Recent content by Sacred_Night

  1. Sacred_Night

    Writing How to write when distracted?

    I didn't actually cry tears lol. But yeah I was at a point in really wanted to express, and I couldn't do it properly because of the headache. So I jumped on Cyberpunk, and bounced back and forth on YouTube and reddit to past the time XD
  2. Sacred_Night

    Writing How to write when distracted?

    This literally happened to me the other day. I actually woke up with a headache and had it for the entire day. I tried to push through it but I couldn't. So I did a little editing. Did a little plotting. Cried. Then I tried to sleep it off but that failed lol.
  3. Sacred_Night


    You don't like the genre? What can be added to the genre and taken away for you to like it? I guess if the insidious parts are creeping into your novel, you can't start there lol.
  4. Sacred_Night

    Is ScribbleHub cool with LGBT+ users?

    Exactly. And keep in mind we are simply talking about pronouns lol. To respond in such a way against something as simple as pronouns, is ridiculous. (Maybe there's a conversation to be had about.bathrooms. idk, still not sure where I fit on that exactly, but pronouns... It's like we can never...
  5. Sacred_Night

    Is ScribbleHub cool with LGBT+ users?

    I'm not staying, "using pronouns is growth." As if I'm an authority. I'm saying having an open mind and being able to absorb new information as human society develops and learns more about ourselves and the universe, is growth. You can disagree all you want, but I'm not pulling that out of my...
  6. Sacred_Night

    Is ScribbleHub cool with LGBT+ users?

    Yea of course you don't, that's the point. No one is forcing you to do anything. The analogy I used is exact to the given circumstance. Which is why I said people who make that argument you make, shows a lack of growth. The idea that, "because I always did X." Doesn't make it okay in anyway...
  7. Sacred_Night

    Is ScribbleHub cool with LGBT+ users?

    Yea I wasn't going to say it, but saying "As long as they don't force me to say things I don't like." Is so fucking cringe given the context lol. Imagine your name is Johnathan, but you want to be called John or Joe. Then some random dipshit comes up with zero respect, pulls out your birth...
  8. Sacred_Night

    How is my current attempt at horror?

    Hey, I think it's pretty good so far. Not necessarily scary though. I think a good thing you can try is to do certain scenes from another's perspective, but you did say it's not at the spooky part yet so this is just a heads-up. I've tried that with my own story. It's not horror, but my MC...
  9. Sacred_Night

    Death of a Character

    Have you ever enjoyed writing a side character, more than the MC? Or just find yourself overall liking that character more? It's a bit scary but exciting when you're willing to kill off any character. It's like you have to do the fair well justice y'know
  10. Sacred_Night

    Paragraph Spacing

    The pain of re-adding italics, bold, underline XD. I'm so exhausted that I stopped using tables as a result lol.
  11. Sacred_Night

    Share your stories

    Litrpg Isekai, about a young man who is summoned to another world and as he wanders around, grinding, killing monsters to increase his skill levels, he stumbles upon a wolf pack and gets biten by a werewolf. Then he sets out searching for a cure to the curse...
  12. Sacred_Night

    Recommendations Weak to strong, ANYTHING

    I've started a Litrpg Isekai, if you're interested. The story follows a young man who is transported to another world, and soon gets bit by a werewolf. He doesn't stay in werewolf form however. He has a dual class build. Essentially a...
  13. Sacred_Night

    Recommendations Weak to strong, ANYTHING

    Cradle is amazing. The characters are rich and unique in their own way. I Definitely a recommend you read that. The fight scenes are 🔥and another book maybe released this year.
  14. Sacred_Night

    How's the whole virus stuff affecting you?

    I'm not blaming Trump for collective stupidity, I'm blaming him for failing to act responsibly. Why do you ignore the president calling the virus a hoax, then attack young students? It's literally their job to know nothing and not take things seriously. I expect more from a president of the most...
  15. Sacred_Night

    How's the whole virus stuff affecting you?

    My post wasn't to down play anything they did. China literally jailed whistleblowers on this, I'll never defend them on that. So yea, that wasn't the point of my post lol. Please don't take it that way. They definitely deserve their fair share of blame. However I tend to find people will rather...