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  1. ThatTwat3000


  2. ThatTwat3000

    random stuff

  3. ThatTwat3000

    How to disable the appearance of Search | Quote | Reply when highlighting?

    I looked at the app, and, indeed, the follow-along text stopped after each punctuation mark. The workaround I found to make the follow-along work was to turn on reader mode. Now, that means all the good graphical aspects of the website disappeared. However, the text does now get highlighted...
  4. ThatTwat3000

    Trending backlog

    Ooh, then what did you mean by requiring volunteers?
  5. ThatTwat3000

    How to disable the appearance of Search | Quote | Reply when highlighting?

    Hello, I do not think you are able to disable the Search | Quote | Reply. However, if you log out of your account, only the Search appears. If possible, could you please tell me what TTS you use so that I can do my own tests? Thank you.
  6. ThatTwat3000


    I think eating living organisms can be more eco friendly depending on the living organism
  7. ThatTwat3000

    Trending backlog

    Kunlun Sect’s Weakest Disciple has been on Trending consistently for the past week. Heck, the novel’s on trending as I speak, at #4. Here’s a JSON of the top 25 for trending. If someone could add image links, tags, genres, page views, etc, it would be greatly appreciated { "timestamp"...
  8. ThatTwat3000

    All blob same format

    I wonder if that would break the blobs that have already been posted in messages, as the name would change.
  9. ThatTwat3000

    When browsing an author's profile - add an option to sort stories by date updated, completed

    Yes, sorting by views, readers, favorites, last update, word count, chapters, status, etc seems like an intuitive thing for author profiles to have.
  10. ThatTwat3000

    Adding Images without using Links

    I would say the modification is called 'backing up your artwork’ on an SD card or flash drive, or your own computer... or literally any other device. You can get a flash drive for as little as $6 and get... 64GB of personal, privately-owned storage! :blob_hide:
  11. ThatTwat3000

    Posting Fan Fictions here

    numbers 3 and 4 on Trending right now are both FanFictions. in fact, #9, #12, and #14 are also fanfictions
  12. ThatTwat3000

    I hate AI art but . . .

    I don’t know man, AI has started training on AI data now that so much of the internet has inherently become AI... just give it a few years. Right now, it’s only disfigured fingers and hands. AI will train itself to think those are normal, and start moving to other parts of the human body.
  13. ThatTwat3000

    Bugs Scheduling chapters within 1 minute of the current time tends to cause the chapter to be published seconds early, and then not appear in TOC

    For example, if you schedule a chapter for 08:31, and it is currently 08:30, there is a chance the chapter gets published at 08:30:30, and then does not appear in the Table of Contents. The best way to fix this is to “Update” your chapter. However, it is still a little puzzling to me that this...
  14. ThatTwat3000

    Well, I’m probably onee-chan material for you. My brother is nee-san material for me.

    Well, I’m probably onee-chan material for you. My brother is nee-san material for me.
  15. ThatTwat3000

    What’s the right onee-chan phrase, then?

    What’s the right onee-chan phrase, then?
  16. ThatTwat3000

    Yare yare, agentt-kun. I’m almost an old lady at this point, not just a sister :blob_shade:

    Yare yare, agentt-kun. I’m almost an old lady at this point, not just a sister :blob_shade:
  17. ThatTwat3000

    They’re a she?

    They’re a she?
  18. ThatTwat3000

    Good morning

    Good morning
  19. ThatTwat3000

    :sweating_profusely: what does a bragdown look like?

    :sweating_profusely: what does a bragdown look like?