Personal Mythological Headcanons, Anyone?


Active member
Jul 30, 2022
Did anyone have a personal headcanon about a fictional (or historical) story/mythology that just one day popped up in your mind and began living rent free for years on end, yet somehow, the longer you thought about it, the more it made sense?

Mine was on the whole Zeus/Hades dilemma and Zagreus's old man.

I'm not very well versed in Greek mythologies, considering most of my knowledge about them comes from other stories (Novel, Manga, Anime, Games, etc.) that reference them, but I've always been confused about how Zagreus and Melinoe were sometimes depicted as children of Zeus and Persephone or children of Hades and Persephone.

I know that some versions considered Zeus and Hades were the same person, which is why the whole dilemma came about. But one day I thought, what if...

And I mean Just what if, instead of Hades and Zeus being the same person, it was actually Persephone and Zeus being the same person?

Some years back, my brain just came up with some weird funny story about how this whole shit show pairing somehow happened.

It began with Zeus, being the douchebag asinine man-child that he is, saw his brother Hades chilling in the underworld like a loner and decided to pull the biggest 'fuck you' prank he could muster.

So he began to bother him, asking what kind of woman he'd like to have and shit, gathering information and telling him he'd find said woman and gift them to Hades so he wouldn't be so alone anymore.

Then once everything was in place, he colluded with Demeter and pretended to be her daughter, turning into the perfect woman that Hades envisioned. It had to be him, since other than himself, there wasn't anyone strong enough that wouldn't be instantly seen through by Hades.

And what do you know, it worked... it worked a little too well.

The dumbass got kidnapped into the underworld too quickly for him/her to respond, forcefully being dragged into the very territory of Underworld, where Hades is most powerful.

Whatever happens afterwards, you probably get the gist.

On the other hand, on the overworld, without the King of the sky to oversee the weather, the world started becoming colder and colder.

The other gods thought it was Demeter throwing a tantrum over her daughter's kidnapping and tried to beg Hades for 'Persephone' back, which somewhat worked, as Hades eventually released 'her', albeit having fed her food of the Underworld.

And so, from then on, the King of the Sky unexpectedly obtained another jurisdiction, becoming the Vice Ruler of the Underworld, via honeytrap no less.

Would also explain why Zagreus, out of every other child of his, was the heir that Zeus chose. The kid would've been the lovechild of the two most powerful Olympians.

And about the case of Demeter grieving, I always thought that, given by what she's a goddess of, her being angry would turn the land into a barren desert rather than turning it into ice age.

Fun Fact - I distinctly remember this whole idea stemming from the 'Doctor and the Doctor's son' riddle, although I didn't remember the exact thought process, I remembered that I imagined a scene where someone asked Zagreus about his parentage and him answering with something along the lines of,

"I am the son of Zeus, but Zeus is not my father."


I refuse to participate in this community.
Dec 6, 2019
began living rent free for years on end
Arthurian mythology/legend

From the lady in the lake, to the magic troll wife, to the knight powered by his virginity, super spears, love potions, magic cups and crazy adventures, it's all there in my head .
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Master of Nightmare
May 5, 2022
Arthurian mythology/legend

From the lady in the lake, to the magic troll wife, to the knight powered by his virginity, super spears, love potions, magic cups and crazy adventures, it's all there in my head .
Authurian myth is like a hotpot of fanfics that somehow worked. There are so many wacky knight, anyone could imagine a character and put them into the myth, they would fit in so well it's not even funny.


2024 Shovel Duel Champion
Mar 6, 2022
The story of an Indian sags cursing an Indian god by giving him a thousand vaginas across his skin for sleeping with the sages wife. Another god, after a bit, convinced the dage to turn the vaginas to eyes. Hilarious story


Master of Nightmare
May 5, 2022
So there is this violinist, Tartini, one of the best of his craft, who in a dream met with the Devil himself. I don't remember much of the story but Satan just busted out his violin, played an amazing out of the world piece. Tartini woke up, run straights to his desk and wrote down as much as he can remembered.

I like to think Satan just got bored one day, visited someone in their dream and show off his skills. So that lead me to think about what short of wacky things just to mess with people.

Would the Devil visits Gordon Ramsay, showed him the best Beef Wellington, just to drive him crazy on how to recreate that dish made by Satan?

He's a talented guy, that Satan.


Deleteriously devilish, deliciously dumbfounding
Feb 13, 2019
So there is this violinist, Tartini, one of the best of his craft, who in a dream met with the Devil himself. I don't remember much of the story but Satan just busted out his violin, played an amazing out of the world piece. Tartini woke up, run straights to his desk and wrote down as much as he can remembered.

I like to think Satan just got bored one day, visited someone in their dream and show off his skills. So that lead me to think about what short of wacky things just to mess with people.

Would the Devil visits Gordon Ramsay, showed him the best Beef Wellington, just to drive him crazy on how to recreate that dish made by Satan?

He's a talented guy, that Satan.
The devil went down to Georgia, he was lookin' fer a soul t'steal. He was 'n a bind 'cause he was way 'hind, he was willin' ta make a deal...


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2021
>haha so as a joke I turned myself into a woman and seduce my brother haha that would so funny when he finds out
kinda gay tbh
Also my headcanon now is that god and his angels are eldritch horrors from a different dimension that will make you lose sanity if you look at it especially old testament angels.