're trying for four chapters a week? Try reducing the amount a bit? Even a temporary reduction can help things out.


The Sickly Banana
Apr 16, 2019
I understand what the title means, what I am truly asking is for those of you that are writing only one story. How do you avoid it getting stale? How do you avoid it getting boring? I have been struggling these past few days to the point in which I started writing a new story. So I wanted to hear others' thoughts on the subject.

Just note down any ideas that pop in your head, make a rough draft first. Go out, take a breather. Don't push yourself too hard unless there is a demand for it. Once you get swamped you'll start losing that whatchamacallit... passion? Hahaha adjust to a much suitable pace, but do not get too relaxed else you're going to become lazy. Happened to me plenty of times... urgh wanna give myself a kick.


Pervert Supreme
Jan 1, 2019
I understand what the title means, what I am truly asking is for those of you that are writing only one story. How do you avoid it getting stale? How do you avoid it getting boring? I have been struggling these past few days to the point in which I started writing a new story. So I wanted to hear others' thoughts on the subject.
I dunno for me i dont get burnout. I get procrastination, entirely different beast. See, i have all these ideas and scenes i wanna do. But getting to them properly, and not just taking a shortcut, will take a while. And the little details of getting from Point A to Point C is called Point B...which i find really goddamn tedious. I will write, but it takes a while for me to get off my ass. "I'll do it in a bit" Or "I need a good drink to write well. And im all outta soda. Gonna have to buy some." Or my personal favorite "Lemme fap first. Get that after-fap Zen state." when i know i need to get that no-fap challenge going and store up my thick creative juices.

That said my story is complete and utter chaos where im free to do whatever the fuck I want because I've already established it's bonkers. In a more serious story you're bound to get burnout quicker. That's why im not a very "serious" author myself. I mean i could. Making a basic bitch storyline and just putting in extra stuff to make it seem nice isnt hard for me at all. Im just lazy... AND my arms start hurting after half an hour, then my fingers start to get tired.

My advice is to go out for a walk, listen to your favorite music. Watch or read something epic. Drink some good stuff. Think of the scenes you wanna write. The characters whose stories you wanna tell. That always helps me. I want to get to that point C. Even if i have to go through point B to do it.


Noob Author
May 17, 2019
Sometimes you just have to tell yourself that things need to be done now and slap yourself if you aren't doing it.

Other than that, just take sufficient breaks, you got a life to live after all.


King of Nothing
Jan 14, 2019
Opinions change over time, maybe you weren't satisfied with the work you've done. Maybe in hindsight, things should've been changed or plot points should have been better explained. Whatever the reason, you have to ask yourself, "Should I commit to this story, or scrap it?"

If it's the latter, then just make sure to commit. If you're not satisfied with the story, then write a new one and revisit the old one at a future date. Maybe the ideas crafting the new story can carry into the old one in an interesting way. Burnout happens, go next account.


New member
Jul 16, 2019
Well, originally I was going to say that I bounce from project to project, however, you mentioned just one story.

I personally devoted myself to one book, and that is a satire that I have been working on. The reason why I have not burnt out too much was because each episode was completely different from the previous one. Basically, my stories focus on societal issues, and since I can't really run out of those, I always have new material to work on. I'm not sure if this helps.

Unfortunately, as some others stated, burnout happens. There are times when I don't devote to a particular story since I just don't have the interest at the time if that counts. During these times, I just go with it. Accept that I'm not feeling it at that moment, move on, then when I'm ready to write again I feel ten times more refreshed.


Well-known member
May 23, 2019
I understand what the title means, what I am truly asking is for those of you that are writing only one story. How do you avoid it getting stale? How do you avoid it getting boring? I have been struggling these past few days to the point in which I started writing a new story. So I wanted to hear others' thoughts on the subject.
It depends on the depth of your characters and their personal struggles. I think maybe investing in a character's back story can jump-start you. Alternatively its always cool to do short stories involving one main character and a bunch of different ones in each story. It creates room for new settings, plots and character moments and if they're in chronological order you can build your MC along the way. Sorry if this wasn't helpful, I wish you the best!