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  1. TheEldritchGod

    Cursed Picture

    So I'm doing research for my LitRPG and going through old Dragon magazines. I have read the rest of the page, and I have no goddamn idea what is going on. I just needed to share this so I can hand off this cursed image to someone else and move on.
  2. TheEldritchGod

    So I Finally Found The Grave Of The Guy Who Beat Me Into A Coma

    Turns out the guy who beat me into a coma died 14 years ago. Who Knew? Finally found out where he was buried. You know what? I still have the baseball bat he used to beat me into a coma. He left it in the underbrush. I found it a week later. Didn't do any good, his family had too many...
  3. TheEldritchGod

    Wierd Worlds

    So I was thinking of having the MC have to bounce between parallel worlds for a bit. Wanted to have some odd team-ups for him to get caught up in. I was going to go with Annie Oakley, Abraham Lincoln and Van Helsing fighting demons on top of a speeding train in Pennsylvania. Got any weird...
  4. TheEldritchGod

    Strange Recommendation

    I've been having this problem with descriptions lately, especially upper-class types. Then I found this Odd channel I know this sounds weird, but he comes across as an AI-generated human being. Like, he has this uncanny valley about him, but for some reason, it...
  5. TheEldritchGod

    Harmless/Beneficial Curses

    I need harmless/beneficial curses. Imagine you had the ability to make cursed rings. When you put on the ring, the curse takes effect, but the "curse" doesn't do... much. Examples: Can't take it off (Since it is beneficial, not being able to take it off isn't exactly a curse.) Causes a 1...
  6. TheEldritchGod

    Looking for a hand

    TL/DR: I need help with a story. is a fellow author out there willing to work with me to co-write about 6k words so I can finish a book? I've got the story all planned out, all 21 to 27 books. I got it all set up. Most of the key points are worked out, the plot arcs that have to happen, the...
  7. TheEldritchGod

    Helldivers 2: Question

    Someone asked me, why does Super earth only send 4 men on a mission at time? Why not send all the helldivers on the ship at once. Why wait for someone to call for reinforcements? Then he asked, what if each drop ship was cloning volenteers? The ship was dropping only one version of a Helldiver...
  8. TheEldritchGod

    What is the temperature of thought?

    Help me out here. I need a way to describe the temperature of thought itself. Assuming that thought is something that just sort of drifts around. But it is not matter nor energy. It is just THOUGHT. Like a platonic ideal in a metaphysical plane. So, given a blob of thought, how would you...
  9. TheEldritchGod

    Compiling My Thoughts On My Magic System

    So, I've been trying to get this worked out in more detail, get down to the nitty-gritty, and I want to put it all in one spot. You can most likely skip over this part. Now that the basics are out of the way. Okay. The important part Types of Mana One of the problems I was...
  10. TheEldritchGod


    I work for NYS in a many letter agency. It runs group homes. I work Upstate. About 5 years ago, some moron working in a different division at a group home found one of the industrial trashcans was broken, so he called the trash company and requested a replacement. They asked: "How many you...
  11. TheEldritchGod


    I wanted to discuss sex appeal and why it matters. First, what is sex appeal? Sex appeal is what attracts character X to the opposite gender. I know you're going scream, "whut about" and fill in some niche sexual dynamic. You do you, my friend. I'm talking about the generalities here. Why...
  12. TheEldritchGod

    Sleds doesnt have any lore yet.

    @Sleds Apparently doesn't have any lore assigned to him yet. I want to know who's been slacking! Clearly we need to correct this egregious oversight. So everyone, put on your thinking caps and let us lore this fellow up. I think as part of his backstop, he should be a sled that was created by...
  13. TheEldritchGod

    This Thing

    Okay. This monster ACTUALLY GETS BUILT. Then the world ends via BS of your choice. This thing becomes a Pirate ship that prowls the high seas looking for communities to pillage and people to capture and enslave. Because it was owned by rich people, it was full of very beautiful women the rich...
  14. TheEldritchGod

    Book Review: HomosJarra

    @Notadate - Here ya go. Your Review: Having glanced at the cover, I have reviewed this book and wish to give my review I was not expecting it to be about a terrarium in a land-locked Lighthouse, but the symbolism strikes home. It is a very interesting character study into the nature of a man...
  15. TheEldritchGod

    Demon X Angel, Can't Make Sense

    So I want to have a bit of a rant. I read this manga a while ago. Stopped because it was pissing me off. It showed up at random in my feed and I said, "Huh. I wonder how bad could it have gotten?" Well. That taught me a lesson. And I greatly enjoy reading Bad stories, because when it gets...
  16. TheEldritchGod

    If you were able to boggle elves with a 150' tall video on the inside of their city walls, What video would you use?

    So the MC is fleeing a City Of Elves and on the way out, decides to leave them a little gift. He can cast illusions 150 feet high in a giant square that lasts for 15 minutes. He plans on leaving behind a video on the city walls to show what a great time he had being captured and nearly executed...
  17. TheEldritchGod

    I have written myself into a corner

    So, I'm at the final act. I know what I want to do. I have the final scene ready. I just need to get the final few chapters. Just one problem, I need to have a bunch of teen agers hang out at a mixed gender meet up where they sing Karaoke. I have no idea how people socialize. No. I'm serious...
  18. TheEldritchGod

    Looking for internal slang suggestions for fictional organization

    Okay, Assume you are working for a secret organization where you have to deal with Returning Isekai victims. Now, when they return, they are no where nearly as strong as where they went to another universe, because Earth is much weker, magic wise, but they still have SOME level of power. They...
  19. TheEldritchGod

    Share your cat pictures!

    This is Feetz. Feetz is much older than in this picture. Feetz has a cold that never goes away now. Feetz likes to sleep on my head at night and I've grown quite fond of his constant snoring, although he does have runny eyes, so when he sneezes he sends black eye crud everywhere. But constantly...
  20. TheEldritchGod

    So I took a mock "Are you a human test"

    So I asked an AI to do a "Are you human" like test from Bladerunner. Here's some of my answers: Why Yes, I am quite the Human. I involuntarily moisten my corneas and everything! By the by... out of everyone who works here, who would you say is the juiciest? **Can you follow this light with...