Fixing Other People's Work (imma do it)


the Writer
Mar 15, 2021
Nothing motivates me to write more than to read trash webnovels.

SH, NU, RR, WN—whatever. Mediocrity is everywhere. This isn’t news, or an unpopular opinion. Everyone’s familiar with Sturgeon’s Law (90% of everything’s crap). Sometimes you dig up gold, but when you do, not all of it is gold. Most of it’s shit—which isn’t good for my mental health because I for some reason can’t stop reading them. It’s a habit.

Overused tropes, cliches, cardboard cut-out characters, lack of originality, failure to live up to potential, needless fillers, bloated descriptions to reach a word-count, overindulgence in escapism or power-fantasy (at the detriment of story ie), etc. I don’t need to list it out. You all know. You all also know the disappointment one feels, when, having invested 30 chapters into boring filler, something so stupid happens that you drop the story, annoyed as if betrayed by the author for having led you by the nose.

Once you’ve read webnovels for long enough, a voice starts to grow in you, a whisper at first, soon yelling: ‘I can write better than this—trash! Jesus Christ, just do it already!’ And so you do it (if you’re me). That’s how I got into writing 5 years ago. I still write of course, and I’ve gotten a lot better than my former self (an arrogant newbie who thought he was good? Pah!), but I still haven’t done what got me into writing in the first place: which're the mistakes, still sticking out like a sore thumb, in those stories I read as a teen.

So I’m going to do what the title says. I’m going to rewrite the stories that’ve failed to live up to their potential.

It’s not a bad idea if you give it some thought. By doing this, I’ll improve, I’ll destress, I’ll actually pump out chapters (bye-bye decision paralysis!), and the harsh feedback (if they do come) won’t phase me much since I won’t have as much personal investment behind it, and I’ll actually learn something and improve. The only cons I see is that, it’s not very flattering to have your work ‘corrected’, even if you yourself admit that your work was jaded. So what to do? I’m going to correct the works of authors who can’t read english. It’s that simple.

On my journey towards inner-peace, I’m going to start with The Novel’s Extra. Why? Mainly because I have notes lying around for it. And I’m about to read it for the 3rd time. Also, I’ve read the fanfics, as well as a few derivatives (The Author’s POV comes to mind, which explicitly admits to being heavily inspired by it, and it shows), among other reasons.

If y’all have something against me for this, just know that, if you think about it, I’m just out here making the world a better place 👍.

TLDR : I'm making fanfics now.​
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Active member
Jan 30, 2023
May the High Father our Lord and Saviour, Tolkien, be with you and his saucy tendrils drip with my aunt's homemade pasta forevermore 🍞


the Writer
Mar 15, 2021
Cheks thread. :sweating_profusely:
Doesn't see his titles listed.:blob_teary:
Doesn't see his titles listed!:blob_paint:
You mean stuff I wrote? Most of them aren't posted (or are deleted). If you want to read my stuff I can dm it to you.


Jul 19, 2023
Nothing motivates me more to write than to read trash webnovels.

SH, NU, RR, WN—whatever. Mediocrity is everywhere. This isn’t news or an unpopular opinion. Everyone’s familiar with Sturgeon’s Law (90% of everything’s crap). Sometimes you dig up gold, but when do, not all of it is gold. Most of it’s shit—which isn’t good for my mental health, because I, for some reason, can’t stop reading trash. It’s a habit, it’s an addiction, it’s what turns me on.

Overused tropes, cliches, cardboard cut-out characters, lack of originality, failure to live up to potential, needless fillers, bloated descriptions to reach a word-count, overindulgence in escapism or power-fantasy, etc. I don’t need to list it all out. You all know. You all also know the disappointment one feels, when, after investing 30 chapters into boring filler, something so stupid happens that you have to drop the story, annoyed as if betrayed by the author for having led you by the nose.

Once you’ve read webnovels long enough, a voice starts to grow in you, a whisper at first, soon yelling at you, indignant: ‘I can write better than this—trash! Jesus Christ, just do it already!’ And so you do it—if you’re me. That’s how I got into writing at least, 5 years ago. I still write, and I’ve gotten a lot better than my former self (an arrogant amateur, who thought he was good? Pah!), but I still haven’t done the one thing that got me into writing in the first place: which are the mistakes, still sticking out like a sore thumb, in the stories I read as a teen.

So I’m going to do what the title says. I’m going to rewrite the stories that’ve failed to live up to their potential.

It’s not a bad idea if you give it some thought. By doing this, I’ll improve, I’ll destress, I’ll actually pump out chapters (bye-bye decision paralysis!), and the harsh feedback (if they do come) won’t phase me much since I won’t have as much personal investment behind it, and I’ll actually learn something and improve. The only cons I see is that, it’s not very flattering to have your work ‘corrected’, even if you yourself admit that your work is jaded. So what to do? I’m going to correct the works of authors who can’t read english. It’s that simple.

On my journey to inner-peace, I’m going to start off with The Novel’s Extra. Why? Mainly because I have notes lying around for it. And I’m about to read it for the 3rd time. Also, I’ve read the fanfics, and also a few derivatives (The Author’s POV, for example, explicitly admits to being heavily inspired by it and it shows), among other reasons.

If y’all have something against me for this, just know that, if you think about it, I’m making the world a better place 👍.



Well-known member
Sep 12, 2022
Remember, support IS the hardest role to play.

Whether is in the game or Real life.

Because youre now forced to juggle between watch for other people's random actions while making sure your action supports their action even tho youre struggling in keeping your current situation stable.

Your head will be filled with the urge of "Its easier to just do it myself"

And all of that for the worst effort-to-reward ratio.

In this case, instead of continuing from the last chapter, its better to just rewrite the whole story while copying most of the story elements.

It will be better to swap things around and add your own stuff, but thats more rewarding than continuing the story from the last ending.
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En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
Are you telling me you can write my OP Witch story, which is just terrible writing and shitty tropes, better than me!? Go ahead! Try it!


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2021
It's funny, seeing so many bad stories or stories that looked interesting but slapped NTR on at the end of the synopsis pissed me off to the point I wrote this story of mine:

And I'd say that my story is actually good! It plays on those overused tropes, but transforms how things go in a way that'll make everyone (fans of what I'm mocking, and those who also dislike it) laugh!


The one with fluffy wings
May 20, 2023
Nothing motivates me more to write than to read trash webnovels.

SH, NU, RR, WN—whatever. Mediocrity is everywhere. This isn’t news or an unpopular opinion. Everyone’s familiar with Sturgeon’s Law (90% of everything’s crap). Sometimes you dig up gold, but when do, not all of it is gold. Most of it’s shit—which isn’t good for my mental health, because I, for some reason, can’t stop reading trash. It’s a habit, it’s an addiction, it’s what turns me on.

Overused tropes, cliches, cardboard cut-out characters, lack of originality, failure to live up to potential, needless fillers, bloated descriptions to reach a word-count, overindulgence in escapism or power-fantasy, etc. I don’t need to list it all out. You all know. You all also know the disappointment one feels, when, after investing 30 chapters into boring filler, something so stupid happens that you have to drop the story, annoyed as if betrayed by the author for having led you by the nose.

Once you’ve read webnovels long enough, a voice starts to grow in you, a whisper at first, soon yelling at you, indignant: ‘I can write better than this—trash! Jesus Christ, just do it already!’ And so you do it—if you’re me. That’s how I got into writing at least, 5 years ago. I still write, and I’ve gotten a lot better than my former self (an arrogant amateur, who thought he was good? Pah!), but I still haven’t done the one thing that got me into writing in the first place: which are the mistakes, still sticking out like a sore thumb, in the stories I read as a teen.

So I’m going to do what the title says. I’m going to rewrite the stories that’ve failed to live up to their potential.

It’s not a bad idea if you give it some thought. By doing this, I’ll improve, I’ll destress, I’ll actually pump out chapters (bye-bye decision paralysis!), and the harsh feedback (if they do come) won’t phase me much since I won’t have as much personal investment behind it, and I’ll actually learn something and improve. The only cons I see is that, it’s not very flattering to have your work ‘corrected’, even if you yourself admit that your work is jaded. So what to do? I’m going to correct the works of authors who can’t read english. It’s that simple.

On my journey to inner-peace, I’m going to start off with The Novel’s Extra. Why? Mainly because I have notes lying around for it. And I’m about to read it for the 3rd time. Also, I’ve read the fanfics, and also a few derivatives (The Author’s POV, for example, explicitly admits to being heavily inspired by it and it shows), among other reasons.

If y’all have something against me for this, just know that, if you think about it, I’m making the world a better place 👍.
to be fair, I've done a couple of vengeful stories like that before. The one that sticks out in my mind the most was after my Ex-gf's mother made me watch twilight. It was so mind-numbingly droll that I went home and scribbled a quick story that was what twilight should've been (in my opinion. classic, burning-in-sunlight vampires, werewolves that act like werewolves rather than frat boys, etc.)

That said, most of my works now are indeed overindulgence in escapism. why? I write smut. sure, I have story-lines that are non-porn centric, but i guarantee that anyone here who has read my works can back me up - my works are definitely porn. So having escapism scenes are kind of a necessity.

additionally, I write in the fantasy genre. Fantasy, at it's core, is for escapism. You read them to forget the real world for a little while. if I didn't want to escape, I'd write non-fiction. but the real world sucks. so bring on the magic and monsters and demon lords galore!

however, I will agree that the same old tired tropes without a new spin kinda suck. Which is why my newest WIP is an isekai that sees the protag willingly perform the ritual that sends him there, rather than unknowns there bringing him, or (worse yet) God-Archetype sending his soul to be reborn there.


Every great story needs an author
Jun 19, 2020
Nothing motivates me more to write than to read trash webnovels.

SH, NU, RR, WN—whatever. Mediocrity is everywhere. This isn’t news or an unpopular opinion. Everyone’s familiar with Sturgeon’s Law (90% of everything’s crap). Sometimes you dig up gold, but when do, not all of it is gold. Most of it’s shit—which isn’t good for my mental health, because I, for some reason, can’t stop reading trash. It’s a habit, it’s an addiction, it’s what turns me on.

Overused tropes, cliches, cardboard cut-out characters, lack of originality, failure to live up to potential, needless fillers, bloated descriptions to reach a word-count, overindulgence in escapism or power-fantasy, etc. I don’t need to list it all out. You all know. You all also know the disappointment one feels, when, after investing 30 chapters into boring filler, something so stupid happens that you have to drop the story, annoyed as if betrayed by the author for having led you by the nose.

Once you’ve read webnovels long enough, a voice starts to grow in you, a whisper at first, soon yelling at you, indignant: ‘I can write better than this—trash! Jesus Christ, just do it already!’ And so you do it—if you’re me. That’s how I got into writing at least, 5 years ago. I still write, and I’ve gotten a lot better than my former self (an arrogant amateur, who thought he was good? Pah!), but I still haven’t done the one thing that got me into writing in the first place: which are the mistakes, still sticking out like a sore thumb, in the stories I read as a teen.

So I’m going to do what the title says. I’m going to rewrite the stories that’ve failed to live up to their potential.

It’s not a bad idea if you give it some thought. By doing this, I’ll improve, I’ll destress, I’ll actually pump out chapters (bye-bye decision paralysis!), and the harsh feedback (if they do come) won’t phase me much since I won’t have as much personal investment behind it, and I’ll actually learn something and improve. The only cons I see is that, it’s not very flattering to have your work ‘corrected’, even if you yourself admit that your work is jaded. So what to do? I’m going to correct the works of authors who can’t read english. It’s that simple.

On my journey to inner-peace, I’m going to start off with The Novel’s Extra. Why? Mainly because I have notes lying around for it. And I’m about to read it for the 3rd time. Also, I’ve read the fanfics, and also a few derivatives (The Author’s POV, for example, explicitly admits to being heavily inspired by it and it shows), among other reasons.

If y’all have something against me for this, just know that, if you think about it, I’m making the world a better place 👍.

Do you... have any sort of qualifications to be judging other writers' works? Even that question is odd to ask, because based on your profile you haven't posted any stories. I mean no disrespect, this just comes off as rather rude to the hard work of the people who post entire novels on this site.

On the other hand, you are fully entitled to write what you want here, whether it's an original story or a parody/re-write. Just a friendly piece of advice, make sure you're allowed to write the material. Some authors have copyrights, and might not take too kindly to this sort of thing.