Recent content by Chaos_Sinner777

  1. Chaos_Sinner777

    How the hell do you people come up with names for stuff?

    Variable. Sometimes a name comes to me and I stick with it. Other times I half settle on one thing and try to iterate to make a better one, which may or may not work. Yet other times, something just gets in my head and won't allow me to come up with a different name, even if I'm not fully...
  2. Chaos_Sinner777

    Should one follow or defy trends?

    Both. Use the ones you like and murder the ones you don't like in a dark alleyway.
  3. Chaos_Sinner777

    What’s the coolest ‘elemental’ magic a character can have?

    What counts as an element can be expanded to a ridiculous degree. Like I could say that world magic is an elemental form and have somebody out there throwing around miniature planetoids to fight. But for more, typical types, I do like the freedom that wind/air represents. But coolness factor...
  4. Chaos_Sinner777

    Writing Writing a Battle Scene

    Everything is variable. But personally, I like to describe the surroundings first, then focus on the combatants, and their actions, only mentioning the surroundings again if the battle shifts or part of the environment plays an important part in the fight.
  5. Chaos_Sinner777

    How would you describe your favorite antagonist as poorly as possible?

    Tech mogul with a mouth and personality even bigger than his wallet.
  6. Chaos_Sinner777

    How would you describe your main antagonist as poorly as possible?

    I don't exactly, have one. Hmmm, something I could, almost count. Big water, but unpredictable?
  7. Chaos_Sinner777

    Choose a world in which to be an NPC (Shounen Edition)

    One piece, on the off chance that I can get the Neko Neko no Mi model Nekomata. Or, any neko neko no mi model, really. Cause there are some random background characters with devil fruits!
  8. Chaos_Sinner777

    Recommendations Recommend me a book about MC creating worlds.

    Not there yet, but my main dungeon core mc will eventually dip her toes in that category.
  9. Chaos_Sinner777

    Top 5 Video Game Antagonists

    Dude. Handsome Jack, and Jack of Blades are allllllll I need. I'm sure I could think of more if I really wanna. But like, nobody else stands on their platform. . . Okay top five plus their game of origin? Why not. Kinda on the spot though. I'll try. 1) Handsome Jack, Borderlands franchise...
  10. Chaos_Sinner777

    Writing Need help with finding a word for magic mana monster mutations

    There are endless possibilities, several of which people have already suggested. But in this situation where it has already been that way a long time, they might well settle on the standard seen in a lot of litrpg type things where they'd just call it; "Evolution", "Monster Evolution"...
  11. Chaos_Sinner777

    How many cultivation realms in your story?

    I haven't done a cultivation yet. But have some in mind. Leaning on ten major steps. Might use different wording depending on the setting. One of my ideas uses the word realms specifically. Intending it to be nine originally but then someone breaks the system and reaches a tenth, throwing a...
  12. Chaos_Sinner777

    Your thoughts on the Minotaur

    In theory, it is one of the most iconic classic monsters. In practice, kinda ends up a base mob monster most of the time. And in the rare cases where it isn't a basic monster, it usually ends up OVERDONE somehow. Like, c'mon Minotaur ain't no S rank monster, people. If it were depicted about how...
  13. Chaos_Sinner777

    Sometimes I feel like I want to destroy the world

    I would pop this planet like a bubble if I actually had the ability to. At least it would be a quick end to all the pain and hate.
  14. Chaos_Sinner777

    Do Authors use Logos to brand themselves?

    I would like a 56th dimensional penrose triangle for mine!
  15. Chaos_Sinner777

    What did you accidentally teach your dog/cat/animal/pet?

    My cat huffs at me. Not sure if she knows the sound was meant to mean exasperation, but still.