Search results

  1. J

    Who inspires you?

    Name your top five writers who have inspired you the most, with the top single reason for each. I'll go first. William Blake, for his unmatched imagination (he wasn't just a genius, he was an EPIC genius). Sylvia Plath, for how powerfully she communicated emotions (may she rest in peace). Gene...
  2. J

    Full Circle: Novels influenced video games. Can video games now influence novels?

    I started a thread on the idea of SoulsBorne style literature, and there already a number of great posts. I’d like to expand the discussion to how we can be influenced by video games in general in our stories. The first point I would like to bring up, is that what works in a game will not always...
  3. J

    SoulsBorn Lit

    I'd like to read people's thoughts on this idea. Being a gamer, I get a lot of inspiration for storytelling from video games. Other than Closer Than We Thought, every story I'm posting here is heavily inspired by a specific game. I got to thinking about how Dark Souls stands out for its...
  4. J

    Readers vs Views

    Wuddup. I'm new to the site, and am curious about how the stats work. How accurate is the "readers" stat? Is it possible to read a story, adding to the total views, without registering officially as "reading"?