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  1. 6x

    What does your nickname say about you? (feat.

    There are 0 words made out of "x"... :blob_unamused:
  2. 6x

    Resolved Block Story from appearing anywhere

    Thx for pointing out this! I'll go and implement this feature in a reading list of my own. Also literally the only place I didn't find and look for this was in the settings of a list... Truly unintuitive.
  3. 6x

    Resolved Block Story from appearing anywhere

    Excuse me if this has already been implemented or requested, I couldn't find it. So. there is this one story I don't want to see, and I know I won't like it. I do not want to see it in the latest updates or trending. This feature could let me: block a story from appearing on the homepage and...
  4. 6x

    Recommendations Good Smut

    If you're fine with gender related things and injustice against the protagonist...