SHF High-school Fanfic


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2023
We're all here. Just standing near your base to annoy your Network.
The artificial one is fun~
I didn't get your notice beforehand. Also Kaeda is it? I didn't measure your power level yet so if you wanna go take a look around the spaceship please to do not touch anything. And you Boi don't write anything of your supposed walk to your KGB report, I knew.
Sep 8, 2022

It was a sign! He knows we talking abut him!
:blob_hmm: Your dad should still be pissed because I kidnapped you from hell.
Yeah! I'm Azure's! No touching me if you're not her! :blob_pout:
I didn't get your notice beforehand. Also Kaeda is it? I didn't measure your power level yet so if you wanna go take a look around the spaceship please to do not touch anything. And you Boi don't write anything of your supposed walk to your KGB report, I knew.
It's gonna be hard...
Oh, grow up, you big baby. The KGB is under your command anyway, why would you need to write reports? Also, we're technically divorced.
Sep 8, 2022
Whatever, you can come in, only seeing no touching.
*walks inside the ship and smiles mischievously*
*carefuly touches the wall with one finger for just a second, than hides both of her hands behind her back*
That is a technological marvel. Truly, one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
Of course we look alike~ After all, you are changing your appearance too, little one. Not much, bit by bit, just slow enough for everyone to overlook your changes.
But it's strange... Did you find someone who took a place in your heart? Your changes are slower then they should be.
So I took my unnatural beauty from you! :blob_uwu:
Long story short, I now have three hearts because I've been blessed by multiple cosmic entities. Each of these three hearts beats for a different woman. Or rather, they are the same woman, but with three different alter-egos. Oh, I've also become a chocolate scythe, eternally bound to my Seymour. :blob_sweat:
What changes should I expect?

*She hugs you back, wiping your tears with steady fingers*
Kaeda is my name, given to my by my mother, Saida. She was the one to name you, little one, for your powers take root in her blood.
Sadly, I cannot create chocolate like you do.
*hugs tightly*
Kaeda! :blob_teary: What a wonderful name! In Japanese, it means maple, while in Gaelic it means regal.
Given the confusion, I think I'll call you Kaasan, if that's okay with you. :blob_pout:

So my powers and my name come from my grandmother, Saida... is she still alive? :oops:
Saida means happy, fortunate, joyful in Arabic, and exit in Portuguese.
Everything is starting to make sense, Kaasan!

Now that you are here, we can make up for lost time and rebuild our relationship... you see, I have to introduce you to someone very important. She is Ssemouy, the woman who has stolen my three hearts.
She's my wonderful wife, the woman of my life.


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
He didn't know...? This is...
*another frying pan falls on Boi's head*
I was the one to carry Matcha under my heart for a long time. I am not sure why you believe that Russian was the one to do it. Sadly, he was too young to remember me when I left.
And a keepsake... The one I left in his soul wasn't enough?
(So the Papa was the one to carry the baby?:blob_dizzy:)
...In his soul, you say? Really? Quick! Someone search Lord Matcha's soul.
:blob_teary: S-Ssemouy... You can't die! Who's gonna worship me and serve me and feed me if you die! :blob_teary:
It's okay respawn is immediate because Tony doesn't want the family reunion to be interrupted :blob_uwu:


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2023
*walks inside the ship and smiles mischievously*
*carefuly touches the wall with one finger for just a second, than hides both of her hands behind her back*
That is a technological marvel. Truly, one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life
Well I need to get back to my new space station do you wanna also toured there or just this ship?
*I said while walking through the corridor*


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
I get destroying the reality filter, but why eliminate anon too?! :blob_blank:
Just to be sure that there's no chance you don't exist. :blob_sweat:

Funny you say that, I take that approach sometimes as well. I do it with long-form stories as well, sometimes I already know the ending and climax before even thinking of the opening line. I even have a bunch of quotes in my notepad that I think are cool so I don't forget them.
I'm glad we're similar in this regard. I think of scenes or dialogues, plot twists, evocative scenes, and an idea for an ending, although that often changes due to the characters who tend to have the last word and build their own story. Sometimes I think I'm more of an editor/director than a writer. Not that I mind, in fact, it's wonderful to see the characters come to life, even though sometimes I have to act like a deity and shake things up.

Unfortunately, one of the only things I'm ever sure of is the outcome of a story segment, then I just work backwards from there. So coinflips and dice rolls don't really work the best.
Yeah, I suggested it but it's not a method I use. I don't like leaving things to chance, and when I do, I've actually already made my decision and am looking for confirmation. If the result is different, I force it towards what I want.

Only the opening theme and boss themes are made by mili, the rest are made by Studio EIM. No vocals but the music is phenomenal nonetheless :blob_melt:
The Korean dubbing is of good quality, but is there also a Japanese version? In any case, the combat system is, let's say... unique. I think it will take me a while to master it. The artistic direction is sublime in every aspect.

The first thing that stands out, however, are the dialogues. There is no comparison with HSR. Another galaxy. They are very well written.

Eh? I thought you rebelled against entropy? Has love made you lose sight of your goals?
I'm a rebel; my rebellion is a war without hope of victory, which I will fight anyway because the mere fact of existing is a rebellion in itself. You know me, I'm the specialist in battles doomed from the start. However, as a plan B, what I've outlined with you isn't that bad...

It's not a problem to do both :blob_uwu:

I'll mark this later for when I listen to it. But yeah, I'm not expecting AI to be able to get mili anytime soon. Their style is way too niche so you don't really have a big sample size to train an AI off of.
Count on it! 🤩
The time when Skynet will annihilate us is still far off.
This AI is phenomenal, but music is such a complex art that humans remain unmatched. And thankfully so!
Sep 8, 2022
So I took my unnatural beauty from you! :blob_uwu:
Long story short, I now have three hearts because I've been blessed by multiple cosmic entities. Each of these three hearts beats for a different woman. Or rather, they are the same woman, but with three different alter-egos. Oh, I've also become a chocolate scythe, eternally bound to my Seymour. :blob_sweat:
What changes should I expect?
What is even going on in your life...? You can expect to feel stronger in presence of someone with strong delusions.
*hugs tightly*
Kaeda! :blob_teary: What a wonderful name! In Japanese, it means maple, while in Gaelic it means regal.
Given the confusion, I think I'll call you Kaasan, if that's okay with you. :blob_pout:
That is wonderful, Matcha-kun. I will be honored to hear you call me Kaasan.
So my powers and my name come from my grandmother, Saida... is she still alive? :oops:
Saida means happy, fortunate, joyful in Arabic, and exit in Portuguese.
Everything is starting to make sense, Kaasan!

Now that you are here, we can make up for lost time and rebuild our relationship... you see, I have to introduce you to someone very important. She is Ssemouy, the woman who has stolen my three hearts.
She's my wonderful wife, the woman of my life.
(So the Papa was the one to carry the baby?:blob_dizzy:)
...In his soul, you say? Really? Quick! Someone search Lord Matcha's soul.
Ah, I see you already used the power I left in your soul. To feel and experience true love is rare for us, Demons.
Well I need to get back to my new space station do you wanna also toured there or just this ship?
*I said while walking through the corridor*
I would love to go on a tour! Show me everything!


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
Hmm? Oh, we do look alike. That is interesting...
*she pats Danny's head a couple of times*
Hmmm~ I see...
Hello, cousin!
She is a distant cousin from my father's side. A Vegetable Demon, maybe? Or something similar enough.
COU-- COUSIN?! :blob_shock: H-hello :sweating_profusely: So I do have some succubus blood after all :sweating_profusely:
Oh, not succubus blood, Vegetable Demon blood~

So in the end, we really are blood relatives, Ane-san! :love:
I suspected as much; it couldn't have been otherwise, given all the similarities.
I'm so happy! 🤩