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  • I met the most perfect beautiful that connects with my heart in my noom dream and now I'm fscing the fact that we can't ever be together
    She drew on my arm and pray for me I felt safe and heard and trust abd serene
    I want rto cry
    She was destined to die, I was in a timeloop or something and I met thrice
    She died the first two times...
    First time I got my phone out and record our heavenly moment together before her death
    Second time she was enjoying her last moment with me and someone else.
    Third time... I don't know... Where is that
    Just one more push please
    Just one more push please
    Just one more push please
    Just one more push please
    Just one more push please
    Just one more push please
    Just one more push please
    Just one more push please
    Just one more push please
    Just one more push please
    Just one more push please
    Just one more push please
    Just one more push please
    Just one more push please
    Just one more push please
    wrote nothing today, time flies... too fast... gonna go to sleep and pray tomorrow don't come
    Remind me not to post a story on a moderated Vietnamese again

    Chapter sent in March 31st, now it's April 5th, turning April 6th
    Do not post on a moserated Vietnamese again
    By moderation, it's not about gore or sex. Its because after a three dots in a conversation, I got refused saying I shouldn't capitalize the next word
    One dialogue that was requested to change out of two
    "Are you... Intimidating me?"
    Oh, did I tell you that it took them 3 days to come back with that?
    1 other request is to change "500 million VND" to "500.000.000" for consistancy like how I wrote it abov
    Thank you @TotallyHuman I totally forgot damn that was close phew
    Listening to serenely flute sounds and contemplating going to the mountains, live in a small house to play the harp in a full black room while crying
    Spotify switches to a dizz rap track and starts head bopping

    Chat am I a mood swinger
    Without Me by Eminem is a mood
    13:32 the saddest Vietnamese OST I've ever heard came on right after and now me sad again
    (Ngày Chưa Giông Bão)
    Deleted member 58005
    I switch between genres about as quick. One minute I'm listening to Celtic music and the other I'm vibing to Free Bird
    New favorite type of writing thing:
    Character A: I have this problem
    Character B: I know a guy.
    Character A meets the guy, character C and they hit it off
    One hand:"oh it's lazy writing, too convenient, the problem got solved easy, no way y'all know that."

    Blud I am in the same facebook group chat as an international math champion and crypto trader, as well as an army captain (idk the word, đội trưởng tiểu đội thường trực)

    An anorexic emo, a 20 yo prostitute and a suicidal person across the country

    We all know someone very random
    The difference between my moral compass and acceptable moral is more about other people in my life.
    If my child were born destined to become society weight, like brain dead, IQ 40,... I would like to put him or her out.
    If my parents were to grow old to the point of not bring able to walk or think, I would like for them to stop there.

    Maybe I'm just not at those points to comment.
    Or i am without arms.

    I can live without legs, I can still write and make fame by being a crippled writer, the internet will suck it up, so I'm not useless.

    But without arms I'd consent for anyone to push me down a bridge
    If I'm 95 or sum and can't even control where i poop or pee, shoot me
    Is this whwt they called Ableist
    You can be a hacker, a president, a thief, a garbageman, a salaryman, whatever. But I believe the two skills that's most important for every role in existence of mankind is troubleshooting and problem solving.
    I'm having trouble accessing a book version of Qur'an in Vietnam

    Other religious texts are fine

    Also does Rastafari have one?
    Sitting there, you were like a halo of light, then the wind blew dark clouds and carried you away. Now we have been apart for many months
    translating two chapters back to back for two different story
    On one chapter, a heartbreaking betrayal happened
    On the other, an onee-san with great personality is dead

    The fuck
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