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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
I'm looking for three players, at least Level 4, to help me with the Goblin Subjugation Party Quest.

Goblin Subjugation (PQ) [SC0408]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 4
  • Form a party of at least 4 members.
    • Note: At least 2 players; rest can be NPCs.
  • Drive away or repel the goblin group.
  • (Bonus) Slay the goblin leader.
  • (Bonus) Rout all the goblins.
We've received reports of a band of goblins close to the outskirts of the city.
They are too numerous for a single individual to take on.
Assemble a party to challenge this monster threat.
Repelling them is the primary objective, although killing them is preferable.
Remember: "The only good goblins are dead goblins."
  • Points: 225 EXP / person
  • Money: 20 G / person
  • Other: n/a
Anyone interested?


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2019
I'm looking for three players, at least Level 4, to help me with the Goblin Subjugation Party Quest.

Goblin Subjugation (PQ) [SC0408]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 4
  • Form a party of at least 4 members.
    • Note: At least 2 players; rest can be NPCs.
  • Drive away or repel the goblin group.
  • (Bonus) Slay the goblin leader.
  • (Bonus) Rout all the goblins.
We've received reports of a band of goblins close to the outskirts of the city.
They are too numerous for a single individual to take on.
Assemble a party to challenge this monster threat.
Repelling them is the primary objective, although killing them is preferable.
Remember: "The only good goblins are dead goblins."
  • Points: 225 EXP / person
  • Money: 20 G / person
  • Other: n/a
Anyone interested?
*Intense Crow pondering* consider me a possible member? at least if ya dont get 3 others joining in, as otherwise am willing to fill a slot.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2019
*crow waiting, wondering if suddenly the other animals ran or just are busy now its later in the day* o>o o<o ovo o^o


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2019
hey, any ohko or nahrenne or other knowledgeable folk, didn't yall do a quest with only one required level(party leader) and others just have to be close in level?


Pure and Innocent Maiden~
Jan 2, 2019
hey, any ohko or nahrenne or other knowledgeable folk, didn't yall do a quest with only one required level(party leader) and others just have to be close in level?
I think you're mis-remembering that.
Vainis was wanting players to do the goblin subjugation party quest and, at the time, only one other player was available.
I can't remember who exactly it was but someone at level 2 said they'd be willing to do it if no one else showed up.
Eventually I became available and joined the group, giving us the number requirement of players.
The one who was at level 2 ended up being too busy to join even if they wanted to.
However, I don't think it's allowed for underlevelled players to take part in such things.
I think that, at the time, no one else was responding or willing to do it and so ohko allowed a little leeway if no one else partied up with Vainis.

Then again, I could also be remembering it wrong...



Pure and Innocent Maiden~
Jan 2, 2019
Save my poor, pretty eyes~!
Sponsor: Imelda Carson, half-elf AG receptionistLocation: Scribel CityLevel: 5
  • Can only deal with one per quest:
    • Cassandra - an elf slut who uses light magic
    • Anastasia - an elf slut who uses lightning magic
    • Sasha - an elf slut who uses fire magic
    • Amalthia - a human slut who uses healing magic and a sword
    • Jessica - a cat-eared slut who uses a whip
    • Borscha - a half-orc slut who uses a greatsword
    • Chantelle - a human slut who uses illusion magic through terrible singing
  • (optional) Kill them
  • (optional) Humiliate them
  • (optional) Scar their faces
  • (optional) Make them permanently disabled
So, like, there are these guys that I like and they, like, have shown their attraction to me.
However, there are these, like, sluts who are claiming these guys are, like, their boyfriends, or something.
These sluts are an eyesore so, like, make them stop wrapping themselves all over what I've put my eyes on!
Ah, I should, like, tell you that these sluts have all reached E rank already so, like, good luck~!
Also, keep this all, like, hush-hush won't you~?
I'll give you a free kiss if you fully satisfy me~

Exp: 300(400)(500)Money: 50G (75G)(250G)Miscellaneous: A kiss from Imelda

[OOC: First bracket reward is if 1 optional objective is done, second bracket reward if at least 3 optional objectives are done
Also, yikes!
Remember to add a warning if you make things gory]


: Jack
Level: 5
Race: Ghost
Class: Scout
Quest: Save my poor, pretty eyes~!
Objective: Anastasia

After confirming the hit with Imelda Carson (@Nahrenne) as well as Anastasia's location, Jack hovered towards the elf 'slut' and possessed her without her knowing. It was a bit difficult as elves were more attuned to the spirits, however, Jack managed to possess her because her mind was unstable at the idea that her boyfriend was cheating on her. Nevertheless, Jack still had to consume a quarter of her soul before she was weak enough to be possessed.

Upon possession, Jack approached Imelda and grabbed a knife. In front of the receptionist, Jack started carving at Anastasia's face. Jack could feel the tingling sensation of pain as blood trickled from her wounds, but he kept carving. Then, he controlled her body and scaled up a tall building. With a dead look at Imelda, Jack jumped off the building head first.


Jack landed on the neck, causing a sickening crack, which disabled the elf from the neck down. If it was Anastasia by herself, she wouldn't be able to move or lift her arms. However, with Jack's hovering, the ghost controlled Anastasia's hand and placed it on top of the elf's heart. With a mutter of a lightning spell, Jack controlled Anastasia to send a bolt of lightning straight to her heart. The spell supercharged her heart until it burst.

And with that burst, Anastasia died before Imelda. Jack left the body and looked at the receptionist for confirmation.
Notes: Unlocked Bloodlust (1/5) for killing an innocent brutally.

: Jack
Level: 5
Race: Ghost
Class: Scout
Quest: Save my poor, pretty eyes~!
Objective: Sasha

After confirming the hit with Imelda Carson (@Nahrenne) as well as Sasha's location, Jack hovered towards the elf 'slut' and possessed her without her knowing. Like Anastasia before her, it was a bit difficult as elves were more attuned to the spirits, however, Jack managed to possess her because her mind was unstable from drinking too much. Jack wasn't able to consume her soul because alcohol turned the soul drunk and Jack didn't want to become drunk while on the job.

As usual, upon possession, Jack approached Imelda and sat down on the ground before the receptionist. With Imelda watching, Jack started casting fire magic at Sasha's feet, burning the flesh and bone until the feet were nothing but blackened charcoal. Without feet, Sasha was clearly going to be crippled for life. Then, he controlled Sasha to start burning away the elf's pretty face, causing burned wounds and scars.


While Sasha's face sizzled and smell of roasted flesh permeated the air, Jack turned the indistinguishable face toward Imelda and started pouring alcohol all over Sasha's body. With a flick of the wrist, Jack ignited the body in flames and left the body. With control over her own body again, Sasha realized too late that her body was in flames. She struggled and wriggled about, trying to put out the flames but her feet were disabled and she could not stand up properly.

The elf rolled about and screamed in utter pain as the flames continued to burn away. By the time the flames died out, Sasha was at her last breath. She moaned in pain and tried to speak but couldn't as she exhaled her last. And with that, Sasha died before Imelda. Jack looked at the receptionist and waited for her confirmation.
Notes: Unlocked Bloodlust (2/5) for killing an innocent brutally.

: Jack
Level: 5
Race: Ghost
Class: Scout
Quest: Save my poor, pretty eyes~!
Objective: Amalthia

Next on the list was Amalthia. After confirming the hit with Imelda Carson (@Nahrenne) as well as her location, Jack hovered towards the human 'slut' and possessed her without her knowing. Unlike elves, humans were more susceptible to possession and the girl's obsessive behavior was a perfect opening for Jack to enter through.

Upon possession, Jack approached Imelda and unsheated Amalthia's sword. In front of the receptionist, Jack started hacking away at both of Amalthia's feet. With each feet amputated, Jack would cast a healing spell to close up the wound. Now, a crippled, Jack would control Amalthia to carve away a chunk of flesh from her face and gauge out her eyes before applying healing to ease away the pain and close up the wounds.

Once Jack was finished, he controlled the human body to crawl towards Imelda before kneeling before her. Taking the sword, Jack committed seppuku and gutted Amalthia's stomach like a fish. Amalthia immediately died and Jack was forcefully released from the body. After the kill, Jack looked at the receptionist and waited for her confirmation.
Notes: Unlocked Bloodlust (3/5) for killing an innocent brutally.

: Jack
Level: 5
Race: Ghost
Class: Scout
Quest: Save my poor, pretty eyes~!
Objective: Jessica

Next on the list was Jessica. After confirming the hit with Imelda Carson (@Nahrenne) as well as her location, Jack hovered towards the beastman 'slut' and possessed her without her knowing...or at least that's what he had wanted, but the beastman spotted Jack a mile away and ran before the ghost could get close. The only thing Jack could do now was to lay a trap.

Tracking Jessica down was an easy task. Because she left in a hurry, there were many tracks that were left behind unintentionally. Jack found her hiding away in the North Scribel Forest. With a little bit of catnip, however, Jack was able to lure the beastman out and catch her unawares. Possessed, Jack left the forest and headed towards Imelda for confirmation.

Upon arrival, Jack approached Imelda and broke each and every one of her fingers and toes in front of the receptionist. Afterwards, Jack took Jessica's tail and forcefully tore it from the base. Then, using the claw of Jessica's own finger, Jack proceeded to scratch the face and riddled it with tiny and deep scars.

Once Jack was finished, he controlled the beastman body to grab her whip and tie it around her neck. With a flung of her hand, Jack controlled Jessica to throw the other end of the whip over a tree branch. Then, Jack continued to pull down with all the might he could muster from Jessica's body. The whip tightened around Jessica's neck like a noose and she hanged herself. Jack struggled a bit before leaving the body. Just as Jessica was about to let go of the whip, Jack continued to pull on it with his hovering ability. In the end, Jessica died from suffocation and a broken neck. After the kill, Jack looked at the receptionist and waited for her confirmation.
Notes: Unlocked Bloodlust (4/5) for killing an innocent brutally.

: Jack
Level: 5
Race: Ghost
Class: Scout
Quest: Save my poor, pretty eyes~!
Objective: Borscha

Last one on the list was Borscha. After confirming the hit with Imelda Carson (@Nahrenne) as well as her location, Jack hovered towards the half-orc 'slut' and possessed her without her knowing. As an embodiment of greed and lust, the half-orc had many faults that Jack could use to his advantage during the possession.

Upon possession, Jack approached Imelda and unsheated Borscha's greatsword. In front of the receptionist, Jack started hacking away at both of Borscha's legs, amputating them from the thighs down. With each leg amputated, Jack could feel the body's life give way. Next, Jack would control Borsha to punch her face until it was riddled with bruises and dents. Her face had been disfigured beyond recognition. The scars forming from the wounds would be her greatest humiliation in life.

However, Jack wasn't going to let Borscha go with just that. No, he had a kill to commit. Jack then grabbed the greatsword and beheaded Borscha. Once Jack was finished, he left the headless body and looked at the receptionist for confirmation.
Notes: Unlocked Bloodlust - User is able to emit dizzying bloodlust that can cause people nearby to faint. Only works on weaker people or those with weak mental capabilities.
. . .
I want you to clarify some things, please:
Where was Imelda when Jack did all of this?
Where were the boyfriends when this happened?
How are they humiliated if they're possessed?
How are they permanently disabled if they're dead immediately afterwards?
Also, this one is out of pure curiosity, why did you choose to do all of the optional objectives?

As for the reports...if I was the one assessing them, I think I'd partially fail/complete on the grounds that it's not clear where Jack displayed such things, as well as the fact it was all done right in front of Imelda when she specifically asked to keep it all hush hush.
Saying that, I personally don't assess reports so maybe whoever does assess it will be more lenient than I.

Ah, I do have something to say as an admin of the game: Please put a severe gore warning in every single one of your Imelda Carson reports!
I explicitly mentioned that in the quest board post if whoever chose to be so inclined did such things.

I do thank you for doing the quest, though. I was worried it would end up being ignored forever.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2019
*points at Zero's Imelda Carson reports*
I really need to catch up on the reports again...
*crow wonders how to deduct rewards/if go by percentage or, do i have to decide or? crow so curious and puzzled o>o o<o Novo, though crow look at them and ponder*


Pure and Innocent Maiden~
Jan 2, 2019
*crow wonders how to deduct rewards/if go by percentage or, do i have to decide or? crow so curious and puzzled o>o o<o Novo, though crow look at them and ponder*
*tilts head*
If you're wanting to deduct a reward, do what you feel is suitable.
Same as if you want to increase the reward if the report is exceptional.



Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
Thanks for the feedback. Forgot about it while mass typing. I'll add the gore note. To answer your questions, my interpretation of Imelda wanted hush hush was that she wanted to see it personally but not have others know about it so the boyfriends aren't there and only she and Jack are present during the killings. Next, this is happening at a location where Imelda picked out.

If you don't know what to do percentage-wise, just go for the lowest rewards and assume Jack was only aiming for kills and all others are extra.


Pure and Innocent Maiden~
Jan 2, 2019
Thanks for the feedback. Forgot about it while mass typing. I'll add the gore note. To answer your questions, my interpretation of Imelda wanted hush hush was that she wanted to see it personally but not have others know about it so the boyfriends aren't there and only she and Jack are present during the killings. Next, this is happening at a location where Imelda picked out.
You still haven't clarified the location, though...
As for the hush hush, it was more of a, "Don't let anyone know I'm involved with this," kind of thing.
*is still curious about why you chose to do all of the optional bits*



Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
You still haven't clarified the location, though...
As for the hush hush, it was more of a, "Don't let anyone know I'm involved with this," kind of thing.
*is still curious about why you chose to do all of the optional bits*

For the Bloodlust skill and no one would know Imelda is involved since everyone other than Imelda are dead. And the location is Imelda's choice as edited into the reports.


Pure and Innocent Maiden~
Jan 2, 2019
For the Bloodlust skill and no one would know Imelda is involved since everyone other than Imelda are dead. And the location is Imelda's choice as edited into the reports.
I see...