Search results

  1. Geek_Aflame

    BL Reading Club! (M/m fiction) for Readers and Writers!

    An anthology sounds good as I plan on writing short stories anyhow. I first started reading MxM romance through fanfiction. While I came across some Yaoi manga when I was first getting into manga at 16, I didn’t really get into it as the strong presence of sexual assault and predatory age gaps...
  2. Geek_Aflame

    Recommendations Unconventional BL

    I’m writing a Paranormal Fantasy/Mystery set in rural Australia with a polyamorous MxMxM relationship as a major romantic sub plot. The MC is a weak to strong character, but he is a people hating, arsehole with a dark past (anti-villain with laser-guided amnesia). Although he does have genuine...
  3. Geek_Aflame

    For words like realise/realize, which spelling is preferred?

    I'm fine with either in the stories I read. Because I'm writing stories set in contemporary Australia, I use British/Australian English. It adds to the style of the story, especially with the one written in first person POV. Should a story from the POV of a twenty-three Australian who has never...
  4. Geek_Aflame

    Recommendations Fantasy BL that isn't Cultivation or World Hopping/System

    What type of fantasy? If you don't mind people suggesting their own stories I have a suggestion. I'm writing a small town urban fantasy/mystery series with a bisexual protagonist who's in a relationship with another man. I try to post regularly and I'm currently working with an editor to improve...
  5. Geek_Aflame

    Recommendations Your works?

    I write fantasy stories and love blending genres. Paranormal Fantasy/Mystery Paranormal/Political Drama/Crime
  6. Geek_Aflame

    Marriage romance!

    The protagonist in my story The Southern Magicks is married. Although romance isn't the main focus as it's a paranormal fantasy/mystery series, it does have slice of life vibes. I'd list fantasy romance as one of the genres as there are scenes that focus on the character's relationship and one...
  7. Geek_Aflame

    Where does everyone get their cover art?

    I downloaded a background picture from (the best free stock photo website I know) and created the cover in Canva using a book cover template. My current series cover is my favourite so far as I feel I've found the perfect photo and title font.