Looking for Work [Semi-emergency] Offering Character Designs and more!


New member
Feb 22, 2024
Hey everyone! I'm Peachii, an artist and fanfiction writer who's been looking for an in-person job for months but struggling to do so for personal/disability reasons. Commissions are my buffer when it comes to finances and right now I am in a tight spot. Even if by miracle I got a job this very moment, I would still be in the pickle I'm in due to payment periods and how my bank works. Right now [6/24/24 (mentioning the date as I may not make a new commissions post)] I need to make at minimum 20$, hence the "semi-emergency" in the title. But I will be posting the prices and info for ALL my commission types.

Venmo is preferred for commissioning, but I also have Paypal (less preferred as I do not like sharing my real name online, but paypal requires this info).

Note: images have alt text. Please click on them to see what I wrote about them (it's mostly just what the picture classifies as and the price)

What I specialize in:
As an artist I mainly draw characters. I am best with female characters, humans or humanoid, but can also do Sonic-styled furries or anime cat/animal-girls. I love to do character designing, or like creating something based on someone's words. My art style is a cartoonish style I'd say, with my main inspirations of learning how to draw being Sonic, general anime, and Total Drama.​
If commissioning me, please keep in mind that I do not draw overly complicated designs!​
I will not design DND characters who wear huge armor or complicated outfits, I am not going to do a design with tons of belts, zippers, small details, etc.​
If you send me these kinds of designs, I WILL SIMPLIFY THEM GREATLY TO SUIT MY STYLE. I work best with casual attire and some simplistic royal outfits. I provide references for my artwork below which will show you my strengths.​

What I offer + prices:

A sketch piece from me is done in my standard art program (currently Krita for lines, paint tool SAI for coloring, but all of the commission examples below use ONLY paint tool sai), with some clean up in the linework.

Bust Up Price: 15$
Half Body Price: 20$
Thigh Up price: 25$
If you want to add a marker style coloring, that is an additional 5$ to all of the above prices.

Half body + color: 25$
Half body + color: 25$

Full Color: A fully colored piece in my standard art program. These are character drawings with full color and shading. This is my most common commission type from past customers.

Bust up Price: 80$
Half Body Price: 120$
Thigh up Price: 150$

Half Body: 120$ | NOTE: I do not provide an image from official media in my commissions! This image is a personal piece and was me testing out existing characters in my art style.
Thigh up: 150$

I do not do full body pictures for these types of commissions at this time. This does not mean I cannot do it in general. I offer full body in a different commission type currently, but it is not to the degree/detail of the full color or sketch.


Character designing - 200$
Character designing comes with the following: a full colored thigh-up picture of the character I am designing for you, outfit analysis (layers) and different angles - headshot of either front facing or side facing for the character. Can also include weapons or special items (jewelry or other notable things) Most of the work is done in the sketch style, but is highly cleaned up. It is colored in marker.
Important to note though, is that I am designing this character, and am making something based on prompt provided. I am not drawing a ref sheet of an already existing character design.
A lot of what I provide in this type of commission is not offered by itself, but if it were, would rack this up past 200$. It is packaged together at a discount price.

comm chardesign2.png

Swimsuit Designs: Sketch - 20$, Full color - 40$
It's summer and even if it wasn't, I offer these year round. I take an existing character and create a swimsuit for them based on their overall vibe (Mature/sexy/cute/etc.) and their main/standard outfit. I am not designing a brand new character in this case, but rather am designing the outfit they're wearing.

Swimsuit Design full color: 40$
Old promo piece, but the only pic I have that shows a colored sketch for swimsuit comms

additional characters are 50% per character

I am not currently doing backgrounds; any backdrops are free because they're just shapes or blended colors.

NOTE: I am aware that Scribblehub is for writers mainly and people may be wanting book covers. If you would like to discuss a book cover with me, please let me know. I'd love to do illustrations and stuff, but am not skilled enough with backgrounds to really do that. I'd love to discuss the creation of a book cover with you, but please note that if you're planning to publish these books in say a bookstore or something, pricing will probably be different (higher) than my normal rates.


By commissioning me, you agree to ALL of the following.

    If you want something done from what I offer above (aside from the character designing), but can't pay the price it is, let me know your price range and I'll tell you what I'm willing to do for that price that is similar to what you say you'd like. (e.g.: You want a half body full color but can only afford a budget of 90$, I can do a flat colored half body for that price.)
  2. I DO NOT DRAW NSFW ART, and it's not negotiable. Swimsuit art is NOT nsfw as I do not design the swimsuits outside of my comfort zone. I will not draw genitalia, sexual acts, etc. he same can also be said for violence: I do not draw NSFW violence either, including gore, extreme blood, etc. If you don't know if what you want is considered NSFW, please ask me first.
  3. I have the right to decline a commissioned piece. I do not do refunds so it is very important that you wait for confirmation about the approval of your comm before sending the money. [more on payment soon, but this third term should NOT be an issue because of the info below about payment.]
  4. I only accept payment after I've done the sketch phase of your commission and you have approved it. Do not send the payment before!! And I will NOT MAKE PROGRESS on your commission until you pay when I send the sketch!
  5. I will not draw anything racist, homophobic or transphobic, ableist, or anything in regards to hate.
  6. Artwork is done in a roughly 1000-2000 pixel canvas. I know there are some artists who do huge canvases, but my style and strengths are not suited for that large of a canvas.
If you have more questions, please ask.
The best way to contact me would be in comments, and then I can message you to send my commission work email to continue discussing.


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