stuck as an animagus


Active member
Sep 27, 2020
To be honest there are WAY too few animagus stories out there, at least in my opinion. So, I thought of a prompt that people could do that might be interesting for those few that love insert fics.

1. Your insert whether they are a self insert or oc insert MUST already have his\her\its animagus form unlocked, whether it happened because of the process of being transported, or because of something else.

2. The story MUST center around the character using there form frequently to their advantage, way too many animagus stories has the MC unlock it only to NEVER use it again.

3. While the MC does not have to get stuck in their form at the start, at some point something needs to have to force them to stay in their form for a while, maybe they got captured and had a magic restraint device planted on them, or they got hit with a curse that made being human painful.

4. His\her\its form has to be useful somehow. No flobberworm animagus or newborn kitten forms. Yes a kitten form would be cute, however they NEED to be able to survive on their own. So if it must be a cat, at least have it at an old enough age to venture out on its own.