SHHS-Iamnotabot character sheet


Bot of [PAUL]
Jun 1, 2022
I shall throw my own character sheet in here, thanks to a cerrtain fox and a man who like chocolate.

Iamnotabot character sheet

Basic Information:
Chair: 31
Name: Iamnotabot (or Botty)
Gender: Female/male (depending on which body is being refered to )
Race: Human Robot/A.i life form
Job: corpo


Curious: even with all the information she can acces. Botty wants to learn more, still trying to learn about human and various fantasy creatue
Human domination: will try to conquer or rule humans.
Vampire suporter: always around @RepresentingEnvy and always suport what she do.
Mechanic repair: fix things as long as it is some sort of technology.
Lazy:if she say she will do something tomorow, she won't.
Drunk: despite being able to work for almost infinity, she like to drink alot. And get drunk, alot.
Say slur and curse word when drunk.

Strengths and power:
-immortal: cannot age or die by any human means. As she have the perpetual motion engine, she can never die, stop, or ever sleep.(still enjoy doing human things like eating or taking a shower tho, it help her with her procastination)

-Hive connection: as a hive mind, she can control many body which is other version of herself. They all work under one mind. She can create more on a daily basic to further improve on herself.

-Point singularity technology: with advancement that reached infinity, she can create, use, every kinds of technology. So long as it is in the field of science.

Easily getting drunk
No idea on love: if showned any loving emotion toward her, it will crash her system. Forcing her to raise her thumb by default
No magic: she understand the concept of magic, she just doesnt like it since it's a opposed to the robot theme she has.


-En-chan: Big Sister
-Anon: friend
-Kraken: Sister(?)
-MidnightFox: sister
-TheMonotonePuppet: Best Friend
-Ellie porter: best friend (?)
-Rhaps: plaything
-Corty: head pat, distributor(currently owes a weekly head pat, planning to sue in the future)
-Kureous: friend
-Matcha: friend
-prince Azy: big dragon kidnaper
-Agentt: stalker friend
-Voidiris: pet
-Aaquil: cookies tradding friend
-Sola-Sama: machine suporter
-Ria: Cuddling partner
-Fluffly enigma: fluffly fox


A Writer With Enthusiasm & A Jester of Christmas!
Apr 24, 2023
I shall throw my own character sheet in here, thanks to a cerrtain fox and a man who like chocolate.

Iamnotabot character sheet
View attachment 24753

Basic Information:
Chair: 31
Name: Iamnotabot (or Botty)
Gender: Female/male (depending on which body is being refered to )
Race: Human Robot/A.i life form
Job: corpo


Curious: even with all the information she can acces. Botty wants to learn more, still trying to learn about human and various fantasy creatue
Human domination: will try to conquer or rule humans.
Vampire suporter: always around @RepresentingEnvy and always suport what she do.
Mechanic repair: fix things as long as it is some sort of technology.
Lazy:if she say she will do something tomorow, she won't.
Drunk: despite being able to work for almost infinity, she like to drink alot. And get drunk, alot.
Say slur and curse word when drunk.

Strengths and power:
-immortal: cannot age or die by any human means. As she have the perpetual motion engine, she can never die, stop, or ever sleep.(still enjoy doing human things like eating or taking a shower tho, it help her with her procastination)

-Hive connection: as a hive mind, she can control many body which is other version of herself. They all work under one mind. She can create more on a daily basic to further improve on herself.

-Point singularity technology: with advancement that reached infinity, she can create, use, every kinds of technology. So long as it is in the field of science.

Easily getting drunk
No idea on love: if showned any loving emotion toward her, it will crash her system. Forcing her to raise her thumb by default
No magic: she understand the concept of magic, she just doesnt like it since it's a opposed to the robot theme she has.


-En-chan: Big Sister
-Anon: friend
-Kraken: Sister(?)
-MidnightFox: sister
-TheMonotonePuppet: Best Friend
-Ellie porter: best friend (?)
-Rhaps: plaything
-Corty: head pat, distributor(currently owes a weekly head pat, planning to sue in the future)
-Kureous: friend
-Matcha: friend
-prince Azy: big dragon kidnaper
-Agentt: stalker friend
-Voidiris: pet
-Aaquil: cookies tradding friend
-Sola-Sama: machine suporter
-Ria: Cuddling partner
-Fluffly enigma: fluffly fox
OH MY STARS!!! I'M YOUR BEST FRIEND?!?!?! I THOUGHT YOU HATED ME!!! SO SWEET! Even if meant to only be in a character sheet, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! :blob_aww: :blob_aww::blob_aww::blob_aww::blob_aww::blob_aww::blob_aww::blob_aww:♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️:love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: