Some venting and problems I never open up to anyone in life, not even my current best friend, but I decided to because it's 11pm and I can't think str


Voidiris' enthusiast feet enjoyer.
Mar 5, 2021
When I was 15 years old, I believe. I was born in 2006 and I'm mentioning 2020 so yeah, around that, yeah.
I was in a roleplay game.
Now, talking about roleplaying, you might think about some cringy stuff that kids do for mentally sexual pleasure, and, most likely you'll be right. But I struck quite the gold mine with a community that take pride in their literature ability, creating life-full character with laughter and smiles, adventuring through the well-crafted land of a homebrew DnD with heavy roleplay element.
The group I played with have less than 10 players, and I met a girl, she was 4 years older than me in the same city and we started hanging out because I made some money writing shit for a NFT dude idk he never elaborated so I can afford seeing her across town. The game took such great pride in fact that when I incidentally cause another person OC/character to die, they'd wish irl death on me.
I've been trying to keep this story out of memory for so long that I'm having trouble remembering the details, the girl was important, so I typed it out, but couldn't remember why. As you can see, I'm typing this as I think and no rereading.
While our relationship was at its peak irl, I was a very destructive kid on the roleplay game.

You know those people who ruined a DnD experience by doing dumb shit, like a rogue stabbing everything without thoughts and what not? That's me.
She tried her best to defend me, even embarrassing herself and speaking up for me when the team confronts me, which, my young, stupid ass, took as sign I should do more problem.
Our relationship only corrupts from there, when I cause her character to die protecting mine (because my character did something stupid that provoke a strong character).

This is very symbolic, now that I think about it, don't you?

It haven't fully shattered yet, but only got worse. I was kept around because my roleplaying ability was quite good, and with my background as a writer, my characters are just unique and life-like (not stroking my ego, just saying what they told me), my skills was just below the veterans like the DM himself and his mentor (they're like, 30 with 15 years of rping exp)

I was kept around but that just means more problem for me to cause, I was not getting smarter, I was not getting more common sense slapped into my head, the game elected to ignore me and looking back I wish I could just quit and they'd just kick me fully.
Instead, I got worse, and their insults, death threats and other stuff, I want to use the word "bully" but I think that's not reflective (since they're not picking on me for no reason), it's just really heavy hatred.

It's like an eternal pendulem, swing to the left, I cause them stress, swing back to the right, they cause me sadness. A never ending cycle that probably was the conduit for one another.

We finally broke up fully after I made a bad joke about an item that the girl gave my character
Context: The next hoard of monsters we fight have a frontline that negates every [Shield], and she just upgraded an item that buffed [Shield] for my character to use, so I joked "Damn, it's useless."
Yes, I was very stupid, you can throw tomatoes and eggs, here's a basket.

With no one left on my side, I slowly sees my path to redemption, but still, I detoured away and went on a darker route.

By the end of 2021 or early 2022, or somewhere before that like mid 2021. I attempted to take my life 3 times... Well, probably 1, because the first one was just impulses, staring and crying down from the 3rd floor of my school, the second one was failed, and the 3rd time (overdosing attempt) caused me to fell ill for 4 days straight, skipping school and everything.

I came back and my character died after then in a mistake I made in the harder dungeon, the DM loved her (he made quite an fanart for her) and opened a vote to see if we can bend the rule to save her, and he was quite mad at me because I stayed silent while that was going on. I was just overwhelmed, I couldn't place my hands on my keyboard then, but I don't have anyway to say that or prove it, I just stared at everyone voted, most agreed because they loved her, too. (This might contradict with the rogue example I give, because the old character was dead and this character was my redemption, she was way better/nice/righteous), but one disagreed because of the roleplayer; i.e me, and she died.

I was kicked from the game soon after because of a communication error, in which; I started to see the DM trying to incriminate me into bad.

I hung out with him irl, and I was just zoning out the whole day while he give me and another guy spoiler on how this next boss/obstacle work.
I didn't pay much attention, so when the boss came and I accidentally overcame it with some other people (like, half the game), they accused me of hoarding the information for myself because the DM said "I already told Luoir, he should've told you." so I got kicked out of that campaign even after trying to explain.

There was one more incident like that that's more clear, he privately told me to do something, and when I did and failed, he said "Well I was just suggesting."

Anyway, the straw that broke the camel's back was when roleplaying on the next campaign, I was kept away from the group chat, and my character was accused of being a phony because of something he said, basically...
"I think we should give this character 3 times/chances to prove herself, if not, I can volunteer killing her."
I don't know if anything wrong with that, that's just how I would view the situation, maybe I was implying my own beliefs on my character then, but I don't necessarily see the wrong in that statement. My charater gave the character another chance, and she disappoint everyone three times, I gave her a chance so I would take it away.
The team did not get rubbed the wrong way with the word "kill", they agreed with me, but only the fact that they were convinced I was playing fake hero, I was trying to act edgy because I "volunteer"
I don't know, I don't understand, maybe I did. The point of that was... I got scolded real well, my character got called names in the game, and I left and blocked everyone, never came back.

From then, I kept on a perverted online persona to cope with insecurity and serious situations, which is why a lot of people don't like me; whenever I get into a situation that tense and the atmosphere condenses, I would just leave or make a very dry and stupid joke. I haven't grow out of it, maybe when I grow up.

There is no conclusion, just a lot of words, thank you for reading, sincerely, Luoir, or SAVI.

P/s: Please do not have any hatred towards the people of this story, I, expericing everything first hand and now looking back, I think their actions were justified, and most of them were quite nice, the only two who bullied me the most are the more insensitive/realistic people so I guess it's in their character, it would not be right to condemn them, especially when they're not here. But please, point out the wrongs in me, that'll help me improve.


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
Don’t be horny. Or insecure
Leave the group and give me their real life identities for … no reason

You already did one part do the other


Voidiris' enthusiast feet enjoyer.
Mar 5, 2021
Don’t be horny. Or insecure
Leave the group and give me their real life identities for … no reason

You already did one part do the other
I don't get any of that 3 lines


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2022

I saw the "attempts" and just skipped. Yeah I've had enough emotional dumping for this week thank you. Please seek help, you are still young and petty things do tend to hurt more than they need to, but to go to such extent that you end up on attempting to take your own life? There's something else going on under there and you definitely need to seek help from an adult.

You need counsel, not online confessions. Hope you get better soon


🐉Burns you with his Love🐉
Aug 23, 2022
I don't really know what to say.
I would like to show you my support.

I am glad you are still here with us.
Death is the enemy, not the answer.
Last edited:


A Writer With Enthusiasm & A Jester of Christmas!
Apr 24, 2023

I saw the "attempts" and just skipped. Yeah I've had enough emotional dumping for this week thank you. Please seek help, you are still young and petty things do tend to hurt more than they need to, but to go to such extent that you end up on attempting to take your own life? There's something else going on under there and you definitely need to seek help from an adult.

You need counsel, not online confessions. Hope you get better soon
Are you unable to suspend your deep concern for a moment to offer a sympathetic ear? To say that you hope they are able to grow as a person, heal and mend the wounds (you can just tack on “with a therapist”).
Frankly, your phrasing was dismissive. And you did not even consider whether he was in the position.
Also, did you even consider that this confession was Luoir trying to get close to us? He keeps us at arms length. This confession is his opportunity to build a rapport with new people i.e. now with us.

Don’t respond if you don’t have the emotional capacity to handle this.

Take a breather.

Let him make friends.


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
Never kill yourself. It is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Your pain might go away, but you will leave behind a world of pain for others.

Depression lies. It will get better. Even just sleeping will make some of it better. I would suggest trying to learn about boundaries. Your story tells me that you don't understand boundaries well. Build boundaries based on how things make you feel, and learn how others build boundaries. Learning about others allows us to look at ourselves.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2022
Are you unable to suspend your deep concern for a moment to offer a sympathetic ear? To say that you hope they are able to grow as a person, heal and mend the wounds (you can just tack on “with a therapist”).
Frankly, your phrasing was dismissive. And you did not even consider whether he was in the position.
Also, did you even consider that this confession was Luoir trying to get close to us? He keeps us at arms length. This confession is his opportunity to build a rapport with new people i.e. now with us.

Don’t respond if you don’t have the emotional capacity to handle this.

Take a breather.

Let him make friends.

Internet is not the place to seek help when you're a suicide survivor, if what they claim is true the best advice is to push them to seek real help.

I don't believe in sympathy, empathy walks when sympathy is just talk.

Consoling them here will only create a false sense of safety and relief, which is the worst possible situation... avoiding will just compund their troubles.

Again to reiterate cause there might be people who think they are experts, this forum is not a place to seek this level of help. I'd rather they feel unsatisfied here and seek help from actual experts then just get pats here and shrug it off.

Sounds to me you might know them? Or you're just referring to their user name just like that, anyhow yeah go ahead and be pleased with yourself that you helped them "make friends".


A Writer With Enthusiasm & A Jester of Christmas!
Apr 24, 2023
Internet is not the place to seek help when you're a suicide survivor, if what they claim is true the best advice is to push them to seek real help.

I don't believe in sympathy, empathy walks when sympathy is just talk.

Consoling them here will only create a false sense of safety and relief, which is the worst possible situation... avoiding will just compund their troubles.

Again to reiterate cause there might be people who think they are experts, this forum is not a place to seek this level of help. I'd rather they feel unsatisfied here and seek help from actual experts then just get pats here and shrug it off.

Sounds to me you might know them? Or you're just referring to their user name just like that, anyhow yeah go ahead and be pleased with yourself that you helped them "make friends".
Again, are you considering the fact that some people are not able to get therapists? Or counseling? Stop being so privileged.

As for that sympathy vs empathy bs, you do realize that counseling is literally built around both sympathy and empathy, right? You hypocrite. You do see the contradiction, no?

Most of this is not even about the suicide. He is trying to better himself. And saving and bottling it up for someone who you can’t access every day.

Let me tell you a secret. A huge part of being friends is sharing your life. Just because suicide is part of his doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be able to share it. Being friends means asking for help, and seeing whether you can better each other! To see whether you help each other be set on the straight and narrow.

And I do know him. Not well, but I am firm believer in allowing ALL chances for personal growth.


Squat Enjoyer and Programmer
Jan 2, 2022
This series of events is all too common around the DND table and it generally happens when one player is socially inexperienced or autistic and forgets that DND first, before anything else is a group activity. Faithfully role playing your character without consideration to the flow of the campaign and the real life personalities of the people you're playing with will often lead to problematic situations. "But it's what my character would do" they say as they derail and cause growing frustration. You should play to enhance everyone else's experience not maximize the authenticity of your character. You can do the latter in your own single player campaign of Balder's Gate 3.


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
This series of events is all too common around the DND table and it generally happens when one player is socially inexperienced or autistic and forgets that DND first, before anything else is a group activity. Faithfully role playing your character without consideration to the flow of the campaign and the real life personalities of the people you're playing with will often lead to problematic situations. "But it's what my character would do" they say as they derail and cause growing frustration. You should play to enhance everyone else's experience not maximize the authenticity of your character. You can do the latter in your own single player campaign of Balder's Gate 3.
As an autist myself, I can struggle with group activities. I hyperfocus on things sometimes. I played DnD IRL before with a few friends, and the experience was frustrating.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2022
Again, are you considering the fact that some people are not able to get therapists? Or counseling? Stop being so privileged.

As for that sympathy vs empathy bs, you do realize that counseling is literally built around both sympathy and empathy, right? You hypocrite. You do see the contradiction, no?

Most of this is not even about the suicide. He is trying to better himself. And saving and bottling it up for someone who you can’t access every day.

Let me tell you a secret. A huge part of being friends is sharing your life. Just because suicide is part of his doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be able to share it. Being friends means asking for help, and seeing whether you can better each other! To see whether you help each other be set on the straight and narrow.

And I do know him. Not well, but I am firm believer in allowing ALL chances for personal growth.
Where are you diverging this into? XD

Fine, let's not be privileged and drop my monocle here. There are free helplines and even sites and apps that provide anonymous and safe space to seek this kind of help.

Counseling is a whole lot more than sympathy vs empathy yes, but again I don't believe in giving the "false hope" and buttering them up.

When suicide comes into play that's the main thing I'll pin point. Like I said I skipped when I read to that part, because nothing what I say or "echo" will help their specific situation. I emphasize on them to go seek help cause it is an urgent and emergency situation when someday has just told me they have attempted suicide.

The concerning part to me is how much you are trying to downplay this threat and picture this happy go lucky wonderland that they can create here in scribblehub. Please stop it.

If you really want to be their friend, find them a good support group that gives free counseling and connect them. It's easy to throw around the word friends... It's just shallow when it's just for pretence.

Sharing is fine, but it is only the first step. Also please stop trying to be their mouthpiece, if OP has a problem with what I've said they'll tell it themselves.

Growth happens after cure...not before


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
It's fine, you did well to vent.
I would give you a hug if I could. Settle for my virtual hug and my spiritual support.
Your big brother is here, and I understand you.

We all make mistakes. Often, we hurt other people. Sometimes we do it knowingly.
The fact that you realize your mistakes is positive.
Growing means learning from them. And doing less of them. Not making any is impossible.
But trying not to make too many and not to repeat the ones you've already made should be your goal.
Through trial and error, we can approach the divine without any chance of reaching it.
We are only human after all.

I knew you were wearing a mask, it was obvious, but like we all do here.
For what it's worth, I don't hate you.
In fact, I like you, even if you need to learn what the limits are and not to cross them.

Think if the nefarious attempts had succeeded.
How many things would you have missed out on?
How many people would you not have met?
How many experiences would you not have lived?
It's not worth it.
The best is yet to come.

We must aspire to leave after giving the best of ourselves.
You made mistakes, you were young, you hurt people... but it's not over.
You can always start over. Your story is still unwritten.
Who knows what ending awaits us.

I probably will never see it, but it will surely be spectacular.
As far as I am allowed, I will be your companion for part of your journey.
Be that person who makes others feel better.

That is the secret of rizz.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020
From then, I kept on a perverted online persona to cope with insecurity and serious situations,
Yeah, I can see this part. I'm not good at helping others... So go get that counseling thing.

Ahem, if I were to be serious for a second, you should really get help from a professional. Doesn't mean you can't talk to us about this, but we are no experts. We don't know you well enough or specifics of your situation. Though we all agree that harming yourself is not an option, we can't deal with the root of the problem.

I, will speak for myself here. I don't know how to console or help people. And If I were to be frank here, I'm a coward. I don't want to take responsobility if something goes wrong after my advice. However, if you want for someone to listen to you, go ahead and PM me. If it will make you feel better, I can help you that way.


Voidiris' enthusiast feet enjoyer.
Mar 5, 2021
Thank y'all for consoling, I am not necessarily here to find a path towards the light at the end so don't get worked up or stressed. I am over that point, I now find a hobby in being a spiritual artist that takes pride in religion philosophies, a translator (considering picking up JP for this) and a top student. The only demerit I could probably find is that I can't quite feel music like I did back in '21, I don't flinch to music now and I dislike the fact.

I am just here because I don't feel like I was being honest with myself and it's penting up into my heart, when my best friend was asking me why does the forementioned 4 years older girl hated me that much, I was really ashamed of the true answer and just lied very badly "Basically I r-word her" and hope that conveyed the message, which, was fucked up.

I understand what NineHeadHeavenDevouringSerpent (like a Hydra?) is saying, me personally before all this I have lost a friend before all of this, around the start of '20. I don't know if she's actually *y know* or just left the account, just disappeared from chatting one day, I couldn't have help her. The online space is very safe if you leave no trace, but that also means a false sense of security. But I am here to told an old story and grow so don't worry, I won't be seeking some pats on the back before going back to buying 75 cents paracetamol tabs.
Yeah, I can see this part. I'm not good at helping others... So go get that counseling thing.

Ahem, if I were to be serious for a second, you should really get help from a professional. Doesn't mean you can't talk to us about this, but we are no experts. We don't know you well enough or specifics of your situation. Though we all agree that harming yourself is not an option, we can't deal with the root of the problem.

I, will speak for myself here. I don't know how to console or help people. And If I were to be frank here, I'm a coward. I don't want to take responsobility if something goes wrong after my advice. However, if you want for someone to listen to you, go ahead and PM me. If it will make you feel better, I can help you that way.
You're a more sensitive man than what I envisioned you as for the longest time I'm here, glad to see that side pat pat
This series of events is all too common around the DND table and it generally happens when one player is socially inexperienced or autistic and forgets that DND first, before anything else is a group activity. Faithfully role playing your character without consideration to the flow of the campaign and the real life personalities of the people you're playing with will often lead to problematic situations. "But it's what my character would do" they say as they derail and cause growing frustration. You should play to enhance everyone else's experience not maximize the authenticity of your character. You can do the latter in your own single player campaign of Balder's Gate 3.
I learned it the hard way, now I would never repeat history. I'm glad I learn lots more noe (got BG3 cracked but deleted after the ship, didn't like the POV and controlling system)


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020
I am over that point, I now find a hobby in being a spiritual artist that takes pride in religion philosophies, a translator (considering picking up JP for this) and a top student.


I like yuri
Jun 19, 2022
You at least have the maturity to recognize that you were "That Guy" in your group and made an effort to improve the second time around. That's what matters.

You're already moving forward. Keep that momentum going and don't let your past experiences pull you back.


Active member
Feb 20, 2024
Sounds like you learned a really good lesson: never role play too close to the sun. You identified too strongly with a non-living character. Now that you’re older you can touch grass and focus on mindfulness.