Living in a world with the mix of rpg and rhythm game elements


New member
Jun 17, 2024
If you live in a world where the rpg elements such as classes, interfaces which also obeys the logic of rhythm games to combat against murderous musical robots and against your government as well in everyday life, how would you like to live in this world?

I'm introducing my cyberpunk dystopian world through side stories under the guise of "inside world quoted references" such as their local entertainment shows, random internet comments, video documentary of their content creators.

If you can live in a world where you use music to rebel against the corporations and fight murder androids using guns as beat and swords as sliders to defeat them. How would you like to? Composer? Musician? Battle dancer? Stylish gunfighter? Or anything you can imagine that you think would be cool.


🌻Currently Hibernating🌹
Jun 13, 2024
Cool idea. I assume this dystopian world is kind of like... The World Ends with You video game series, but more focused on the music aspect?
How would you like to? Composer? Musician? Battle dancer? Stylish gunfighter? Or anything you can imagine that you think would be cool.
I'm mostly tone-deaf and a sloppy dancer too, but I'd like to be a stylish gunfighter in this world.
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New member
Jun 17, 2024
Cool idea. I assume this dystopian world is kind of like... The World Ends with You video game series, but more focused on the music aspect?

I'm mostly tone-deaf and a sloppy-dancer too, but I'd like to be a stylish gunfighter in this world.
Haha, thanks. Thank you for reminding me about this game after 2000 years who my old butt thought was the real Danganronpa.

But this is interesting, I've never considered someone being tone deaf in my world. This will be dangerous for them since I applied a punishment for melodic dysfunctions or dissonance if they ever become a Resonator.

But it's not really necessary to have your own music anyways, you can join bands or you can use the music presets inside the murder mech you defeated and follow the beat.


Five little monkeys jumping on the bed 🎶
Oct 14, 2023
I will gloriously Teabag every enemy with rickroll,..................I will have fun


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2022
If you live in a world where the rpg elements such as classes, interfaces which also obeys the logic of rhythm games to combat against murderous musical robots and against your government as well in everyday life, how would you like to live in this world?

I'm introducing my cyberpunk dystopian world through side stories under the guise of "inside world quoted references" such as their local entertainment shows, random internet comments, video documentary of their content creators.

If you can live in a world where you use music to rebel against the corporations and fight murder androids using guns as beat and swords as sliders to defeat them. How would you like to? Composer? Musician? Battle dancer? Stylish gunfighter? Or anything you can imagine that you think would be cool.
Silver Wolf is gonna have a real good time with that one


Jun 6, 2021
Like in Hi-Fi Rush?

I'd probably die (of embarrassment) since I'm terrible with music, but I guess I'd try to mix and match some things. It makes sense to make the most of everything at your disposal. Sing, dance, shoot, and punch/kick... Like Bayonetta.


New member
Jun 17, 2024
Silver Wolf is gonna have a real good time with that one
Like in Hi-Fi Rush?

I'd probably die (of embarrassment) since I'm terrible with music, but I guess I'd try to mix and match some things. It makes sense to make the most of everything at your disposal. Sing, dance, shoot, and punch/kick... Like Bayonetta.
Yeah similar but the very concept of power and impacts are transformed into basic beats, your movement are notes and everytime your force was applied into the air, it becomes a melody, and if that force was transferred or expelled, it turns to beat. So yes. If you're in the battle, even your steps are beats itself, your dodges are notes that will never change frequency until you expell the energy needed to turn it to a melody.

Though... These concepts, would arrive later on the story I'm writing so my readers are probably confused where are these concepts I'm talking about in my synopsis.

I'm writing a prologue foreshadowing everything that will be relevant, and as it builds up, I'll dive in that singular event and present this to the new phenomenas in their world they are going to face.
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Well-known member
Sep 12, 2022
Basically dark souls/sekiro/bloodborne set in Cyberpunk like world ? But there's constant challenges of rythm game ?

Realistically, I dont think my reaction time would suffice to survive.

Not without any enhancement to my reaction time, which means i would need enhanced synthetic body, expensive surgery, and cyborg parts, or any cyberpunk buzzword technology.

To get Blade mode/Zandatsu that could slow down time temporarily like how Raiden from Metal Gear Revengeance does.

But the gauges or meter would run out, and it would not be as easy to fill up like in MGR, not unless i choose the right shop.


‼️ dinner demons and upcoming dessert ‼️
Nov 2, 2023
Inevitably, someone will accidentally pick up a hammer and a sickle at the same time. Then hear trumpets in the background.


New member
Jun 17, 2024
Basically dark souls/sekiro/bloodborne set in Cyberpunk like world ? But there's constant challenges of rythm game ?

Realistically, I dont think my reaction time would suffice to survive.

Not without any enhancement to my reaction time, which means i would need enhanced synthetic body, expensive surgery, and cyborg parts, or any cyberpunk buzzword technology.

To get Blade mode/Zandatsu that could slow down time temporarily like how Raiden from Metal Gear Revengeance does.

But the gauges or meter would run out, and it would not be as easy to fill up like in MGR, not unless i choose the right shop.
You got it. Of course I didn't mention the whole concept of this unique world mechanic of mine. Yes it is cyberpunk world so augmentations, and robotics are present but I have another surprise for my future readers about the musical androids so it also fits as fantasy sci Fi.

You actually "Source Code" from defeating them. The Source Codes contain a word that can be constructed to reality and has music presets.

Ex. You found Source Code with a word "Electric" inside, if you implant it to your body, you'll gain that ability. So if you found another that has a word "Guitar" you can combine a wide array of your own weapon techniques using an instrument.

Of course I also have my limiters to this powers.

As for the time slowdown, that's a huge advantage especially in this world so I've integrated it as what I call the Harmonic Equation and the Harmonious Reaction.

A phenomena in this world will not allow dissonance, so the moment you absorb Source Code, you must obey the rule of not falling dissonant or you'll be punished.

I said in the other comments that expelling your energy (kinetic) creates beats and your directions creates notes, mixing the two and you'll get simple melody.

In a fight, your melody must be more consistent than your opponent so they will fall to dissonance instead of you.

The more consistent your dodges and hits, following the pattern of your music and you will slowly fill up the meter of your Harmonic Equation, if it fills up, you'll be able to use different stages of Harmonius Reaction which gives buffs or debuffs to the enemies including immersion which is the time slow.

Parry mechanics of course I won't forget this to punish moves and combos.

And the rarity drops and class of the enemies that gives different tiers of Source Codes you can insert to your body.

I thought about this mechanics deeply that I know I'll have fun writing fight scenes when I reach that point of story.
Inevitably, someone will accidentally pick up a hammer and a sickle at the same time. Then hear trumpets in the background.
I cry at night, not for the fall of Roman Empire, but for the Motherland 😞✊
so basically hi-fi rush with more rpg mechanics?
If the corporations are portrayed grittier and without a Irish baddie 😞✊. Yes.
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