Looking for Work Offering Book Covers & Illustrations


New member
Jan 30, 2024
Hello, Prospective Customer,

My name is InkRaven87 and generally I am a writer, but I occasionally dabble in art. I also easily create covers on Canva for cheap. My artwork for illustrations are done traditionally (by hand). I admit, I am not an astounding artist, but I am willing to draw and redraw the art for you until you're satisfied. I come from a very artistically-oriented family. Both my parents are award winning graphic designers who worked with big brands (Plochman's Mustard, Pilsburry, Sweet & Low...) as the head of their departments (retired now). From them I have gained a itty bity insight into advertisement.

Q: Can anyone tell me why most landlords paint their apartments white?
(A: White is a color that makes things look larger - Black makes things look smaller)

Q: What are three most compelling colors in advertisement?
(A: Red, White, and Black)

My Mediums for Illustrations: Watercolor, Pencil, (and Colored Pencil (Temporary inaccessible - Need more specific pencils))
Also, I draw people better when I have a picture model to draw from.

Canva Cover Cost:
$5-$8 + Cost of Canva Elements (usually $3-$6)
Traditional Illustrations Cost:
(Depends on Size)

7" x 5" or 5" x 7" = $8-$10 (+ $1 Every time I redraw it)
8.5" x 11" or 11" x 8.5" = $15-$20 (+ $1 Every time I redraw it)
18" x 24" or 24" x 18" = $35-$50 (+ $1 Every time I redraw it)

I will receive payments via Ko-Fi - (half upfront and half after completion)


Here are some Canva made covers for my upcoming stories (These Covers are already in use).

The Lord of Bones.png
Red Rabbit.png
Dark Arcana Series - Cover.png

More Artwork:

temp .jpg
temp 2.jpg
temp 3.jpg

temp 4.jpg
temp 5.jpg
temp 6.jpg

Oops, just noticed the formatting post. Should I take this down?
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