Who is the most helpful SHF user? (1 choice only)

Who is the most helpful SHF user?

  • Story_Marc

    Votes: 29 54.7%
  • OokamiKasumi

    Votes: 13 24.5%
  • JayDirex

    Votes: 7 13.2%
  • Yorth

    Votes: 7 13.2%
  • T.K._Paradox

    Votes: 7 13.2%
  • RedHunter2296

    Votes: 7 13.2%
  • D.S.Nate

    Votes: 7 13.2%
  • Assurbanipal_II

    Votes: 7 13.2%
  • SailusGebel

    Votes: 16 30.2%
  • RepresentingEnvy

    Votes: 17 32.1%
  • Tyranomaster

    Votes: 7 13.2%
  • Hans.Trondheim

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • MatchaChocolate69

    Votes: 10 18.9%
  • Corty

    Votes: 24 45.3%
  • TsuruI_am_a_bot

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • Rhaps

    Votes: 7 13.2%
  • Greyblob

    Votes: 10 18.9%
  • TheTrinary

    Votes: 12 22.6%
  • CarburetorThompson

    Votes: 7 13.2%
  • TsumiHokiro

    Votes: 8 15.1%
  • ElijahRyne

    Votes: 9 17.0%
  • TheEldritchGod

    Votes: 9 17.0%
  • J_Chemist

    Votes: 8 15.1%

  • Total voters


Yandere Robot / Wife of Botty
Feb 5, 2019
ghethetyetomhjm i got 7 vote

ty ty everyone
*bow multiple times while having heavy eyebags(lately)*

[Edit : was going to name only the ones in the list, but somehow couldnt stop]

TY to
@Voidiris , a good friend, BEST FRIENDO
@MatchaChocolate69 , the unexpected CHAD support/cavalry, that appear by surprise that boost morale. Like a christmas gift. But sadly is as rare.
@Iamnotabot , my wifu. Like a coin flip, make me sometimes happy or sad. But cant live without it. A essential part of my life. As needed as oxygen. And feel as bad when in low quantity.
@Simple_Russian_Boi , for his kindness and simplicity, and his appreciation for the things i share (though it makes me sad that he lately cant bc his country block danbooru). A chad potential. A decent brain.
@Paul_Tromba , for his maturity and big mind/kindness. And his nice follow-ups and humor. And HIS GF. HIS YANDERE GF.
@Hans.Trondheim for being a nice guy and sometimes badass (most of the times unvoluntary but still great nonetheless) (a good guy and great son to their mother, worthy of a medal) a nice listener friend, and a great teacher, and talent that god want to call back.
@RepresentingEnvy , for being CHAD as ever. Sometimes minor fights but nothing very bad. A great brain. Though would be nice if she didnt take all the girls. Great takes. Great words. And give a smile to lot of people, me included. The kind of person everyone would wish to have as a friend to get advices from. "The (best) friend i dont deserve" pure stereotype.
@DannyTheDaikon a ray of sunshine
@K5Rakitan A great mom that makes me not give up on humanity
@Assurbanipal_II The "damnit we again forgot him !" forgetablle friend trope. The reliable kind.
@ElijahRyne great songs and ost. Is like the "uncle guitarist that have no friends but you secretly visit him and is very kind and feel he should get more popularity bc of how badass they are" anime trope. A nice listener friend too.
@HelloHound The graduated senior senpai. Not heard often but makes others smile when visiting back the clubroom.
@Prince_Azmiran_Myrian A often-sleeping dragon, with high eq and iq, very nice to talk to. The stealthy CHAD.
@Nevafrost the "distant family living abroad with a good relationship" trope = not seen often but very helpful/kind, with same tastes
@NotaNuffian the "not big age difference" "uncle" trope (big brother age), that have weird hobbies/games/books. The kind you like to interact but makes you facepalm often.
@SailusGebel The very hateful dad. The mature and oldest person in the family. The dad, that you know is doing stuff for you, know that the stuff he remonstrate is true, but you still can't stop self from being angry at him bc you are also correct in your own logic. The kind, that seeing him piss you off, and have long cold war with. The very dumb dad that makes you want to gnash teeth as to why they dont understand you. But at same time, he is your dad, and you often interacted with, hence are close to him and know he got good intentions, and despite being a huge jackass, and/or a low EQ guy that can't speak at all (where lot of speech are annoying or dumb), you can't truly hate it at all and still like him in the end (a little). Though like any cold war with old dads where you stop calling or hung up calls of his ; you dont particularly want to forgive him too bc he is a brick that cant understand their faults nor that their methods are wrong but also cant change themselves nor get better at speaking but at same time know they are not that bad and a good person sometimes.
tldr : a hateful clumsy pedantic dad archetype that have low EQ, but you still love nonetheless and would be sad if gone (less sad ofc then mom)
ps : (currently in ignored list / cold war) [currently unknown possibility to remove it]
@l8rose a great mom. Sadly very inactive. Also worthy of a "great mom" medal like @K5Rakitan . And which anecdotes of children, you cant help grinning of the wholesomeness or want to applaud of their very good parenting logic/moves, in this mess of a modern world that worsen. Both of them, a warm small stars. Well, just like any great moms to their children.
@Woolen_Bat_Monkey The unreliable friend, but very reliable in emergencies. The kind that your friends dont understand why you are friend with this guy, the kind that even YOURSELF dont know nor can explain, but at same know know the reason by feelings or seeing him but can't be really explained by words alone. Also the prankster style, that, with only him you can do let go and do some funny shit together. The kind where you can feel laugh like a child and have big laughing moments bc of stuff. tldr : the childhood friend style guy with a secret base
@Tempokai the uncle/aunt trope that sometimes visit home, and bringing cakes/gifts. The type you forget, but when they call to visit, a smile appear in your face.
@Kureous the nice little brother that is very cute
@Don_Quacko The pet, that you want to cry when it die. The kind that was already part in your life, that it seems like it will follow you until death. Only to turn around and see it's old/dead/disappeared. And feel empty inside.
@LuoirM The nephew/niece trope that you want to spank. "But a nice heart hence cant hate them" trope. That sometimes make you smile.
@xuduxixi the newborn in the family

@Stealthy_Enigma I literally feel depressed without her. That is how healing she is. Enigma-nium is REAL. I NEED MY FLUFF !!!!!!
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En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
@RepresentingEnvy , for being CHAD as ever. Sometimes minor fights but nothing very bad. A great brain. Though would be nice if she didnt take all the girls. Great takes. Great words. And give a smile to lot of people, me included. The kind of person everyone would wish to have as a friend to get advices from. "The (best) friend i dont deserve" pure stereotype.
Thank you so much! You have no idea how much these words make me happy. Self confidence and love is a constant struggle for me, so its always hard to believe.

For the sake of transparency, sometimes I want to bite you for holding grudges for so long. I respect your honesty even when you are calling someone woke or dumb. The fact that you can openly speak your mind even at the cost of public opinion is a great quality. However, I think that sometimes you go too far.

I asked you before if there was anything you could do to get better about it, but I felt like you didn't listen, or you wrote it off as something you can't get better at.


A Hermit that is NOT that Lazy…
Aug 12, 2021
@ElijahRyne great songs and ost. Is like the "uncle guitarist that have no friends but you secretly visit him and is very kind and feel he should get more popularity bc of how badass they are" anime trope. A nice listener friend too.
Thanks! …but I don’t need or want the popularity I am a hermit at heart after all…


Yandere Robot / Wife of Botty
Feb 5, 2019
Thank you so much! You have no idea how much these words make me happy. Self confidence and love is a constant struggle for me, so its always hard to believe.

For the sake of transparency, sometimes I want to bite you for holding grudges for so long. I respect your honesty even when you are calling someone woke or dumb. The fact that you can openly speak your mind even at the cost of public opinion is a great quality. However, I think that sometimes you go too far.

I asked you before if there was anything you could do to get better about it, but I felt like you didn't listen, or you wrote it off as something you can't get better at.
Grudges, not voluntary. Its like heart demon/knot in xianxia.
Its the people (most of them) that "forget", or feel its no longer important, is simply lying to themselves. If they had the possibility where a random djinn give the gift to punch without any consequence.

As for my "honesty" / "openly speak my mind even at cost of public opinion, sometimes too far"
is bc of surviving "unliving" attempt. (hesitated multiple times before "doing")
Like i said to some (you included). I now live in a YOLO (with rules) style. Or basically "living fully with conscience".
Only people that "survived" or chinese authors, can explain the fact, that, surviving, coming close to death, is one of the worse fearful event in life and basically change the mentality of people, giving them a "open mind". That is my case.
Because, the decision to "finally do it" is the act of "surpassing the fear of death", hence causing most fears to be begnin in comparison. And surviving later, also means, seeing the preciousness of life. Hence why "yolo". (voidiris and hans would probably have a good followup about my reasoning of how life is precious and LIMITED, and should be enjoyed for what is remaining)
+I respect others that respect me. I disrespect people that disrespectd me first.
meanwhile i hate very dumbass stuff.
and my justice heart fking hate unfair stuff (imagine the police madman in kengen ashura, the guy that want to purge all criminals and suicide after killing them all as its illegal what he did / or kira in death note)
especially with catholic teaching that everyone forgot nowadays "dont do to others what you dont want others to do to you" (also why i measure my "punches")
Funny that the best religious people are the ex-religious people.

As for "i felt like you didnt listen or you wrote it off as something you cant get better at"
no, i truly listened and knew you cared about me, and you simply misunderstood that i didnt care.
But to give a easy analogy, batman, alfred trying to persuade. Batman KNOW its hurting alfred, KNOW his actions are illegal/bad/pointless-often, KNOW there is a ez way out, KNOW HIS WORDS ARE CORRECT, but his heart and body and soul, simply can't stop. Bc its simply part of batman. And will still continue even if alfred will never understand. But alfred also can't understand the words of batman about it or kinda understand it and why they can't simply leave despite suffering seeing the other continue. And will still be there for batman. Bc they know they are also important to batman. Not as close as "robin" but there is this "trust" between them, the kind that is hard as steel. The kind where if one die, the other would probably turn mad.

PS : as for hornyness......well that is another subject......


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
Grudges, not voluntary. Its like heart demon/knot in xianxia.
Its the people (most of them) that "forget", or feel its no longer important, is simply lying to themselves. If they had the possibility where a random djinn give the gift to punch without any consequence.

As for my "honesty" / "openly speak my mind even at cost of public opinion, sometimes too far"
is bc of surviving "unliving" attempt. (hesitated multiple times before "doing")
Like i said to some (you included). I now live in a YOLO (with rules) style. Or basically "living fully with conscience".
Only people that "survived" or chinese authors, can explain the fact, that, surviving, coming close to death, is one of the worse fearful event in life and basically change the mentality of people, giving them a "open mind". That is my case.
Because, the decision to "finally do it" is the act of "surpassing the fear of death", hence causing most fears to be begnin in comparison. And surviving later, also means, seeing the preciousness of life. Hence why "yolo". (voidiris and hans would probably have a good followup about my reasoning of how life is precious and LIMITED, and should be enjoyed for what is remaining)
+I respect others that respect me. I disrespect people that disrespectd me first.
meanwhile i hate very dumbass stuff.
and my justice heart fking hate unfair stuff (imagine the police madman in kengen ashura, the guy that want to purge all criminals and suicide after killing them all as its illegal what he did / or kira in death note)
especially with catholic teaching that everyone forgot nowadays "dont do to others what you dont want others to do to you" (also why i measure my "punches")
Funny that the best religious people are the ex-religious people.

As for "i felt like you didnt listen or you wrote it off as something you cant get better at"
no, i truly listened and knew you cared about me, and you simply misunderstood that i didnt care.
But to give a easy analogy, batman, alfred trying to persuade. Batman KNOW its hurting alfred, KNOW his actions are illegal/bad/pointless-often, KNOW there is a ez way out, KNOW HIS WORDS ARE CORRECT, but his heart and body and soul, simply can't stop. Bc its simply part of batman. And will still continue even if alfred will never understand. But alfred also can't understand the words of batman about it or kinda understand it and why they can't simply leave despite suffering seeing the other continue. And will still be there for batman. Bc they know they are also important to batman. Not as close as "robin" but there is this "trust" between them, the kind that is hard as steel. The kind where if one die, the other would probably turn mad.

PS : as for hornyness......well that is another subject......
I also survived such a thing, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I disagree about people lying to themselves with "forgetting." I never forgot the people who hurt me, but I don't hold the same grudge. Working through a grudge is about confronting your feelings. You seek closure often, but without recognizing that life is full of things that don't get closure. (I know you realize it internally, but you can't see the forest for the trees.) And as an armchair psychologist, it makes me think that's why you keep rehashing old things.

Burying the hatchet doesn't mean forgetting. It means forgiving. To live a life without forgiveness, is to live a life of sorrow and regrets that won't get closure.
Feb 6, 2021
Burying the hatchet doesn't mean forgetting. It means forgiving. To live a life without forgiveness, is to live a life of sorrow and regrets that won't get closure.


Yandere Robot / Wife of Botty
Feb 5, 2019
I also survived such a thing, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I disagree about people lying to themselves with "forgetting." I never forgot the people who hurt me, but I don't hold the same grudge. Working through a grudge is about confronting your feelings. You seek closure often, but without recognizing that life is full of things that don't get closure. (I know you realize it internally, but you can't see the forest for the trees.) And as an armchair psychologist, it makes me think that's why you keep rehashing old things.

Burying the hatchet doesn't mean forgetting. It means forgiving. To live a life without forgiveness, is to live a life of sorrow and regrets that won't get closure.
true that
and know that (and no not trying to ignore this logic / and forgot to mention it previouspost)

and its basically just a bad habit / or a bad programming in my "code", which unless i rebirth, cant really be removed

as for some "special" cases. (i wont rant again about "them", just explaining logic)
Let's say that, its not my fault but other factors make me remember them and i feel the need to share. To not be a douche, but more like in a spirit of anger of "unfairness". HMmmmm i would cite a big villain in ww2 but its too exagerated analogy, but here a fitting one : Its like seeing a star/streamer/actor getting some prizes or some "big-contract" or role, whatever, but YOU KNOW the said-dude-woman did a illegal stuff before, AND NOT PUNISHED FOR IT (or loopholed), not simply rumor but witnessed first hand or know fullcontext its true,
so yes, i feel like the need to rehashing old things.
Because like i said, i got a justice heart, and its less about "complaining/anger" but 70% is about "warning others"
just like i feel this author doesn..........phew calm

Anyway, i already "forgot".
But, its as bad as seeing a gigantic poster VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP, knowing he is a criminal as they were a gov staff, and spitting on the ground and murmuring to close people about it.

PS : like i said, i'm like batman or the crazy policeman or the killerpoliceman jp manga (forgot the name, there is a user using the cover of it as pfp)
i simply will never stomach injustice. Batman doesnt live 24/7 thinking of joker, but he sure will rage hearing the radio interviewing innocent people supporting the joker or praising him.
And in both examples, not seeing donald trump posters nor hearing people praising joker would help a lot.

PSS : its like about "grudge" but more about "fuming of my incompetence to not be able to exert justice"

(as for me reharshing my domestic fight/divorce with botty, is just me being sad/petty and feel bad doing it afterwards >> and forgiven her, hence why not rehasrshing it as much or in fact 0 at all)
novel (link on notanuff)
recently said : that its that (rounding the angles)
or : simply let the "monkey heart" let go (follow desires)
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