Recent content by Astrokitten

  1. Astrokitten

    Don’t know what to write…

    Try writing something else? Or read something or watch a movie, do whatever usually gets your inspiration pumping. Maybe learn about the Paris sewer system, that certainly worked for victor hugo
  2. Astrokitten

    What do you do outside Scribblehub?

    Photography! Drawing! And going to museums!
  3. Astrokitten

    This might not be your cup o' tea, but please tell me your opinion on this novel I'm working on!

    I think this story is an interesting way of exploring gender issues but I don’t think you’re handling what is a sensitive topic well. I get that you’re going for more of a light and fun read but I think you should do more research into gender dysphoria and the actual experiences of trans people...
  4. Astrokitten

    First story, would love any feedback

    I said it above but I’ll say it here too — chapter rewritten, more advice greatly appreciated!
  5. Astrokitten

    being anti-mainstream just for the sake of being anti-mainstream

    I think trying to be inventive with weapons or fighting etc isn’t actually being anti-mainstream. I’m pretty sure that’s what a lot of readers are looking for — a little something or quirk that sets the story apart from the hundreds of similar stories. I think what actually bothers me when I...
  6. Astrokitten

    First story, would love any feedback

    Thanks for the advice!! I’m definitely going to rewrite the first chapter to be longer. also, I did make the cover myself! Thank you!!
  7. Astrokitten

    First story, would love any feedback

    Thanks!! I’ll take your advice and buff out this chapter a little bit
  8. Astrokitten

    First story, would love any feedback

    EDIT: okay, I’ve rewritten the first chapter so now it’s about 2k. Let me know if anything new stands out to people! Hi! I’m new to the site (I’ve read things here before but never written anything of my own) and I was hoping for some feedback, critique etc. I know the first chapter is a little...
  9. Astrokitten

    Please Review My Story. Harsh Criticism Welcome.

    First things first, your chapters are too short. This is partially the result of your story-telling style. You spend a lot of time telling the reader what’s happening without actually showing what‘s happening. There’s no descriptions of places or people, there’s almost no dialogue. Instead of...