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  1. Erdin_Vil

    I'm participating in a contest, could you tell me how my story is going?

    Thank you for your comment I'm going to talk about the conflict in the next chapter (chapter 2), so I guess it wouldn't be a problem, right?
  2. Erdin_Vil

    I'm participating in a contest, could you tell me how my story is going?

    I'm taking part in a competition, could you tell me how my story is? Have I done too much exposition or used the narrator too much to explain what's going on? and how are the characters' dialogues? thank you in advance for your attention!
  3. Erdin_Vil

    I'm participating in a contest, could you tell me how my story is going?

    I'm taking part in a competition, could you tell me how my story is? Have I done too much exposition or used the narrator too much to explain what's going on? and how are the characters' dialogues? thank you in advance for your attention!
  4. Erdin_Vil

    Do you like narrators in stories?

    Do you like narrators in stories? explaining the concepts of the world, explaining what's happening in the scene. Or do you prefer a character from the story itself speaking/narrating the scene? This question came to mind after some people were discussing this question in hunter x hunter.
  5. Erdin_Vil

    Are prophecies something that destroy history?

    Are prophecies something that destroy history? Doesn't knowing that something was predestined from the beginning of the work make everything that was done before in vain? It takes away all the weight of the decisions, and renders useless everything that the character has worked hard to build...
  6. Erdin_Vil

    Why is it so difficult to grow on Twitter and Instagram?

    Thanks for your reply. How is the situation on these other social networks you mentioned? Do you think it's worthwhile as an author to build up a fan base there, for personal use and work?
  7. Erdin_Vil

    Why is it so difficult to grow on Twitter and Instagram?

    Actually, I have some followers on Twitter but they are all bots, woman following 5k people. unfortunately premium doesn't help with almost anything. From what I understand, it only helps with very specific rankings. I bought it almost 3 months ago and it didn't help at all.
  8. Erdin_Vil

    Why is it so difficult to grow on Twitter and Instagram?

    I've been on both for 6 months and still haven't gotten any followers or likes on my posts. Does anyone here have any experience of this?
  9. Erdin_Vil

    Could you give an opinion on the first two chapters of my webnovel?

    Hi, could you give an opinion on the first two chapters of my webnovel? tell me where I could improve etc.