Recent content by DataNerdX

  1. DataNerdX

    I read Stephen King's On Writing

    There's a continuum between Plotters and Pantsers. Through the process of writing, you'll discover where you are along that continuum. Since you've never written before, I'd recommend you start by to jotting down some notes about the characters, the world, and the interesting ideas/events/themes...
  2. DataNerdX

    not counting author's views as views

    I won't address the rest of your post since it came across as somewhat emotional and I think everyone's allowed to have an emotional rant every once in a while. But I will say that the above is factually incorrect. Try this: Open up your series in one browser window and go to the Statistics...
  3. DataNerdX

    Motsu's free editing and feedback thread!

    I've done so many editing passes that I'm pretty happy with where it's at. But I'm always open to learning from different perspectives. Renalia's Tale.
  4. DataNerdX

    Royal Road?

    There's a big difference between the reading community and the writing community. The writers, who frequent the forums, are fairly nice and helpful to each other. As for the readers, I'm sure there's a silent majority. But there's a minority who like to 0.5 star stories for the most minor of...
  5. DataNerdX

    Paul's feedback thread

    Thanks! I’m not sure who the audience is either. :blob_awkward: It's too dark for YA but too hopeful for grimdark.
  6. DataNerdX

    How Do You Write Good Fight Scenes?

    Besides what has been mentioned already, use active verbs instead of passive ones. And make sure characterization shines through in the scene too. For example:
  7. DataNerdX

    What Are Topics You'd Like To Know More About With Storytelling?

    How to write characters smarter than you are. Or funnier. Etc.
  8. DataNerdX

    Paul's feedback thread

    "Live reading" like reading it out loud? I'm really curious how my story, Renalia's Tale, sounds outside of my head-voice. Good luck on your channel. It seems labor intensive but really interesting, so I hope it works out.
  9. DataNerdX

    ControversialOpinion's rating thread.

    Seems low. Out of all the serving utensils, it's probably the most painful way to die. And have you considered its perfection in moving ice cream from the container into the mouth.
  10. DataNerdX

    ControversialOpinion's rating thread.

  11. DataNerdX

    First Chapter Analysis

    Ah, thanks. :blob_melt: Tone and character introductions were what I tried to focus on. Looking forward to the additional detail. Your previous comments on direct and indirect internal dialogue led me to learn about free indirect discourse. I never knew this was a thing. It's exactly why I...
  12. DataNerdX

    Looking for Insights? (Closed, Thank you!)

    1) It started firmly in the LitRPG genre, but morphed so much that I don't even call it a LitRPG anymore. Eh, I'm okay with it. It's a passion hobby. 2) Not sure what you mean by the information exposition, though. I tried hard to just make a short first chapter about tone and characters, not...
  13. DataNerdX

    What are the themes of your stories?

    Lying has consequences, but sometimes it's for the greater good. What we think of people may be completely different than how they truly are. Adulthood is a much grayer world than childhood.
  14. DataNerdX

    [Closed] Free Feedback from the Prince

    Yep, I came across Story_Marc's thread and watched his video sometime after I posted the first chapter. His idea of thinking in terms of films helped a lot. I have settled mostly into third person omniscient to set the scene and then zoom in on the particulars that lead to the POV character...