Gender bender and yuris?


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2020
See, I've read some of their works, and it's more of romanticized relationships than realistic ones. Which is fine with escapist power fantasy that Valerie writes, but I just can't see it as "exploration of trans les relationships" if it's just cinnamon roll all the time. That's just not realistic.

PS: to be fair, I usually end up dropping those stories because I always drop stories from authors that don't release at least a chapter a month. And Valerie has a bad case of writer ADHD. Meaning she jumps stories whenever to write something else and I've yet to bother restarting even her completed stuff because a year or more has passed since I dropped and just can't care enough. Thus, I could be very well wrong.
Oh yeah definetly. I didn’t realize you meant quality. By the same nature I haven’t seen any genderbender yuri’s that actually explore that relationship in depth that I remember except maybe sorts Novice Reincarnator. If you have I’d love some reccomendations though! I’m always in need of more well written yuri. As for transbian serious relationships, hm, I’d say The Importance of Being a Team Player comes close, but I’m not sure if the mc herself got into romance or not. It’s completed but I didn’t catch up. In the terms of trans girl stories in general, A Probability Experiment Turned Me Into A Clockwork Girl And I Really Don’t Know What To Make Of It All, feels like one of the most well rounded transgirl mc’s by a large margin, though BaTP comes close. Oh! And also How Can I Save The World if I’m No Longer a Hero, very good stuff there. Might be number one.


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2019
Oh yeah definetly. I didn’t realize you meant quality. By the same nature I haven’t seen any genderbender yuri’s that actually explore that relationship in depth that I remember except maybe sorts Novice Reincarnator. If you have I’d love some reccomendations though! I’m always in need of more well written yuri. As for transbian serious relationships, hm, I’d say The Importance of Being a Team Player comes close, but I’m not sure if the mc herself got into romance or not. It’s completed but I didn’t catch up. In the terms of trans girl stories in general, A Probability Experiment Turned Me Into A Clockwork Girl And I Really Don’t Know What To Make Of It All, feels like one of the most well rounded transgirl mc’s by a large margin, though BaTP comes close. Oh! And also How Can I Save The World if I’m No Longer a Hero, very good stuff there. Might be number one.
I'll give em a look. Thx for the recs.


Cultured Yuri Connoisseur
Dec 23, 2018
Oh, and in case you're wondering. Those who read Yuri (girlxgirl) are not necessarily girls who are into girls. See what I mean? I'm a straight man, and I still love the Yuri dynamic for reasons that will take more than one paragraph to explain here.
straight guy who loves yuri on deck! :blob_sir: :blob_salute:


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2022
Am I the only one here who dislikes Gender bender genres that have Yuri aspects? Like I’m not against smutty or sexual novela, but I genuinely don’t enjoy yuri mixed with gender bender, I feel as if it defeats the point of a gender bender
you are not the only one, no. I also pass.


Your toes are now forklift. Get licensed now!
Jan 5, 2022
the problem with most GB + Yuri is that the author usually cant write good GB. They can write incredibly good and FLOOF Yuri, but are really bad at the GB section they added. At which point, just make the MC female from the start, most won't notice since they care more for the Yuri FLOOF (unless plot dictates the GB is important in some manner)

like, so many GB + Yuri could just make the MC female from the start, and nothing changes other then the beginning of the story with how little plot relevance they put into GB or the MC's thought process

not saying GB + Yuri cant be good, its just that many might focus to heavily on everything else and forget to advance the GB enough so it actually matters beyond "Oh am boy, but I became girl, but I still like girl, so now I go get GF" like at that point, just make a FMC that likes girls at the start and remove the awkward GB beginning that gets forgotten plot wise in like 12 chapters


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2023
Mmm. Reading this thread reaffirms my decision to delete the stories I'd been writing. Apologies.
I wouldn't just because of this?

There's any number of story tags/story tag combos where I could've been like "grrrr I hate this tag" and people would've been like "me too!" but some people like that tag.

If you delete your stories based off of some people on the internet not liking the tag combo, all stories would be deleted, so there would be no stories.


Your toes are now forklift. Get licensed now!
Jan 5, 2022
If you delete your stories based off of some people on the internet not liking the tag combo, all stories would be deleted, so there would be no stories.
rip the 8 stories I was reading that got deleted for rewrites (I was still tryna read them)


Your toes are now forklift. Get licensed now!
Jan 5, 2022
+1 whenever i try to write a GL story, i've always decided that that is what i will always do.
GB can make a GL story good, if done right (chances of finding a story that does both GB and Yuri right is nay impossible)


Jun 18, 2023
From what I have seen, most gender-bender stories are about titillation, not a serious exploration of sexuality. Pretty much any of the "and guy gets isekai'd into a girl" tropes. I'm just not interested.

Look, if you want to just write a female MC, then just write a female MC. It's not that hard.

If you want to write about the experience of changing the body to match the mind, then create a journey where they can achieve this goal. Maybe even resolve that within the first volume/100k words or so and set up the next step of their personal journey. This will probably include some adjustment period of not having to compensate of having unwanted body parts. But by now they'd met new friends and should have further life goals. The first part of their journey should give them further life goals, even if it is to pursue a love interest and settle down someplace.

Here, I'll even sketch a framework: the MC is just old enough to head out into the world on their own, and so they and (friends? sibling? mysterious traveler? fill it in,) head out on a journey to a clan of shapechangers to see if they can get help (I would use kitsune, but that's my bias. There are lots of options). You have adventures along the way, then perhaps need to earn the help of the shapechanger clan, and so many chances to meet new people and get longer-term goals. You can explore so much about the character in this basic framework.


Jun 6, 2021
Mmm. Reading this thread reaffirms my decision to delete the stories I'd been writing. Apologies.
Don't delete a story just because a few people dislike it. Only delete it if you see other people's feedback and realize you were actually doing something counter to your intentions.
Am I the only one here who dislikes Gender bender genres that have Yuri aspects? Like I’m not against smutty or sexual novela, but I genuinely don’t enjoy yuri mixed with gender bender, I feel as if it defeats the point of a gender bender
I strongly disagree that it 'defeats the point of gender bender'.

The point of gender bender (as a trope at least) is to explore differences in perspective from gender and sexuality (usually caused by culture). How much the author cares to dive into the matter is up to them.

Now, I have to make an assumption about you here. You believe that girls should naturally prefer to date guys, yes? That's why the yuri inclusion is a problem? Because if it were real gender bender, the guy (now a girl) would suddenly be attracted to men. 'That's just the natural result...'

If you don't hold this perspective that's great, but it doesn't change my argument:
I think GB + Yuri can actually enhance the message of a GB story. Lesbians exist too, you know? The assumption that girls should be attracted to men is one of the perspectives that Gender Bender is meant to explore.
If that guy had previously been attracted to women, became one, and suddenly stopped being attracted to women, then the implication is that attraction is purely related to biology/reproduction. Which is demonstrably untrue.

That's not to say that the newbie girl can't be attracted to men. Older GB works tend to turn me away because the above 'logic' is in full force, but I'd respect someone who tried to dive into it without falling into that trap.

Now if we're just talking about smut, I'd say that there's even more freeeeedom to do what you want. No complaints will be accepted, thank you for your time.


Normal White Cat | Fluffy | Can bite really hard
Apr 10, 2024
Am I the only one here who dislikes Gender bender genres that have Yuri aspects? Like I’m not against smutty or sexual novela, but I genuinely don’t enjoy yuri mixed with gender bender, I feel as if it defeats the point of a gender bender
Maybe you will like my novel,check it in my signature.


Active member
Oct 29, 2021
I wouldn't just because of this?

There's any number of story tags/story tag combos where I could've been like "grrrr I hate this tag" and people would've been like "me too!" but some people like that tag.

If you delete your stories based off of some people on the internet not liking the tag combo, all stories would be deleted, so there would be no stories.
I had some "hate" ratings based on the tags alone, which was a bit of a downer for me. Plus, honestly, I feel like my first-draft BS wasn't really doing the subjects justice. I initially wrote GB+Yuri because I'm a transwoman who married a lesbian, so it felt like "writing what I know." Interestingly, my wife also transitioned and is now my husband, which was a topic I wanted to explore in one of the stories.

But between threads like this and people on X/Twitter constantly going on about "penises in women's spaces" I kinda feel like I don't want to draw attention to myself or my writing because I'm just going to end up doxxed or something. I'll keep writing my stories on my own and if I feel like it's safe to do so, I can repost them.
Don't delete a story just because a few people dislike it. Only delete it if you see other people's feedback and realize you were actually doing something counter to your intentions.
That's just it. I was getting lower ratings, but no negative feedback. Most of the feedback was generally positive or comments on the ongoing story. But I had no idea what was not sitting well with the people that were giving me 1-star ratings. In fact, when people pointed out continuity or spelling issues, I always made sure to jump back and correct them. I dunno. I guess a bisexual trans woman writing GB+Yuri just feels too much like self-gratifying fantasy to readers? Like, I'm not against het, but it hasn't been my personal experience until recently, so I wrote what I knew. All of my main characters have trans elements, so the GB was usually a mix of relief and confusion to the characters as they tried to explore the changes.
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Apr 22, 2024
Am I the only one here who dislikes Gender bender genres that have Yuri aspects? Like I’m not against smutty or sexual novela, but I genuinely don’t enjoy yuri mixed with gender bender, I feel as if it defeats the point of a gender bender
So true, king. I feel like it's more interesting when the one being GB is straight physically & objectively. (Ex. mtf paired with his childhood male friend)
much more interesting
I'm a transwoman who married a lesbian, so it felt like "writing what I know." Interestingly, my wife also transitioned and is now my husband
That's interesting
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Jun 6, 2021
I had some "hate" ratings based on the tags alone, which was a bit of a downer for me. Plus, honestly, I feel like my first-draft BS wasn't really doing the subjects justice. I initially wrote GB+Yuri because I'm a transwoman who married a lesbian, so it felt like "writing what I know." Interestingly, my wife also transitioned and is now my husband, which was a topic I wanted to explore in one of the stories.

But between threads like this and people on X/Twitter constantly going on about "penises in women's spaces" I kinda feel like I don't want to draw attention to myself or my writing because I'm just going to end up doxxed or something. I'll keep writing my stories on my own and if I feel like it's safe to do so, I can repost them.

That's just it. I was getting lower ratings, but no negative feedback. Most of the feedback was generally positive or comments on the ongoing story. But I had no idea what was not sitting well with the people that were giving me 1-star ratings. In fact, when people pointed out continuity or spelling issues, I always made sure to jump back and correct them. I dunno. I guess a bisexual trans woman writing GB+Yuri just feels too much like self-gratifying fantasy to readers? Like, I'm not against het, but it hasn't been my personal experience until recently, so I wrote what I knew. All of my main characters have trans elements, so the GB was usually a mix of relief and confusion to the characters as they tried to explore the changes.
There's a huge audience for trans fics on SH, but as far as I can tell, that audience stays on the main site. There are a few trolls and unpleasant people who try to bring people down regardless of who it is, so sometimes you'll just have to ignore low ratings and such (They don't matter anyways). But you won't get to meet all of the likeminded people on the site if you don't put yourself forward. Well, you could just talk to other readers on other people's stories, lol.

As for threads like these, they can be safely ignored. They aren't meant to provide meaningful feedback or express valid concerns. There might be a few valid points raised once in a blue moon, but mostly they're just here so people can complain for the sake of complaining.


Intruding Person's account, yes.
Aug 10, 2023
You aren't. It can be used to explore trans lesbian identities, sure, but more often it's just used as an excuse to insert a man into a lesbian relationship.
Now, I have trauma against gender-bender story.

Thank you, Ria. Very cool.
Every now and then, I see a post like this asking people's opinions on GB + Yuri, and someone will inevitably say they hate it. It's a tradition now.
It's like you restate that there will be no middleman between society and LGBT community.
Maybe you will like my novel,check it in my signature.
He was asking for opinions, you moron.

He said he doesn't hate Yuri, but that doesn't mean it's his cup of tea.

Also, no. He didn't request a Yuri novel to read.
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Normal White Cat | Fluffy | Can bite really hard
Apr 10, 2024
So true, king. I feel like it's more interesting when the one being GB is straight physically & objectively. (Ex. mtf paired with his childhood male friend)
much more interesting

That's interesting
That's more reason you should read mine, check it on my signature.
Now, I have trauma against gender-bender story.

Thank you, Ria. Very cool.

It's like you restate that there will be no middleman between society and LGBT community.

He was asking for opinions, you moron.

He said he doesn't hate Yuri, but that doesn't mean it's his cup of tea.

Also, no. He didn't request a Yuri novel to read.
Emm, I don't have yuri tag, and I didn't plan to do so, also I am sorry, promoting my work it's fine, Right?.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2023
I had some "hate" ratings based on the tags alone, which was a bit of a downer for me. Plus, honestly, I feel like my first-draft BS wasn't really doing the subjects justice. I initially wrote GB+Yuri because I'm a transwoman who married a lesbian, so it felt like "writing what I know." Interestingly, my wife also transitioned and is now my husband, which was a topic I wanted to explore in one of the stories.

Well, not the "hate" ratings part, but it's always cool for people to write from different perspectives IMO.

But between threads like this and people on X/Twitter constantly going on about "penises in women's spaces" I kinda feel like I don't want to draw attention to myself or my writing because I'm just going to end up doxxed or something. I'll keep writing my stories on my own and if I feel like it's safe to do so, I can repost them.
That's super valid. Keeping yourself safe is important.


Active member
Oct 29, 2021
He was asking for opinions, you moron.
No reason to be combative. Name-calling is not a feature of civil discourse. Also, quite a sharp contrast with your seemingly-ironic username.

Now, I have trauma against gender-bender story.
Could you please expound upon this point with supporting examples? Or was this just an attempt at an edgy joke?

Well, not the "hate" ratings part, but it's always cool for people to write from different perspectives IMO.
Yeah, I felt like there was a bit of an imbalance in the genderbender story content, so I wanted to collaborate with my husband to write a new story as well as to add FTM elements to one of my others. Get out of my own head a bit more, so to speak.